
05: Stealing

Eny sighed. He knew who his mother was, but did he know who his father was? He did not care about his father, after all, he was in a sewer, the man was either dead or left him there, and for all he knows the man may never even have loved him or his mother in any way, shape, or form. How does he know if he is a Legacy?

A Legacy is when a Demigod has a child, the child may have some of their grandparent's abilities as well or just minor boons. Just like that Zhang boy was the son of Mars and had was a Poseidon Legacy and therefore could shapeshift into any living creature. Which in my opinion is a little bit overpowered for a Legacy... No, he is not jealous! Shut up!

Eny left the sewers, his clothes were not so clean and he smelt like shit... So the best he could do was get clean clothing, and to do that he would need to find a store with clothes or a place with exposed clothing so he may steal them. His small body frame would help him, and he would just scout the place he wants to steal first before going in when it's nighttime so he can get invisible and hide in the shadows too after all his abilities make him the perfect predator and thief. Eny sniffed the air around him, his enchanted sense of smell could easily tell him where food was, and where there was food, there were people, and where there are people there are clothes! Grenade followed Eny closely, like his loyal dog he sniffed the surrounding area before sneezing and guiding Eny to where he thought would be the perfect route.

Ent, of course, did not follow Grenade that easily! There was still the possibility the Hellhound would take him to an ambush and tear his throat apart, after all, it was very suspicious that after Grenade appeared three other bigger Hellhounds appeared too. At least they were big enough for Eny, who are them all and still feels a little hungry. Soon Eny was walking slowly, hiding among the shadows and ready to hide or run away if someone threatening sees him... It took Eny 10 minutes to find the source of the smell that attracted him there, a party with a barbecue outside a relatively big two stories house, a lot of people, a lot of eyes and ears that could see and hear him, but there was food there he could steal and bring with him... And clothes.

Eny is not certain about his plan of making a gang, maybe he should go to Camp Half-Blood where he would be safe- No. No one is safe in that place, and the Gods would be watching him there, including that God of Wine... They would see him as a pawn in their little games, they would send him in a quest to get something for them and probably die in the process. He will just follow his instinct and go to the Lotus Casino and Hotel, maybe he can get something out of this ridiculous plan he has... As he observed the people in the house eat and drink like animals, he looked at the sky and could see the sun was still very much in the center of the sky, so it must be midday by now.

He just stood there, in the shadows, motionless as he waited. He was a predator, he could wait for as long as it takes, patiently, just there... Hours passed as Eny continued there, waiting, people were still drinking and eating like animals as loud songs were sung by the drunkards, the moon was rising now and they were still partying. Eny had waited till now, he won't just back down now, he slowly walked towards the house, hiding in the shadows, and stealthily climbed up the walls to the second floor of the house. Eny had to change his fingers into his Dark Chimera's wolf claws so he could sink them into the concrete or hold them into hard tiny openings and cracks that he could use, he even used his wings a little so he could get into the window of the second floor.

Eny had analyzed the building when he was waiting, he saw people jump out of the windows and even heard people talking about the rooms and where each one of them was, so by his assumptions he was climbing the window of the bathroom of the second floor. It should be empty by the silence inside, Eny dug his claws and opened the window that was unlocked... Strange, he put up his guard and was ready to kill if necessary. His eyes could see in the dark of the bathroom, there was no one there, Eny moved his fingers up the knob of the door when he suddenly saw it move, he looked at the window and thought of jumping through it, but there was no time! He sank his claws in the ceiling and hanged there, upside down.

He was perfectly still, his body suddenly felt cold and he felt something coursing down his body as he stood still. He was becoming invisible! How could he have forgotten about this? The door opened completely and a drunk girl entered the bathroom, she was giggling to herself as she was looking in the mirror and trying to rearrange her make-up. Soon a man came up following her, they both smelled like beer, and it was stinky. Eny promised to never drink this shit in his life.

The man approached her from behind and tightly held her body, she was shocked as Eny could see, she began to struggle and try to get free... Now, Eny was sure what the man wanted as he could smell it from him, but he also could smell the fear in the woman's body as she struggled. Here comes his dilemma:

This woman is about to get raped, he could easily intervene, but does it bring him any benefit? If he saves her, he gets morality points with her, but also she may not remember him and others would know that he was there because the man could tell them about a kid hiding in the bathroom... And he may not be able to steal from them, or he could knock the guy out, steal everything he could get, and take the girl with him but what benefits would it bring if he takes the girl with him? None, so there was another option... He will knock the guy out, knock the girl out, throw the guy out of the window as he saw a lot of people jumping out of the windows today and they were all fine, and steal everything he can get that is valuable. Maybe the guy has money on him? A credit card he can take as much money as the guy has? You know, he needs payment for saving the girl's ass.

So he quickly acted, his scorpion tail slammed behind the guy's neck and Eny wrapped his tail around the man's neck, cutting the oxygen supply the brain was getting and knocking the man out, next was the girl who saw the man choke and faint sighed in relief for a second before Eny did the same to her, he searched for both for any money or credit card before finding nothing, so he threw the guy out the window. He ignored the thud sound that was made when the man hit the ground and instead he walked slowly out of the bathroom, making sure everything was clear as he went from room to room, looking for things to steal. He found some people passed out, so he took their wallets to search for money, which he gladly took from them, he stole clothes that were too big for his body, but there was this cool leather jacket he could not leave behind, and sunglasses even though it's night.

A fun thing that Eny will find out in the future is that when he is im or out of his Night beast: Dark Chimera form, his eyes shine in with a golden hue, so wearing sunglasses was a good idea.

Eny left the house with:

2× Backpacks full of stolen clothes and food

1× Bag with 2,500 dollars

3× Credit Cards he will take everything out of before throwing them out.

1× Pair of sunglasses

1× Cool leather jacket that was too big for him but he still used it anyway.

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

As you can see, I'm making Eny especially selfish, thinking about his survival first before thinking about others. As long it is someone he doesn't care about or doesn't know, he will not do anything for them if he does not receive any benefit from it.

But he will slowly change, especially when he meets his love interest.