
Chapter 85: OH BOy

After getting the children of Athena to help him, Enychta decided to look for his two little lovers, and before you ask, yes, he was horny again, but that wasn't the only reason that he wanted to look for them! In fact, he wanted to discuss more about their new house, because no way in Tartarus that he is letting them sleep away from him! They also wouldn't want that, so of course they are going to sleep beside him.

Plus, they get what they want.

Whic is basically make Enychta sleep naked for an undertermined amount of timr, who knows, he might get used to sleeping naked and might actually sleep naked every single night... That's kinda what thye hope it happens. As he walked down the path to cabin 11, or in this cases, Hermes's cabin, he saw a bunch of horses with wings, they were the so called Pegasus, or Pegasi because there were more than one in the flock that flew above him.

Enychta felt quite tempted to just fly after them in a hunting spree, but h held back a little bit... Can't embarrass them by arriving at Cabin 11 full of horse blood from head to toe, even though he could lick it off, he wouldn't want others to see him after he "cleaned" with LUke's and Pruno's help... No! Think bonk thoughts, do not be horny at this moment brain of mine. "Damn, it is getting harder to not think about that..." Eny whispered as his hand touhced a certain place, he frowned and quickly became a monster that coud better hide his arousal, in this case, his lower-half body became that of a spider, a better way to hide a boner than wlking awkwardly around others... Or maybe he shouldn't hide his boner, and instead be proud, but he is amongst children and he is not a pervert like Pruno is, so he will keep to himself!

HIs eight legs quickly carried him forward, at full speed towards Hermes's cabin.

At just teh entrance of the building, the building which looked older and more worn out, Enyhcta frowned before deciding to give this place a good painting job after he is finished with his own cabin, just below the hanging Caduceus at the entrance to cabin 11 stood the blond boy Enychta knew and loved, he was talking to two other little boys, one clearly a little taller than the other one if by an inch or two, not very noticable for normal humans, but definetly noticable for Demigods! "Now Connor, dont fight with your younger brother, go on, apologize or else..." At this moment, Luke noticed the half-spider half-hotboi that was running towards them and smiled gently: "Or else the monsters will get you." As soon as he finished his sentence, he pointed towards the spider Enychta who understood Luke's plan... He'll get him to compensate him for his services in a very special way~

"ROAR" His upper body changed intirely in an instant, his jaw unhinged and expanded, exposing thousands of teeth as he roared his deep and menancing roar that scared the shit out of the little boy, who began to cry while hugging his brother and begging for forgivness, when Enychta was just a few inches away, he stopped and his body began to crack and break as he trasnformed back. "See? It's always best to apologize, right?" Luke's gentle voice awoke both boys out of thier stuppor as they saw that the terrifying monster was gone... As if it vaishe from thin air... They looked at Luke, a little suspicious but still scared as hell and ran back into the cabin, just after they were insdie the cabin, not caring if they could hear him, Enychta howled into a laugh as he held his stomach with one arm and held Luke wiht the other. "i-i, haha- Dind't know you were such a tricky man, dear..."

"What can i say? I'm a child of Hermes, trickery runs deep in my blood along with my deep cleptomaniac behaviour." Luke stated proudly, his eyes shining with pride as he held Enychta's hand that was holding him . "Thank you for helping on my little trick..." Luke smiled at Eny, who smiled back, a little more... Malicous. "Oh, right, that reminds me... I need compensation for my work as well!" After saying this, Enychta clasped his Luke's head with his hands gently and gave him the deepest kiss Luke ever felt in his life. His tongue pushed down Luke's throat, not giving the boy a chance to retaliate or even think about what was happening as he soon took advantage fo the boy's stunned moment to pick him up in a princess carry and run away back to the Demeter cabin, cabin 4, where Pruno is receiving cooking lessons from the children of Demeter. It was Pruno's own desire to elarn how to cook from the children of Demeter, he wanted to be, according to his own words: "A lazy housewife who stays home, doens't fight, and has sex regularly."

The sex part is something Enychta can get behind, after all, he would never leave either of his little lovers horny. He will make sure to always satisfy them till they beg for him to stop! And maybe he will make them beg for more, who knows, he just thinks they would be cute beggin-


Again, there goes his brain thinking kinky stuff again...

Luke, being held in Enychta's arms, felt the world spin fast and when he oppened his eyes again (He was a child of Hermes, getting used to speed and sudden changes is something he can do pretty fast!) he saw that they were approaching Demeter'S cabin rather faster than eh thoight they would! He looked at Eny's face and only saw his face darken as he felt something touhving his ass... OH boy.

-Scene Breaks-

Author Notes:

There are errors everywhere, but i don't care.

Too gay and tired to care.