
Chapter 125: Rain


Your might think rain is normal, and it is, but it only rains in Camp Half-Blood if the Gods will it to.

And there is was.


Nico looked out of the window from the second floor of the Nyx Cabin, a place he regularly stays and lives here in Camp Half-Blood, of course he and his sister goes to school, they leave with Pruno, who Nico considers his brother due to the fact that his step-mom is Persephone. Pruno got really good at Shadow Travel and he has been teaching him and Bianca a lot about the Underworld while Luke has been teaching them a lot of things and filling up the gap of knowledge from the years they spent on that club till now.

It was sincerely confusing how many years passed since he saw his mother... He sometimes misses her even though she was a shitty person, Eny taught him he only missed the image of her he had in his mind, not her, and after spending two whole years with Enychta, Luke, Pruno, Thalia, and Annabeth, he learned what a true family felt like. He was happy... Thalia was the Daughter of Zeus while he and Bianca were the children of Hades, Nico, however, was impressed to learn that Enychta was Nyx's son.


Because the first thing he learned about Olympus was a myth where Hypnos, son of Nyx, messed with Zeus putting him to sleep, and when Zeus found out he wanted to murder him! But when he learned Hypnos was a child of Nyx, he quote on quote"Became Elsa and let it go", Enychta's words, not his. He didn't know what that meant, in fact, no one knew what that meant, making Enychta curse saying: "Too early".

He looked at the raindrops running down the window glass, his hand touching it, there was a sudden lightning bolt and he flinched from both the sight of the lightning bolt but also from the touch on his shoulder, he turned around to see Enychta holding out to him a cup of hot chocolate with three purple marshmallows, he always says purple food tastes the best even though the color doesn't change at all the flavour. "It's getting late you know? So drink up and go to sleep, i don't want to see you tired tomorrow morning... Because we will start your training in monster fighting."

For two years Nico learned as much as possible from the outside world, just one year ago he started learning Necromancy from Pruno, who learned it from Persephone herself, while Enychta was teaching him a little about stealth since it was one of the things he could do very well, Nico even saw him vanish from thin air once when he stepped into the shadows and stood quietly, observing him. It was honestly creepy.

"But Eny, i wanna watch the rain, its been two years and this is the first time I've seen raining here!" Enychta could only sigh as Pruno came into the room, Nico's room, with a smile on his face as he dragged both Luke and Bianca with him, the smile was incredibly mischievous, Thalia came behind him with Annabeth as well, making Nico a little bit confused as the excited Pruno entered the room and began to drag both Eny and him as Eny sighs and asks: "Is it that day?"

"Yep!" Was the only answer he received, making Nico and Bianca confused, noticing their lack of context, Annabeth, who was now beside him and his sister with a soft smile in her lips: "You see, Eny promised he would take us to a rain bath, and that is one of the things Pruno never did- Take a rain bath that is, i don't know why but he seemed obsessed with the idea for a few weeks until Eny promised we would all take a rain bath with him so he would drop the subject, because it was getting on his nerves, and we thought he forgot about it because it's been 5 years since that promise was made... I only remembered it because he reminded, me to be honest."

Nico was confused and yet excited, he never took a rain bath as well, so maybe it would be fun!

Enychta just sighed once again before he took the lead, pulling Pruno into a princess carry and dashing through the door as Pruno laughed. Luke smiled at their antics as he simply vanished, Thalia shouted: "Hey! If its a race, that's not fair!" Before dashing forward with Annabeth calmly walking as Bianca and Nico looked at each other before smirking and running too.

It was fun playing in the rain, Nico thought that maybe Enychta was more than just the son of Nyx, when they were playing on the rain, Eny was controlling the raindrops. They were floating around him, like tiny little floating spheres that were pure water! He was moving them around, splashing them on Pruno's or Luke's face, which resulted on them also throwing water on him, Pruno controlling plants to from a big hand-like plant that gathered water and threw it at Eny while Luke went back and got balloons he filled with water, and somehow it turned into a full blown water fight... ON THE RAIN!

This was a fun three hours before Nico started to yawn, which made Eny push everyone back inside to take a warm bath and dry themselves to sleep. Nico hopes he doesn't get a cold from this. Also, Eny said tomorrow would be a fun day? Strange.

×-Scene Cut-×

Enychta entered the room as Chiron had called him, Pruno, and Luke, as they were considered the Elite of the camp. A new camper had just arrived at camp and Enychta needed to check him up. Why? Because of his expertise in healing as well as Pruno's expertise in healing, Luke was there because both Pruno and Enychta were there but also because of his experience in dealing with several different campers.

"Ah, you've come. We've stabilized him, his condition is slowly improving due to the Ambrosia and Nectar." Chiron smiled warmly at the sight of the three heroes of the camp, Dionysus was there as well staring at the boy, probably Nico's age. "Poseidon's son..." They heard Dionysus huff, as if annoyed, he didn't like Poseidon or his children, but not to the point where he would straight up fuck their lives up like a certain Olympus queen (Looking at you, Hera), but he would sure annoy the fuck out of them.

"Well, we can definitely help him get back at 100%." Pruno smiled as he looked at the kid, kids became his weakness after he started to see Nico as his younger brother.

Oh, the cannon was just starting... Or maybe what was left of it.

-Scene End-

Author Note:

Before you ask, yes the excursion (?) to Olympus happened, Enychta and Pruno didn't go, Luke, Thalia, Annabeth, Nico, and Bianca did go.