
Chapter 38: Mansion Mystery (Part 4)

[July 2, 2000]

Morning soon came, Enychta was awake and easily woke the others up by simply retracting his fur and destroying the paradise they were in, allowing the cold air of the morning to touch their skin and wake them up. Thalia was the first one to wake up shivering from the sudden temperature change, she coughed as she sharply breathed in and felt like there hundreds of ants going down her throat, which is not very pleasant. Luke woke right after that gasp, he shuttered for a second before sighing and getting up, he knew that Eny would always wake them up using the cold temperature, he already knew what to do after waking up!

He placed his feet on the ground as his net simply retracted back to Eny's body, he could pull back the silk he produced yes, which was something that did not come naturally to him and he had to learn how to do that and it is somewhat painful for him to do that. "Good morning Eny~" A sweet and melodic voice caught Luke's attention, he looks at Pruno who was scratching Eny's big chin like he is a dog, and although Eny's golden cold eyes stare down at him as if he is going to kill him, his scorpion tail betrays him by wagging. It was a strange sight to see a big scorpion tail just wagging from side to side, a simple blur leaving afterimages behind! Eny's tail is very fast.

"Fuck! It's cold." Thalia sighs as she feels the cold air again, sighing she gets up from her net and as soon as her feet are touching the ground, the net she was lying on simply is absorbed by Enychta's body again: "I always find that creepy." Thalia comments before stretching her arms and yawning, she looks at the changing form of Eny as his body shrank and his black fur vanished leaving behind the 6 feet tall muscular body, some scars here and there, black hair of Enychta. He stretched his sore arms and everyone could hear the cracking noises that came from his joints, his mouth opened like a lazy cat as he yawned satisfied with his life for a few seconds before sighing. He looked at Pruno who had his clothes, he was completely naked and everyone could see his private parts...

His big private parts.

"My eyes are up here, little boy." Eny just "woke" up, so his voice was even sexier than it normally is, just the sound of his voice made Pruno's legs weak as he looked up to see Enychta's purple eyes turn golden for a second before they return to purple. "S-sorry sir," Pruno whispered and Eny's body reacted to it, he sighed when he noticed that the submissive attitude Pruno had with him made his "beastly" instincts go haywire. "Don't call me that," Eny warned Pruno, he could not give him a reason because he would then know it was one of his weaknesses and would use it against him to try and seduce him.

Luke tried hard to ignore the naked hunk that was Enychta right now by focusing on his mystery at hand, he completely ignored the conversation happening between Eny and Pruno and looked through his notes. He spent some time of his night writing down everything he thought of this case, like some things like the scent of the possible murderer that Eny smelled, the fight they had with the red lions, and some other things.

"Detective Luke, can you please get your two boyfriends to stop flirting while one of them is naked?" Thalia's voice caught his attention, she had her hands over her eyes so she didn't need to see anything, Luke turned around to speak but he was met with the burning gaze of a pink-haired boy that was on his knees on the floor looking at him, just behind him was Enychta, wearing his clothes. Pruno had this absolute horny gaze on his eyes that made Luke feel hot all over his body, he coughed hard when he noticed Enychta's golden eyes stare at him and he knew why... He could smell his arousal.

-Scene Cut-

It took Luke a few minutes to successfully distract himself from the awkward situation from before, so he decided to have everyone search together for clues. The first place they went was the Attic, the place that had the least amount of rooms! They found nothing but papers there and most of them were completely blank, a broken bed was there too together with a broken bottle.

Next was the Basement, the second place with the least amount of rooms to look through, and there they found what they were looking for: Clues!

As they entered the dark basement, Pruno shoved his hand down the bag that was near Eny's waist and pulled out a flashlight, illuminating the darkness of the basement and everyone could see it now, well Eny didn't need the flashlight but the others did. They slowly walked down the stairs, each step would make the wood creak in a very scary way, plus the darkness and the tension in the air contributed to the creation of a very creepy atmosphere. Like something would happen...

With Pruno at the front, Thalia, and Luke in the middle, and Enychta behind, they continued their descent into the darkness below. The basement had three cells containing three skeletons as well, the three skeletons were male according to Luke and one of the three had a book beside it, a diary. The writer was named Norman Dween, and he was a son of Dionysus... Some of the pages were incomplete as if they were pulled away and cut off by nails or something sharp.

"I don't know what would happen! If it wasn't for Green she would have been gone, the love of our life, gone like that! I knew that she didn't love us yet, but she will eventually, we just need to keep her close and she will get used to having us around, Herman wanted to force himself into her, so she could get used to it faster, but we stopped him before he could do it... But it didn't mean I didn't want to, Gerard still would beat her up whenever she tried to escape, he broke her neck this time! That son of Ares is so aggressive, at least he didn't try to force himself into her like that son of Hephaestus. As a son of Dionysus, I would never let the opportunity pass, so I gave her my finest wine in the hopes that she would be so intoxicated that she would want to sleep with us, but no, ot didn't work I had even bet my name on it, guess I am not called Norman Dween anymore. We're running out of options, I think we should just force her to accept it."

Luke finished reading one of the pages of the diary, everyone had a different expression knowing that the female skeleton was been kept here against her will and was probably raped...

But now they knew the names.

Norman Dween, son of Dionysus

Gerard son of Ares

Herman son of Hephaestus

And Green son of another God...

The mystery was coming closer to its completion.