
07: Bat

The shadows moved erratically, scaring some small rats that gathered on the shadows of the sewer, from the shadow appeared two boys and a dog, the first boy looked around and sniffed the air before making a disgusted face. He looked at the boy in his arms, this boy seemed to be in a daze for a few seconds before he snapped back to reality and asked with a confused and scared voice: "Where?" The boy's green eyes were going from place to place, completely panicked. Eny could see it because he could see in the dark and the face the boy made was very distressed. He tried placing his hands on the boy's shoulders so he could stop shaking, but apparently, it had the opposite effect as he began to trash and try to get free from his hold. Eny was stronger physically than this boy, it was obvious, but the boy didn't seem to notice this difference as he continued to move and try to get free from Eny's hold.

After a few minutes of movement, the hot grew tired of it and simply couldn't move anymore. "Tired?" Eny asked, his voice was the same as a child's, which was annoying in his opinion. "Who?" The boy was 5 years old, so of course, he could not speak clearly, Eny was a special case since he had a different soul from other kids. The boy could speak other things, this was obvious to Eny, but how much can he speak is what Eny is wondering because he worries the boy won't speak. "Your fucking savior, you should be grateful and not fighting like a bitch." Eny was mentally and emotionally distressed, the boy not only trashed but also made noise, which can attract monsters.

Eny had to keep quiet to listen and see if anything was approaching them... Lucky they were because nothing was approaching them for now. "Grenade, scout this place down." Eny commanded his Hellhound, who just said: "Yes, master." Before diving into the shadows, leaving a very confused boy and a tense Eny. "Who was that?" The boy tried to start a conversation with Eny, who didn't answer as he kept his guard up, worried that something somehow didn't make noise and was sneaking around and could evade Grenade's senses. "Grenade. My... dog. My magical dog." Eny responded to the boy's question, which made him somewhat happy. "Really? You have a magical dog?" The boy asked excitedly "Can I see him? Please?"

Eny ignored the boy's questions as he waited for a few minutes before Grenade appeared once again, coming out of the shadows. "Master, I've found several living entities inside this sewer. I've also found the exit, do you wish for me to show you the way?" Grenade formally asked and Eny pondered, the voice asked him to take the boy, and because it was a Goddess, he didn't want to disobey. Why? Because he is a mortal! Semi-mortal, he can still fucking die, and an angry Goddess is what he doesn't want to have right now. "Bring us to the exit," Eny ordered his Hellhound, who didn't say anything but just teleported. Because the distance was little he did not use too much energy compared to before, but he could still enter the shadows and rest.

Appearing on the outside of the sewers, just at the entrance, Eny sighed as he looked towards the setting sun. The boy that was still in his arms only blinked his eyes to adjust to the light, Eny didn't need to do that because his eyes were already adjusted to light even though there was none down the sewers. "Now... What do I do with you?" Eny asked himself, it was then that the boy finally looked at him, Eny frowned when he saw the pink eyes... It reminded him of spring. Spring? "Persephone's son?" Eny asked out loud, the ground below his feet began to flourish with flowers, Eny then was sure. This joy is Persephone's son, and he needs to make sure he is okay. Why? You do know that Persephone is the queen of the Underworld, and is much crueler than Hades? She is also a Goddess of Des-fucking-truction.

"Pretty..." The boy commented, making Eny frown. The boy stared into his deep purple eyes, he swears he can see stars behind them... As if his eyes were the night sky. Eny looked again at the sun and noticed it was getting darker, this was perfect because he needs to rest after going through mental pain and being on guard for some minutes. Ignoring the boy in his arms, Eny slowly took off his clothes, he had to be naked to transform because he doesn't want to destroy his clothes. Soon his skin began to grow black fur, a scorpion tail grew out of the base of his spine, a second mouth appeared on his neck right below his chin, and a pair of bat-like wings appeared on his back.

If the boy hadn't seen his transformation, he would have thought he was a monster. The shock was still there, but the fear wasn't there much... "W-what-" The boy could not say anything before his waist was wrapped by the scorpion tail and Eny flew away holding the boy. "AAAAAAAH" The boy screamed at the top of his lungs as Ent smirked. It may be childish to take the frustration he had of the boy's mother on the boy, but he was a child. Physically that is, and mentally he was an adult child. Soon Eny found what he was looking for, the night sky provided enough cover for him to fly to a park and land on a tree, where he would sleep in his Night Beast Form. He felt safer im that form, Grenade had a little bit of a hard time catching up to him, but he was able to find his master who was hanging from a tree like a bat, with a child in his monster arms.

The boy was screaming in fear still, but to mortals, it sounded like the screech of an owl as Eny used the Mist to change the sound of his screams. After a few minutes, the boy finally calmed down, tired he slept on Eny's arms, while he hanged on the tree with his scorpion tail like a certain black dragon.