
Son of the Multiverse Gods: Franklin Cage

Franklin Cage wasn't your average teen, he was born and raised in a family of killers. He was trained from a young age to fight with all manner of weapons and martial arts, the first time he killed another person was when he was at the age of nine when he killed a child molester with a bullet to the brain. His parents weren't completely black-hearted, they allowed him to indulge in comics and tv shows when he wasn't on the job. Over the next seven years, he went on missions all over the world, taking up contracts to kill or kidnap his victims. On his sixteenth birthday, he received a gift from his mother, the gift was death. She was hired to kill her son for a rather high payslip. Upon his death, he saw neither heaven nor hell, instead, he appeared on top of a small podium with hundreds of giant people looking at him. "Let us talk about your future", an old man in plain white robes with a long beard talk first.

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3 Chs

His New Family

He looked around at the many Gods looking at him, "What's there to discuss, I died, I don't have a future"

A man wielding a lightning bolt in his hand talks first, "I'm Zeus, there are many paths after death, we have watched your life with great fascination"

Franklin cocks his head to the side, "Why? all i did was kill people and watch tv shows"

This caused a few of the gods to chuckle before a beauty with a bow on her back speaks up, "I'm Athena, We Gods took a vow many thousands of years ago to never interfere in the lives of mortals in the many multiverses ever again"

"We find enjoyment in selecting a few rare individuals to be our reincarnators, they go to specific worlds and complete the tasks given to them"

Franklin nods along to her words, "Is that my fate?"

The old god with the long beard addresses his question, "No, we have something special that we've never done before planned for you", he says with a gentle smile.

"We want you to be our son, you can live countless more lives and live any way you see fit, there are many fictional worlds that exist that we think you might be interested in"

"You would be given the title, God-Son, and you can contact us anytime that you wish by simply calling out our names"

"Before you reincarnate at the start of each life we will bring you back here where we will talk and have a merry time on the many things you accomplished"

"In each life, you will be given many boons and gifts by each of us and I will make it so that you will remember every detail about everything you do

"Lastly, before each reincarnation, you will be given a single wish to help you even more in your next life"

Franklin listened carefully to each word to make sure there were no underlying secrets and found no faults or dangers from the man, "I'm not going to decline, that would be pretty stupid of me but I'll say right now that I'm not going to live my lives like some angelic creature"

"I killed people for a living, I will do whatever benefits me the most, even if that means committing heinous acts"

This too received a series of chuckles from the room, A skeleton wearing black robes and a large scythe looks at him, "Many humans believe us gods to be without fault and sin but that is wrong, we too have committed great sins in the name of greed... we would expect nothing less from our son"

Franklin nods again almost seeming like a bobblehead at this point, "So how does this work, do you all imbue your power within me to make me your son or something"

Athena answers his question, "there are three steps, you will swallow a drop of blood from each of use before we imbue you with a small percentage of our power, lastly, you will undergo a form of metamorphosis that will be painful but make you stronger, faster, smarter, and turn you into something similar to a Demi-God"

Each of the gods took turns putting a drop of blood into a cup for him to drink, surprisingly the blood tasted like wine.

After ingesting the blood, he stands shirtless as each of them takes turns sending their power within him.

The whole process takes around an hour for the ritual to be done, as the last of them give him their power, he falls to the floor in pain.

His limbs spasm out of control as his bones break and mend, his muscles pulse similar to booming drums, the blood within his body boils to the point of turning his skin pure red.

His cells duplicate and evolve as his skin gains a layer of thickness, his eyes bleed and black oose spews out of his mouth.

Hours turn into days, the pain seemed never-ending but in an instant, the pain stops, he slumps to the ground gasping for air.

After a few moments, he rises to his feet to see his new body. he was no longer a teen.

He now stands over six feet, muscles spread throughout his body covering every inch. his eyes that were once plain brown now had a shine to them that draws people in.

The strength and speed he felt throughout his body were immense, he knew he could easily defeat his old self with a single hand.

His thought process was now a dozen times faster with an eidetic memory.

He looks up at them as a sudden thought catches his attention, "When I want to leave the world that I'm sent to, what do I do? just wait until I die?"

Ares shakes his head, "Just say that you wish to leave and we will make it happen, we would never force you to stay in a place"

Franklin breathes a sigh of relief, "Rather than having one wish at the start of every life, could i just have a certain amount of wishes now that will be with me throughout every life?"

His new family mumble amongst themselves but finally nod to each other, "That should be fine, you can have ten wishes and nom you don't need to wish to retain your current memories, they will stay with you always"

Franklin starts pacing back and forth while thinking of his wishes, "I wish for Unlimited Potential, my body, mind, skills, and magic should never reach a limit"

"I want Instant Adaptability, I want to adapt instantly to any environment that I'm in, including outer space, extreme temperatures, and all climates"

"I don't want to instantly be the master at whatever i do since that would be boring in the long run but I wish for a god-like learning speed"

"For my fourth wish, I want to be reincarnated with my current body or a younger version depending on the world I reincarnate into, it would be a major pain in the ass to reincarnate as a baby at the start of every life"

"Fifth wish, I want all my reincarnations to be powerful, what I mean is that I want to have a powerful background that blends in perfectly with the world/universe around me"

"The sixth wish, I want a small group a reincarnators that will reincarnate with me and serve me in each of my lives, they should have undying loyalty to me but they should all still have their own personalities, I don't want mindless husks"

The gods nod and he hears a voice from one of them, "We will make it so that you can all communicate telepathically, that way you all don't need to reincarnate at the same location"

"Seven, I want to have a universal language, I want to speak to all beings, creatures, and animals"

"Eight, I want an infinite pocket dimension that only my reincarnators and I can enter"

"Nine, I want to retain all skills, magic, abilities, Items, and powers, at the end of each life, such as, if I went to the Naruto world and learned a bunch of Jutsu's I want to still be able to use them in all my other lives"

"Lastly, I want a mental shield, no matter how powerful they are, no being should be able to enter my mind or control me"

"Also, while I love power, could you make each of my reincarnations a little challenging"

The gods patiently listened to his wishes and he even earned a few smiles, the old man stands up, "Your wishes have been granted, It is time for you to finally enjoy life... we will be watching"

Franklin is sent away in a flash of light, sent to a new world.

I'm a new writer so all feedback is appreciated to help me grow, whether you choose to follow the story or not, please leave a comment <3

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