
Song of True Kingdom

Lee is an orphan adopted by Windyce, the second most powerful man in True Kingdom. The king, Young, aims to undermine Windyce's power. So he orders Lee to look for the monk's relics in endless Big desert. The conflict between Young and Windyce (the army commander of True Kingdom) begins. Young has three ambitious sons who are keen to be the new king. Their competition for the throne also starts. Step by step, Lee learns a lot on the road and finally becomes a monster fighting all his enemies. He thinks he would have a rest after intensive conflict. But the sudden invasion from anti-True Kingdom alliance completely destroy his dream.

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19 Chs

Falling City

From east to west, it is a chase among the clouds.

At the western border of the True Kingdom, Lee and his forty personal guards were galloping on the road. Passersby could only see rolling dust from behind, but no one was seen.

Since entering the western regions, Lee felt that gravel and sand entered his throat when he inhaled, and the taste was really not good.

Riding a horse and following Lee closely was his guard, Tang.

Tang had a strong body but a baby face, which formed a great contrast. Others were very surprised when they first saw him, but Lee didn't think it is strange after getting used to it. However, Lee was literally worried that the horse would not be able to support Tang's burly body and fall down.

When the sun rose in the sky, Lee saw the lonely Falling City.

Falling City, a city made of earth and mud, was on the edge of the western border of the True Kingdom. It rose from the northwest border of the western territory. Without anything to defend, Falling City had not been disturbed by war for decades. All this was because of the dreaded reputation of the True Kingdom.

Kyle, the founding King of the True Kingdom, was known throughout the world. Even though he died a long time ago, his name was still widespread. Other countries feared Kyle's fame and did not dare to invade the True Kingdom.

This is the True Kingdom!

Tang was excited when he saw the Falling City and shouted to Lee. "General, Falling City! Falling City!"

Lee did not respond, but took the lead and accelerated towards Falling City.

The General Governor of the Western Territory, Luka, once said. "Seeing the Falling City, missing the real world."

Looking at the Falling City from a distance, the desolate sense had filled the world. A mud city stands silently in the boundless wilderness, as if asking the gods: Why is the world so hard?

Further west of the Falling City across the border was the Big Desert. The sand dancing with the wind blew from the Big Desert to the Western Territory of the True Kingdom, and went straight to Falling City. The sky of the entire Western Territory was gray for at least three months in one year.

Near noon, Lee finally arrived at the foot of Falling City. A team of guards in front of the city gate gazed at Lee vigilantly, holding the sabers hanging on their waists.

Tang caught up with Lee, pulled the reins, and stopped on Lee's right. Forty personal guards followed, Tang gave an order, and the personal guards stopped one after another, a cloud of dust flowing.

Lee took a token from his arms and threw it out.

"Lee, the Brigadier General, pays a visit to the governor Wilcher."

One guard at the city gate ran and took the token, stunned for a moment, and then bowed respectfully to Lee. Next, he handed the token to the chief of the city guards.

"General, please wait," the chief rode into the city after saying.

Lee jumped off his horse, paced back and forth, looking up at the Falling City. Compared with the City of Victory, the capital of the True Kingdom, the Falling City seemed to belong to a different era. The City of Victory had magnificent architecture and gorgeous decoration, warriors and poets were bustling, all hoping to make fame for themselves in the City of Victory and leave their names in history. Even at night, the City of Victory was still brightly lit and crowded with pedestrians.

Falling City was a new city with only a few decades of history, but it was already full of the tempering of wind and frost. The city walls were covered with carvings of time, and the sand had given Falling City a new color.

That was the color of the people.

Erected next to the Big Desert as a barrier, Falling City had engraved the sorrows and sufferings of the people on the northwest border of the True Kingdom on the pillars and painted them in the houses.

Falling City also represented the glory of The True Kingdom.

More than sixty years ago, Kyle went west to conquer the Falling-Moon Kingdom, and his troops were invincible wherever they pointed. Kyle's literary and military strategies were unique. He led the army deep into the heart of the Big Desert, destroyed the main troops of the Falling-Moon Kingdom, killed ninety thousand enemies, captured tens of thousands of people, and won the battle. The royal family of Falling-Moon Kingdom were humiliated and begged for peace with Kyle, offering all the gold and compensating twenty thousand slaves. Since then, Falling-Moon Kingdom had never recovered. The royal family had been in civil strife for several decades. After the new ambitious king ascended the throne, to stabilize the country, he never easily used force. The whole country was hidden in the endless desert and had not invaded the True Kingdom since then.

On the way back to the City of Victory, Kyle decided to build a city in the northwest corner of the True Kingdom. On the one hand, he could collect intelligence from all forces in the desert and monitor the actions of the Falling-Moon Kingdom. On the other hand, it could be used as a place for traveling caravans to rest and trade.

Ten thousand slaves were left to build the city. Kyle said that this city was to commemorate the great achievements of the defeat of the Falling-Moon Kingdom, so it could be named Falling City.

Lee thought of Kyle's great achievements and could not help but sigh at the great luck of this famous king. All the emperors of the past dynasties were ambitious of conquering the Falling-Moon Kingdom, who had been invading the border for thousands of years. They had repeatedly sent troops to the Big Desert, but all returned in defeat. Only Kyle succeeded and made his name shining in history.


A shout pulled Lee back from his thoughts. Lee looked in the direction of the voice and saw a middle-aged man slowly walking out of the city gate, followed by the chief guard and another guard.

Needless to say, this middle-aged man in a green robe with silver patterns was the governor of Falling City.

"I don't know you come from afar. Apologize for not welcoming you."

The governor of Falling City was named Wilcher. Lee had heard from the Commander about him before. The Commander, who was always arrogant, said Wilcher was a wise man of the True Kingdom. As for how wise Wilcher was, the general didn't say.

"So kind of you, Wilcher. We have been traveling all the way from the City of Victory to here. We are tired. I hope you can find a place for us to rest."

Wilcher looked at the young man in front of him. Lee was lean, with strong features and silver armor. "What a young general!" Wilcher thought.

"No problem, Lucas," Wilcher turned to the followed guard and said. "Lee has just arrived in the Falling City. Go to arrange a place for them to stay. I will welcome them at Immortal Drunk today."

"Lee, let us go into the city," Wilcher continued saying.

"Wilcher, I have never met you before, right? Why do I feel like I know you?" Lee hesitated for a moment and said. 

Wilcher was stunned, and then humorously explained, "I feel like I have known you for a long time when I first met you today. Maybe you and I are destined to be friends."

Lee smiled and kept in silence, getting on his horse again.

After passing through the city gate, Lee saw a row of adobe houses. The yellowish earth walls was the characteristics of Falling City's architecture. The Big Desert had shaped the appearance of the Falling City.

Lee, who got used to the splendor of the City of Victory, was a little curious when he first saw this kind of adobe house. After moving forward for a while, he felt bored. These houses were too rough and stingy. If the Commander, who always advocated spaciousness and grandeur, sees them, he would tear it all down.

Seeing that Lee was not interested, Wilcher asked, "Is the Commander now in the City of Victory?"


"I have not seen the Commander for several years. Is he in good health?"

"He is a man of steel. Why do you ask that?" Lee's facial expression changed slightly, and there was confusion in his eyes.

"Nothing, just asking," Wilcher went over and said perfunctorily. "Let Lucas take you to arrange the accommodation for your guards. I will be waiting for you at Immortal Drunk."

Afterward, Wilcher nodded to Lee and just walked away.

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