
Song Of the Unknown

In the deepest parts of Wéixiǎn, the most beautiful forest in entire china but don't be fooled by it' s beauty it was said to be guarded by a mysterious spiritual creature but let's not go there deep in the forest laid the goddess Hao Yun the woman laid there after giving birth. it was said that she had an affair with the heavenly emperor, fell in love and got heartbroken after that sinful day, that she gave up her heart and body to the emperor but oh did she regret it after hearing that she was just a distraction from his true love Moe xian from peaches and spring fire and earth and the love she buried within was born a baby boy named Tama a precious jewel because of his luck and incomparable beauty that would put all girls to shame, his intelligence put as a prodigy never know. follow him as he confronts the bloodthirsty emperor his name says it all won over his throne with blood of many and now his soon to be husband he will go through pain and sorrow that could possibly break him but you never know what faith has in hands. As they "say Fear if as deep as the mind allows "

Lilmeowmeow_Chu · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

song of cry


" my baby, my sweet, sweet child why had you been born in such an awful world. born out of my unforgettable but still painful love for that man."

Deep in the forest of Wéixiňn, lay a mother with a baby in her arms. She as beautiful as morning sun and green spring, buried in her embrace was a baby on his forehead a mark symbolizing his great power as he was born as peach as spring surrounded by heavenly fire and earthly protection.

" You must never leave this forest my child, for you had been blessed by the divine beast with wisdom, by the nine tailed fox with beauty and given the title as Goddess of fertility by the gods above .

may be the divine beast protect you as u go, evolve, learn, and be wise with the decisions that you will have to take because I will soon leave and you my child because you are destined to a man of fierce heart wise but mind, take care my little Boon "

and so the child was left in the temple as his mother left with a pained look, but it is a fact that every mother wants to see their child good, but for her to see her child fine she would have to leave him.

and so as the years go by the small child grew and grew, and his beauty would put any woman to shame. platinum hair, slim body with the help of the many beast and familiars he learned how to do about everything.




16 years later...

"tap. Tap. Tap. Huff "

The sound of footsteps and heavy breathing resounds as they run around through the forest " Kuolo, hahaha you won't get me " the child excitedly says to the small raccoon running behind him " huff, young master wait. There is a ri- " "Wah!!!" " river, ha, poor young master, Kinue is going to scold him " just after that a nine tailed fox appeared from the river " stupid child, what have you done now, i told you to stay away from rivers because of your long hair is difficult to dry " the nine tails fox exclaimed as he changed into a beautiful spiky haired male " papa kinue... i'm sorry " the child said to the older male with his head down " don't let it happen again, let's go dry your hair "






" dear mother, today i made kinue mad, uh... i learned a new skill too Beku teach me, we trained in human form and i nearly got him, but he moved away, i will see u soon mother hope you get this "

The child wrote down on a parchment and watched as the paper burned up to the sky






" yes child... I hear you "