
Chapter 142: Eat


That's what he needs to do to remember!

"Eat." Enychta whispered, his eyes going blank for a second as he held his head with two of his hands, making both Luke and Pruno quite surprised by his next words: "EAT! I need to eat Them!" His face started to shift, his body started t transform, his two pair of arms were shifting into long legs, and before they could even register what was happening, Enychta was a giant spider on the floor, making strange gurgling sounds from his mouth as a green liquid dripped from it. However, both startled lovers could hear through their bonds the words 'EATEATEATEATEATEATEATEATEAT' over and over again as the giant spider began running up the wall, as if it wanted to leave the underworld by crawling upwards.

"Eny!" Pruno cried out for him, but all he could feel through their bond was this overwhelming hunger that made him dizzy, LUke was already running, due to his Speed Divinity and Dimension Divinity, he could easily catch up to the spider, since he could simply take a step forward and run through space, essentially teleporting beside the Spider. "Eny!" Luke also called out, touching the sgiant spider, who reacted by throwing a ball of white silk on him, he dodged it slightly surprised, but then he had to dodge several of the same. A barrage of silk balls, probably sticky too, were thrown towards the blond god so quickly that he couldn't dodge fast enough- Maybe it was the sudden increase in gravity as well- and he was suddenly caught by dozens of those silk balls, getting stuck to the ceiling of the underwolrd, which was strange to say the least.

Suddenly, a giant tree started to grow from below, and on top of the tree stood the pink-haired god who had this worried but also very pissed face that was exquisitely adorable on him- "Enychta Astérie, calm the fuck down." Not that he thought it would work, because the overwhelming feeling of hunger was still strong in their minds, the connection they shared made it surprisingly easy to endure this feeling, which also meant that it probably was worse to Eny. "Eat him, I need to eat her, I need to eat them, i need it-" The talking spider suddenly stopped his words as Pruno pulled it down using a golden rope mmade out of pure divine energy, which was something he just learned he could use, albeit in a limited amount. He was still a Minor God, even though he received the Nature Divinity from Gaea, his own soul wuoldn't handle the stress to instanlty go from a Newborn God to a Primordial God!

That's probably why the rest of the energy that would've gone to the Divinity that they received from Eny went to their Divine Spark and awoke them into true Divinities- That's why Pruno has both the Life and Death Divinities while Luke has the Speed Divinity. When the Goddess Isis mentioned Luke having the Divinity of Speed, maybe she was looking at it in the future, since she can actually do that at will or even without noticing sometimes.

The Spider-Eny fell back to the floor of the Underworld, screeching in rage as he raised his claw-like paws at was ready to strike down on the creature that tried to stop it from eating- Pruno did no move, instead staring at the ginat spider, making a giant tree wither is so easy now- but when he saw the pink color, he stopped. The hunger still screamed inside his soul, trying to eat everything he wanted, the desire to eat that person, to eat the creature that took his memories, so he could then be able to recover his memories, was still there, scratching his soul. Screaming in his head that he needed to find them, needed to eat them, or else he would lose everything he cares about.

But he was about to attack everything he cares about. He was about to. He truly is a monster, isn't he?

Pruno and Luke stood side by side as the giant spider monster just stood there, looking down at them, through their bond the could still feel something, something deep down there, deep down Eny's very soul- They reached out, even without knowing what they were doing, they reached out and grabbed it with their minds, and then- Pain.

Pain burned wwhite hot insde their heads, making them wince, making them whimper, making them cry. Pain kept hurting them for seconds only, but it felt like years. When they realized that they were 'back', the very first thing they noticed was the new memory inside their heads, a memory deep hidden inside Eny's soul, somehwre the person who erased his memories couldn't reach to temper with those memories, but they also noticed that the demonic Enychta was back, and he was peacfully sleeping with them on top of his large torso.

"That was..." Luke lost his words for that moment, the pain he felt was still burning deep inside his head, making him feel an almost blind rage when he remembered the face that the memory had, the face of the person who erased Eny's memories- Well, they couldn't erase some of them, they could change it, sure, but not erase one fully.

"Yes. That was awful. That was something he experienced, that was something i wish i could take for him, but i now know i couldn't, i wouldn't be able to. I wouldn't be able to endure the pain he went through to save us, and i hate that." Pruno was crying tears of rage, his whole heart was bleeding as he sighed calmly. "I know exaclty what i want to do now..." Luke nodded, he also knew what he wanted to do now.

"We're gonna find that person, we're gonna bring their head on a silver platter for Eny to-"

He couldn't even complete his sentence, because Eny did it for him on his own, sleeping stae, as he whispered like he was having the most wonderful dream: "Eat..."

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

There you have it, Eny hid one memory deep inside his soul by slowly pushing it down, where most of the memories about certain things were. His heritage surely helped, the soul of a demon is very gross and cannot be touched carelessly, unless you have the full trust of that demon, has a soul contract with that demon that says you can touch their soul, or you are powerful enough to rip the demon's ssoul out of their body at will.

And because Eny is a Prince of Hell, this protective effect allowed him to hide a memory that would drive him to eat Enis, to eat them and recover his memories.