
Chapter 131: Normal Day

A new day in Camp Hal-Blood starts with a great breakfast...

Or a Chaotic one.

When you're on the Nyx Cabin, you have a chaotic first few hours of the day- and all the day, mostly because of Pruno's teasings, Luke's reactions and pleas for it to stop, Eny's teasing them both, Nico taking notes and cringing on some of the flirting jokes Eny would say, Bianca face-palming, Thalia cackling like a thunder, and Annabeth ignoring it all- when everyone still has this extra energy to burn. Enychta always cooks because out of everyone there, only he and Annabeth could cook! Well, Annabeth is the daughter of Athena and the Children of Athena are good on crafts and arts, and cooking can be considered both. Eny likes coffee, he also took a liking to foods with the purple color- even when it makes some of them look rather poisonous- because it "Tastes better"

"The color of the food doesn't affect the taste, ENy." Annabeth tried to rationalize, but Eny was always ready to discuss with the daughter of Athena: "Oh, it does. You see, color is a visual of the food, which can make it appealing to others, just like little kids don't like to eat green food and prefer milky or red to pink food because in their mind it tastes better, in my mind, purple food tastes way better." Annabeth hummed as Eny went on: "That's one of the reasons parents try to catch the attention of the kid with some kind of phrase like 'Here comes the airplane', like, it catches the kid's attention and makes them ignore the food for a moment before they open their mouth and eat whatever it's on the spoon." That's Eny's take on that, at least.

"See there?" He pointed towards NIco, who was focused on his food, there was a headset on his head, a gift he gave him on chirstmas last year. "Nico is not paying attention to his food, so if i do this..." Faster than Annabeth could notice, Eny moved his hand and placed another piece of purple bread alongside peanut butter, and Nico who was not paying any attention, ate it without a care. "See? That's why i also gotta increase your awareness training, can't have you distracted while you feed yourself... I could've poisoned him." Annabeth sighed while biting on her purple cupcake that Eny gave her, Luke was being fed by the smirking Pruno Begoni, who had a very sexy bedhair he must confess. "You're thinking about me again, dear." There he goes, with his almost supernatural sense to detect whenever him or Luke are thinking about him in any way, shape, or form.

"*sigh* You really know me. Thinking about you all the time..." Eny confessed while a dark, shadowy hand rose from the table and passed the butter to Thalia, who quickly said a "Thanks" before taking a chunk out of it and putting it on her mouth, eating the butter. "You know humanity invented something called food, as well as the concept of sin and blasphemy..." Bianca whispered to the side as she watched, horrified as Thalia ate the butter raw, without anything else, without putting the butter on anything else. "I am a heathen, i must confess my sins!" Thalia dramatically groaned, mouth full of butter as Luke sighed from the side, giving Pruno another grape.

"Today's the game, right? Capture the Flag." Enychta said as he flipped another purple pancake, how does he get the purple color? well, a secret that he'll never say. "The New Blood's gonna participate on the game, right?" Looking at the blond hottie boyfriend who was being fed by his other boyfriend, Enaychta smiled. He really loved them. He would do anything to protect them. "I guess so-" Luke began to speak, but was stopped by a piece of apple.

Their breakfast table was full. Purple bread, Purple cupcakes, purple pancakes, butter, fruit, and of course, peanut butter. Enychta loved cooking while Pruno and Luke started to get good at painting, they went from nature to humanoid modles, more especifically, him. They really wanted to pain him like one of their french grils... Yeah, they wanted him to be their naked model- which he wasn't against, if it wasn't for the fact that Pruno uses the brush to tease him, not paint the damn thing.

Soon after breakfast, their day started normally.

Luke went on to do his Camp Councelor thing, Pruno went to the Hospital that was on Apollo's cabin, Annabeth went to the Athena's Cabin to train on her arts before going to the Capture the Flag game, NIco and Bianca went to Hades' Cabin to clean it up- most harpies do not dare enter the Hades' Cabin, nor the Nyx's Cabin, in fear they'll be killed, so they have to clean it up at least once every week. Thalia went to the Ares' Cabin to challenge someone while ENy stayed behind to clean everything, wash soe clothes, some dishes, and then leave the cabin to fly around camp and do his CAmp Councelor thing just like Luke and Pruno were doing.

But things started to get heated up when it was time for the Capture the Flag game! Enychta was the referee of the game, to make sure no one was hurt... Well, too hurt. Pruno was on the healing duty while Luke was there with him to be his ambulance, taking him to wherever Enychta called with his mighty roar. Well, most of the times the kids abide by the rules, because having a huge black dragon look down from the sky at you is really a great way to keep someone from breaking the rules. Oh well, unless you were on the bathroom?

Everything was going on normally, that is, until Percy appeared and everything went down. Enychta just watched as the boy fought and killed the Hellhound before Pruno was there, healing him. MOst of the campers were kneeling though, because of the sea green Poseidon's symbol floating above the boy's head, which was something most residents of the Nyx cabin ignored completely. "It looks like we now have the trio here." Eny chuckled, and it's true.

Thalia, Daughter of Zeus.

Nico Di'Angelo, Son of Hades. Bianca Di'Angelo, Daughter of Hades.

And now? Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon came to camp.

The future is dark...

The fates weave their threads, like spiders, waiting carefully for the little flies to be caught by it, unable to escape their mighty threads.