
Chapter 77: Mission Complete.

"Oh, your Divinity is Speed... A Divinity also depends on who you are and who is your Godly Parent, so due to your father being the Traveller God Hermes, you can even walk on air, but now you can run through it too. You'll have to explore your divinity to know the limits of it, I can't help you with that, sadly. I am grateful for your help in giving me the Veil of the Night, I've already given the Veil of Secrets for you. I don't wish to sound rude but you've been here for a week now." Isis gently threw them shades at the trio, who could only thank her for her hospitality and leave. She was much more well-mannered than others from the Greek Pantheon! Because, damn.

Hestia would be the most lovable person in the whole Greek Pantheon, followed by Hades. I mean, they didn't do much, Hades only "kidnapped" Persephone, which wasn't kidnapping since Persephone wanted to come along and live with him in the underworld, but Demeter had to cause a fucking scene and have everything turned into a Yandere story...

"I thank you for your hospitality, great Goddess Isis, may you have a wonderful day." Enychta bowed slightly for a second, holding Luke in a princess carry while Pruno climbed his back when he bowed, giving him a funnier appearance, like a mother monkey taking her children to climb a tree... Isis chuckled at that image while a swirling portal of sand appeared just before them, without hesitation Enychta jumped straight into it. Pruno and Luke were surprised for a second and blinked, when they opened their eyes, they were in the middle of the Sahara Desert!

-Scene Cut-

It took them a few hours to go back to the United States, on the way back they examined the Veil of Secrets and it was a great magical item, its effects were simple yet powerful. It blocked completely any attempt to check on the wearer via magic ways, like Scrying for example, and physical as it disguised you to look like an unrecognizable person... Like someone you saw in a dream, someone you can't quite remember.

They had to give it to Nyx to complete their first mission together, which sincerely was quite amazing. They had fights, they had adventure, they explored Egypt before leaving and visited a lot of interesting places, and had tons of fun... And better yet, they had a successful mission!

When they landed on US grounds, a black swirling mass of darkness manifested before them, it had black skin, thin arms, and long thick legs, with fur In its body and fangs as well as black bat-like wings on its back. It was a Night Servant, a lesser Night Creature that served the Goddess of the Night, as it bowed to Enychta in its ugly form, it spoke: "Greetings and Salutations, Lord Enychta Astérie, son of the Great Primordial Goddess of the Night Nyx, I've come to retrieve the Item, according to my mistress wishes." The thing spoke like a fluent butler, which instantly reminded Enychta of Grenade, the Hellhound probably missed him, he will make sure to call him after he is done with things here.

"Very well," Enychta said, he did not need confirmation, after he met his mother he felt strange energy around her, and right now he is feeling it around this creature, which means it has been in the presence of his mother and therefore, it is her servant. Enychta hadn't time to think about that energy, maybe later he will try to see if he has such energy inside him, it was different from his [Cosmic Magic], like something... Different and new, something darker, and he soon figured out what it was, it probably was [Night Magic] or even [Dream Magic], he had yet to learn how to use them because he only unlocked [Cosmic Magic]. He has been slacking off on training the spells, he will do that later, he needs to be strong because he changed the world.

Now that Luke won't be the vessel for Kronos, who would be?

That is a question he is afraid to ask himself but he needs to be prepared for it as well.

Maybe he should try and awake a Divinity? If he does, what would his Divinity be? Goddess Isis said it depends on who he is and who his Godly Parent is... And going by that logic, he has a great chance to awake a divinity related to the night or darkness, as well as monsters because he is a Legacy of Echidna.

Something like [Shadow] or [Brutality], or even [Glutonny] if it takes his nature to just devour his enemies... He should probably consider doing that in front of some people.

As he took out the Veil of Secrets, he placed it on a box and the box glowed slightly. It was just a precaution because you never know... This box was bought in Egypt, it was a golden box with some decorations there, like some symbols like the Eye of Horus, the Sun Disk, the Ankh, the Djed, the Was Scepter, and some others. It was purely decoration wise and it had no religious meaning at all, it was also magically enchanted by Enychta to make it secure. He had read some of the books he took with him, such as the Enchanting Book where he learned the [Lock] and [Block] Enchantments.

[Lock]: Locks any lockable target magically, can only be unlocked by breaking the locked target or magically taking out the enchantment. It can be also deactivated and reactivated by the enchanter's will, like on/off.

[Block]: Blocks any magical or physical damage to the enchanted target until a certain threshold, in which the rest of the damage will pass through the enchantment and be dealt to the enchanted target. It also blocks magical detection to som extent.

It was a precaution so that nothing may try to get the box, he also made sure to look at the creature that was going to make the delivery directly in the eyes and say: "Do not dare to lose this box... If you do, I'll make sure you won't even return to Tartarus." As soon as he said the of the Abyss, the monster who was going to make delivery squealed like a 5-year-old baby as he vanished into the shadows, leaving a very perturbed duo of pink-haired and blond-haired youngsters who only looked at Enychta with a raised eyebrow, making him smile sexily to them. "Let's go back to Camp... I want to stay with you two and cuddle close..."

And with that, they completed their first mission.

-Scene Cut-

No one even questioned why the Goddess of the Night, Nyx, wanted or even needed the Veil of Secrets from the Goddess of Magic, Isis. As soon as the Lesser Night Creature arrived at her castle deep within Tartarus, it bowed and presented her with a golden box with Egyptian symbols... It was an enchanted box, she smiled slightly at the thought as she reached her hand forward and the box simply disappeared in a swirl of darkness before reappearing on her hand.

The box cracked before it exploded and revealed the dark grey veil inside it, which made the Primordial Goddess of the Night smile sweetly. "Now... Let's start."

And with that last whisper, she disappeared from Tartarus as billions of little voices laughed and made strange noises from the walls of the castle. If one had their eyes open within this castle, they would see every single creepy creature that crawls in the night as well as every single terror from the darkest corner of their mind, driving them insane at a mere glance... They would see Night Eldritch Terrors.

-Scene Ends-

Let's make a trade.

I receive: Your anxiety

You receive: A mysterious maybe foreshadowing.