
Son Of The Grand Duke

When Alaric first awoke after a long slumber, longer than he could remember, he was no longer in his own body but in the body of a fifteen-year-old. What was worse was that he couldn't remember anything about his old life, but the mysteries didn't end there. What he could remember was a book he once read, his name, Alaric, and that he shared it with the body he had awoken in. How did he know that? Well... it belonged to a character in that book of course, Alaric Astraeus son of Duke Astraeus. *New cover Page* Updates will be any time between [1800]hrs to [2100]hrs (UTC).

Croppedtrolley · Fantasi
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49 Chs


The search for Elara proved fruitful, and Alaric found her in the third complex, her relief palpable upon seeing her lord in fine condition. They retreated to Alaric's study, a place adorned with the traces of familial history and the weight of his noble responsibilities. The room emanated an air of quiet contemplation as the door closed behind them.

In the sanctuary of his study, Alaric and Elara spent the rest of the day catching up, following what had happened after his collapse. The study, with its shelves of ancient tomes and familial artefacts, witnessed the exchange of laughter and the easing of the tensions that had lingered in the wake of Alaric's mysterious collapse.

As the evening sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Alaric felt a sense of contentment, surrounded by the familiarity of family and the soothing ambience of the study. The weight of his responsibilities and the world at large, temporarily set aside, allowed him to savour the simple joys of familial bonds.

The next day dawned with a semblance of normalcy for Alaric. As the sun cast its gentle light upon the duchy, Alaric woke up to the routine of training. The familiar sounds of armour clashing and the rhythmic exchange of swordplay echoed through the training grounds. Today, however, the intensity was dialled down by the Duke, a concession to Alaric's recent mysterious ailment.

Alaric found himself side by side with his father, the Duke. The training, while lighter, retained its essence of discipline and skill development. The rhythmic dance of blades continued as the enduring tradition of their noble lineage was laid bare for the kind and warm morning sun to behold. The eastern dragons were well known for their inhumane physique and cruel swords. Several Blade and war masters had come out of this duchy and suffice to say they were particularly formidable on their own even against great alliances of the nation.

After the training session, Alaric retreated to his quiet study, a sanctuary within the bustling duchy. The study bore traces of Alaric's presence — a space where thoughts converged and decisions were made. It was here that Alaric delved into the matters at hand, contemplating the future of the duchy and the intricate web of alliances and politics that intertwined with their noble existence.

As the day unfolded, the duchy continued its daily rhythm. Alaric, now on the path to recovery, experienced the ebb and flow of noble responsibilities that were, of course, nothing new by now. The intricate dance of diplomacy and governance played out, with Elara's efficiency ensuring a seamless orchestration of affairs. He had his fair share of responsibilities within the duchy even if he was yet to reach adulthood.

In the evening, Alaric retreated to the tranquillity of his private quarters, reflecting on the events that had transpired. The ailment, the encounter with the universe's consciousness, and the subsequent revelations about his abilities and titles lingered in his thoughts. Yet, a sense of resilience and purpose fueled him. 

The following morning heralded another round of lighter training with the Duke. The bonds forged in the crucible of combat deepened, and the familial connection between father and son became a cornerstone of their unity.

After the training, the day unfolded with a relative quietude. Alaric, now attuned to the delicate balance between duty and respite, seized the opportunity for introspection. The duchy, with its sprawling landscapes and towering walls, witnessed another day of its longstanding history and tradition.

In the midst of this noble tapestry, Alaric navigated his newfound insights, contemplating the responsibilities that lay ahead. The universe had woven a complex narrative, and Alaric, with each step, embraced his role as a lordling of the Astreaus duchy.

In the quietude of his private quarters, Alaric found himself grappling with the weight of responsibility that accompanied his newfound status. The underworld, a lingering threat to the stability of the duchy, demanded attention. As he considered various approaches, the notion of a more forceful subjugation took root in his mind.

Seeking counsel, Alaric approached his father, the Duke, a beacon of wisdom and experience in matters of governance and warfare. The Duke's study, adorned with the trappings of noble lineage, provided the backdrop for their conversation. Alaric, with a determined expression, broached the delicate topic.

"Father," he began, his voice carrying the weight of the decision he contemplated, "I've been pondering the situation in the underworld. The subtle approach may not be enough. What if we consider a more forceful subjugation? A decisive strike to eradicate the threat once and for all."

The Duke, a seasoned leader who had weathered the storms of both politics and battle, listened intently. His eyes, reflective of a myriad of experiences, studied Alaric's countenance. He recognized the earnestness in his son's gaze and the burden that rested upon his shoulders.

"Alaric," the Duke responded, choosing his words carefully, "the underworld is a labyrinth of chaos and crime... and beyond that order of some sort, but not the good kind, the twisted one that criminals usually have. It houses powerful entities, and the Divine Principality you possess may not be an absolute guarantee of victory. The risks are considerable, going in with blades swinging might not be a good idea, but your initial approach seemed sufficient."

Acknowledging the gravity of the situation, Alaric pressed on, "I understand, Father, but we can't let this threat persist. Following my prolonged absence, I think that the ship has sailed. If a more forceful approach is required, then I am willing to undertake it. We need to ensure the safety of our duchy."

The Duke, sensing the unwavering determination in Alaric's stance, contemplated the matter. After a moment of reflection, he proposed a measured solution, "If we are to embark on such a venture, Alaric, it cannot be a solitary endeavour. It will become an official military operation. You will lead this effort, but not alone. Your brother, Eldmund, and his platoon will stand by your side, seeing as how you don't have one yet."

The mention of Eldmund brought relief within Alaric. He understood the strategic significance of a united front, and from the beginning, this had been his goal, to use the Duchy's strength. "I accept, Father. Eldmund and I will ensure the duchy is rid of this menace once and for all then. Those scums will pose no threat to us," Alaric affirmed, a solemn commitment etched in his voice.

With the decision made, the Duke and Alaric delved into the intricacies of planning, ensuring that the upcoming military operation would be executed with precision and unity. The destiny of the Astreaus duchy hung in the balance and perhaps only Alaric knew how dire the circumstances of leaving this threat were.


In the aftermath of Alaric's unexpected visit and the presentation of the glacial Seraph, Lady Elena Astreaus found herself in the quiet confines of her office. The room, adorned with the accoutrements of her responsibilities, housed the contemplative young lady. The glacial Seraph, a tangible representation of her brother's concern and protection, lay on the desk before her—a silent guardian against the uncertainties that loomed within the noble intricacies of their world.

As she carefully examined the frostwyrm Guardian, her fingers tracing the contours of its crystalline form, a myriad of thoughts swirled in her mind. The implications of such a rare and powerful heritage were not lost on her. Elena, typically composed and pragmatic, allowed a moment of vulnerability to surface.

The frost wyrm's azure glow cast ethereal shadows across her features as she pondered the nature of the gift. It was not merely a symbolic gesture; it held a profound significance. The familial bonds that entwined the Astreaus household manifested in tangible acts of protection and support.

Elena found solace in the presence of the glacial Seraph. A creature of mythical origin, it represented an unspoken promise from Alaric—an assurance that, even in his absence, a formidable protector stood sentinel over his family. The responsibilities she bore as an advisor and confidante to the Duke demanded resilience, and the frostwyrm Guardian became a silent ally in navigating the complexities of their noble existence. She was no stranger to assassination attempts.

As the moments unfolded, and the gentle hum of the Seraph resonated in the air, Abraham, the diligent aide, entered her office. In his hands, he carried the requested files concerning Honorable Arthur. Elena was always meticulous in her duties and focused on the task at hand. The weight of parchment and ink brought her attention to the present, briefly diverting her thoughts from the enigmatic gift bestowed upon her.

Abraham, with a courteous bow, presented the files. "Lady Elena, the information you requested regarding Honorable Arthur is here. If there's anything else you need, do not hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, Abraham," she responded with a nod, her professional demeanour returning to the forefront. As he exited, closing the door behind him, Elena's gaze drifted back to the glacial Seraph.

"Why?" she murmured softly to herself, a question that echoed in the confines of her office. The frostwyrm's radiant form seemed to hold the secrets of an ancient realm, and Elena, ever the analytical mind, sought answers within the realms of possibility.

As the day unfolded, Elena delved into her duties with renewed focus.


In the wake of Alaric's proposition and the subsequent discussions between father and son, the Duchess found herself drawn into the intricate tapestry of noble responsibilities. As the Astreaus family prepared for the potential challenges that lay ahead in the underworld, the Duchess, with her own wisdom and insights, set forth on a series of activities aimed at fortifying the familial bonds and maintaining the stability of the duchy.

The Duchess, a figure of grace and poise, began her day by attending to matters of estate management. Consultations with advisors and overseeing administrative affairs were integral to ensuring the smooth functioning of the duchy. Her keen sense of diplomacy and astuteness in governance shone through as she navigated the complexities of noble obligations.

As the day unfolded, the Duchess engaged in private conversations with trusted confidantes, ensuring that all aspects of the duchy's preparedness were meticulously addressed. The delicate dance of diplomacy, alliances, and familial ties required her skilful navigation to maintain the equilibrium in the face of upcoming challenges.

In the late afternoon, the Duchess found solace in the duchy's gardens, a sanctuary where the fragrant blooms and the gentle rustle of leaves offered a moment of respite. In quiet contemplation, she considered the profound impact of the decisions made within the walls of the Astreaus estate.

The evening brought with it a symphony of activities—political meetings, strategy sessions, and further consultations. The Duchess, ever the orchestrator of the family's legacy, moved seamlessly between roles, each one contributing to the intricate dance of nobility.

I'm back everyone, Community service is over goodbye and good riddance anyways here's a chapter I need to make it up to you all so I'm increasing the word count for the following days. Enjoy :)

Croppedtrolleycreators' thoughts