
Song of a lioness

Cersei lannister wasn’t always so rough and stone hearted there was a day she was cuter than kitten ...

Elizabeth_dreamer · Televisi
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13 Chs


Rose is a lady from the east, in her family, they learn how to seduce a man actually its in their DNA, women in their family can seduce anyone who they wish to and Rose did the same with Tywin Lannister, her goals lays on him.

She heard rumors about the lost girl in Lannister court, so what? She doesn't care, she won't end up like her, she knows what is she doing so well.

Cersei runs into behind the door of the dining room at breakfast gives her a slap

" How dare you sleep with my father!"

Rose frowns " I have feelings for him my lady " raises an eyebrow and Cersei gives her another slap.

" Did you hear about the last girl?" Cersei confesses

" I don't care, my lady" she gets into the room left the door open for Cersei, she sighs follows her in. Cersei realized that this one is a threat for her she isn't like others, she isn't at all.

Cersei isn't normal either, gets in sits beside Robert " I want to be Queen soon attack kings landing, my father is busy with girls I can't tolerate anymore he isn't planning anything!" Whispers and Robert listens carefully.

"it's not how things work Cersei, we have to till our men weaken the mad king first then you'll be Queen I promise " he assures her.

But it's not enough for a woman like Cersei greedy with a desire of power.

Later that day, she sends one of the women to the king's court to spy on him and write to Cersei every day and she starts planning to weaken the king with power of seduction and his desire for women.

The day has come which Jaime and Cersei have to marry, a day of joy and grief for both twins they are sitting together but not belong together and has to tolerate the fake act of love to another person but it's good for the house so they risk their own feelings to get stability for the house of gold and victory.

Cersei wears a long red gown with a sign if lion on her sides and Jaime wears a red robe with a sign of lion on his sides they take each other's hands look at each other with love and lust then look back at their own man and wife with no feelings but a duty. Robert kisses Cersei with no feelings for the good of the realm. Jaime kisses lady Marina with no feelings for the good of the house.

The marriage between each couple starts with no hope for happiness but the hope of power and success, this is how marriage for great men and women works so let be it.

Next day Cersei walks onto Jaime's chamber gets in without knocking sees the girl is getting ready to go out onto the dining room and Jaime is still sleeping Cersei sits on the bed beside Jaime ignoring the new bride

" Jaime, Jaime wake up father is leaving to kings landing " Jaime sits up on the bed kisses Cersei's cheek " how's my beautiful kitten?" He teases Cersei smirks " Get up father is leaving wants to say goodbye " Jaime shrugs " he stole my wife " confirms Cersei laughs mockingly " you didn't care so much anyway, I'll take her down in the right time "

Jaime nods kiss Cersei on the lips when his wife isn't looking then gets up to walk out Cersei gets up as well Marina. Turns to face her "I should go too?" Asks politely Cersei smiles " sure if you want to " and they go to the garden.

Rose is standing beside Tywin takes his arm in her tiny palms Tywin kisses her on the lips looks at his children " you are late I was leaving " Cersei shrugs " Jaime was sleeping it took time to wake him up "

Rose kisses Tywin's cheek " we should go Tywin " he nods as an agreement when Rose is about to get in the carriage Cersei frowns whispers something in Jaime's ear that makes him chuckle Tywin gets into the carriage everyone gets surprised but he wants to sit beside his new, alluring lover everyone says goodbye to them and stayed till they get so far and disappeared in front of their eyes.

Rose smiles when Tywin pulls her on his lap

" When we will get to kings landing my lord?" Asks gently when Tywin licks her neck " soon my lovely Rose, soon "

Rose knows how to make him mire thirsty for her she is well-trained kisses him deeply moves her center against his lap moans in his ear " Lord Tywin you are the hottest man in the realm I get wet just looking at you " she says seductively. Tywin replies with a firm squeeze of her rear.

" you are ?" He groans, Rose giggles girly

" just feel it yourself " and she moans loudly when he pulls her skirt up to examine.

In the castle, Cersei is still stand in the garden worries about her father's feelings to this whore She is it normal at all she can't understand why Jaime can't see! It's too obvious! Her father never fell I love like this before she must be a witch or something ! Ahe is worried to be late, she has to do something about her, about their beloved father.

She gets distracted by Jaime's voice turns to face him " what is it?" She furrows her brows Jaime shrugs " Its getting cold you don't want to get in?" He takes her arm

" Im worried " she confesses. Jaime chuckles in return " you worry too much Cersei she just loves him " he raises an eyebrow Cersei sighs " and you worry about anything! How a young lady at ky age can love an old man like Father without any special plans? " she lays her hands on her waist " everything is strange Jaime, and I will find out soon " she sighs Jaime nods " you are tired Cersei come let's drink something just you and me in our favorite restaurant without father's interruption " he offers

Cersei shrugs " I don't know Jaime what about Robert? What I should tell him?" He pouts. Jaime shrugs " I'll tell him you were tired so I took you for a ride, he wouldn't mind I'm sure " He chuckles leads Cersei up to the stables as always Cersei takes her white horse with long and strong legs and Jaime his especial black one he jumps on it with a quick move rides it fast Cersei makes her horse run faster giggles " I'll beat you" she gasps. Jaime chuckles loudly " we'll see," he said making his horse run even Quicker Robert see them riding away chuckles looks at Lyanna "I had a talented student she is really good in riding now" he admits

" not better than me " she raises an eyebrow

" jealous again?" Robert teases laughs loudly makes lyanna frown more.

When Cersei gets in the restaurant sits on her especial spots Jaime left to order something makes her think more about her father and the fact that he is cursed or something she decides to send a local man to find out about this and protect her father against the devil she waves for one of Jaime's friends he steps onto Cersei smiles friendly she takes a deep breath and asked him for help when he left Jaime gets back sits in front of her " what George wanted here?"

" Just wanted to know how are we and what is new with us" she lied doesn't wan Jaime ruin her plan and Jaime accepts her " I ordered the bread you love " he winks and Cersei giggles after eating, Cersei holds her belly feels something is wrong in her stomach she feels a bit dizzy as well, Jaime notices " what's wrong?" He asks Cersei gets up runs toward the bathroom before she gets enough time to explain anything to him when she gets out Jaime is standing out of the bathroom wonders what is happening.

Cersei wipes her lips with tissue " its been days I feel this I keep waiting to get better but it won't go Im scared to see maester " she confesses

Jaime sighs " how you could hide this from me? , I could help you! Although you wanted to die before have time to see a maester " Cersei sighs

" I'll be fine, actually im a lot better now" she looks down but Jaime wouldn't listen he takes her to the city's maester he doesn't talk in front of Cersei and says has to talk with Jaime in private, so Jaime follows him out " your wife is expecting," he says thinking they are couple Jaime frowns " what? Are you sure?" He asks tries to pretend nothing wired happened the maester nods and told Jaime there is no reason for Cersei's situation but being pregnant Jaime gets shocked takes a deep breath starts to walk in front of the maester's cabin. Finally, Cersei steps out of the Cabin doesn't know what happened, Jaime glares at her " you slept with someone?" He accuses her angrily

" no why?" She lied again this time Jaime lifts her up pushes her against the tree " you are expecting a child!" He says angrily pins her onto the tree, Cersei looks at him surprised " Jaime, let me go! Please ahh! Jaime Lannister !" She shouts struggling to let herself free. Jaime let her go on the ground " who is the father? Cersei tells me before I kill you here" he is shaking of anger, Cersei starts to cry " the guard in the North " she confessed Jaime slapped her hard

" You are having a guard's child! Oh god's CERSEI! I told you to stay away from him!" Pulls her off the ground throws her again " I kill this child now!" He starts beating Cersei but the master separates them and his wife takes Cersei in the Cabin. The master talks to Jaime outside till the sun gets to its pick, Cersei cried so much that the pillow is wet now she is shocked and heartbroken cause Jaime could beat her.

She thought he never could lay a hand on her, When Jaime gets in she jumps off the bed frightened, Jaime steps to her hugs her " Im sorry, I was shocked and scared, couldn't think clearly"

Cersei pulls away sits on the bed " go away " she replied but instead of going away, Jaime sits beside her wipes her tears he never wants this to happen he loves his sweet sister he can't see her sad cause of what he did "I will kill him and his child" he confesses

Cersei looks down at her foot regretfully. Jaime looks at her " he was good? Better than me?" Asks worry. Cersei blushes " I don't know Jaime we never did the sex but in making love you are better " she confessed

Jaime pushes her on bed lifts her skirt up " then tell me who is better after this" Cersei gasps strongly Jaime relieves his manhood only to slip it in Cersei she closes her eyes, Jaime licks her lips " open them, look at me" Jaime commands and Cersei obeys without thinking Jaime pins her hands against the bedsheets moves in her deep and as quick as he can biting her lips in the same time, he is doing it aggressively and angrily that makes him be quicker and deeper Cersei is trembling under him moans all with each move. Jaime enjoys watching her moaning for him he pulls down the top of her dress to invade her chest as he always does. With his free hand plays with her rear Cersei feels like an instrument that Jaime knows how to play. " you are mine" he groans in her ear " mine Cersei . " he bites her neck knowing the mark will be there for few days. They are so loud that all people in the city will talk about it later but Jaime doesn't care he is jealous, angry and wants to claim her over and over so that she won't think of cheating on him ever again.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Use your power stone to cheer a lioness to write more ...

It's quite different from what you heard in Game of thrones

Elizabeth_dreamercreators' thoughts