
Son Of Erebus

What if the Greek God of shadows had a son? What if that boy was the most powerful Demi god the world had ever seen? That Demi god could save the world or accidentally destroy it. Read and find out! This book is finished, Check out the Sequel Son Of Erebus 2! Also on Amazon!

King_RomanX · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Rise of Lycanon

As I busted into the Armory with hope in tow I couldn't grab my usual blades. As Much as I'd like to, I knew that this guy was only affected by silver, So I grabbed a pair of silver daggers that were hanging on the walls. I raced out with the daggers in hand,

"come Argos." I thought.

In a flash he was at my side, a smile on his face as usual. I decided to bring him along in case we got in a worse case scenario,

"Where is he?" I asked Hope as we raced along.

"He's been spotted in the deep back woods off the southside of camp." She said.

"Right, lets go!" I said. We raced outside the main gate, deeper into the woods. We found ourselves nowhere near the camp anymore. We were in a shadowy woods that was just like in those horror movies.

"Hope, This is a bad place, We accidentally ran right into his home turf." I said quietly.

"That you did foolish boy!" Something growled.

"Yes father they are quite foolish" Something said. Suddenly roughly fifty pairs of glowing golden eyes opened up surrounding us.

"Crap this is bad!" I thought to myself. "Stay calm, you've been through worse. Think you stupid bastard." I thought to myself.

"Argos, expand." I said calmly. "Show NO aggression." I commanded.

"Get ready Hope, This is gonna be bad. Have your fire ready on standby for my signal!" I commanded. In a flash wolves erupted from every angle lunging at the three of us.

"NOW!" I screamed. Hope blasted them with her fire, sending a few away, sulking in pain. Then on a nearby cliff I spotted what was possibly the biggest nasties wolf id ever seen.

"LYCAON!" I screamed.

He howled in response, a massive toothy grin on his scared up snout. I summoned the mark, and raced over. But with all my newfound speed Lycaon was still able to keep up with me. I knew my lightning wouldn't work, nor my darkness. So I knew what I could do to end this. I lit my daggers ablaze, and we attacked each other in a blaze of teeth fur and blood. His teeth were already red from past victims, I assumed. I tried to go in for the kill quickly but he morphed back into a human, smacking me in the ribs with his superhuman strength. I flew back, smacking against a nearby tree. He advanced at me on two legs, Now I had the advantage, I didn't have to watch out for his massive claws of sharp teeth, I sheathed my daggers and we went old school hand to hand combat. With my skills I knew I could win, as I slowly rose to my feet I felt a sharp pain in my ribs.

"Damn it all. Definitely broken." I thought to myself. I rose despite the pain, summoning my marks and reading to use my favorite techneice. We clashed in a blur of high speed fists and sweat. Sweat flew from our faces as the two of us played offense and defence at the same time. The pain in my ribs kept getting worse, I had to end this soon or Hope and Argos would be overwhelmed.

"Don't worry about us!" Hope screamed, as if reading my thoughts. I finally saw my opening and I took it, I landed a massive right kick to the demon wolf's ribcage, effectively sealing his ability to breathe for a few seconds. I grabbed both my daggers, going in for the kill. But before I could do anything he simply vanished, reappearing behind me moments later in wolf form he grabbed me by the neck and threw me into the air. Then a huge smirk grew on my face, I quickly formed my wigs and dove right at the beast.

"Black Lightning!!!" I screamed. The lightning bolt shot from my hand right into the beast's leg, causing him to collapse. I grabbed him by the scruff and looked him dead in his beady eyes,

"Who brought you out of the underworld!" I screamed. He began coughing up blood,

"Your..dear.. Friend.." He stammered. I didn't even let him finish, I plunged the silver dagger into his neck.

"Go back to where you came from mutt." I spat as his corpse desistigrated into ash. I looked over and saw his children were doing the same, I began walking over to the Hope and Argos.

"Thesus is bringing the dead back to life," I said, my voice drenched with sadness.

"Your damn right he is," A voice said. I spun around, and there stood a gorgeous woman.

"What do you want?" I asked my daggers ready to strike.

"Oh nothing," She said, her eyes sparkling.

"Just your head, little boy." She smirked. It hasn't hit me yet what she was but I knew that she was an enemy. I could hardly stand myself, she was so beautiful.

"Josh, she's a empusai!" Hope barked. I snapped out of my trance, once I did I noticed a small army of equally beautiful girls emerge from the woods.

"Damn it! There has to be a way to stop them." I thought to myself. I couldn't move, my body was frozen still,

"Don't worry you foolish boy. You are under our beauty spell, it freezes you while we make love to you." She grew a sly smirk on her face.

"As if I'd let you do that!" Someone screamed. Emma appeared from the woods, relief flooded into my veins. She advanced the army of women, Hope and Argos following suit.

"Damn it!!" I thought. THey were outnumbered a lot, so I had to help them! I couldn't move, I kept twisting my body.

"Think, think, think!!" I screamed in my head. I amassed all the power I could muster, I could see the darkness swirling around me.

"AHHHHHHHH!!!" I began to scream, the pain was immeasurable. I could barely breathe, it felt like my body was on fire. I could feel the spell wearing off, but I could feel myself going berserk. The power was taking over, all of a sudden my clothes burned off and in a flash I was wearing a completely new outfit. I was wearing all black clothes, my head was covered with a black cloak that wrapped down to my feet. My shoes and pants were black, my shirt was night black with a blood red symbol of my father on the center. My arms were covered in black sleeves, black gloves covered my hands, they had silver chunks of a bronze metal on the knuckles, a symbol of my father in the center of each glove. I felt like I was having an out of body experience, my body moved on its own. I was moving so fast it felt like I was teleporting, I was punching empusai left and right.

"We gotta go, NOW!!" Emma screamed, fear oozing from her voice. But it fell on deaf ears, Hope was mesmerized by me. She was looking at me with pure awe, amazement twinkling in her eyes. Emma grabbed her and began to run away,

"He can't tell friend from foe now! We have to leave!!" She screamed, fear was causing her voice to crack. And I didnt blame her, when I last went crazy I thought she died. I had to regain control of my body, this power was controlling me. I had to control it! I had to regain control, my arms burned. I looked around, seeing I was surrounded I spread my hands.

"I summon black lightning from the depths of tartarus, come and let me guide you." I spoke solemnly. In a flash black lightning rained down from the sky, and I began channeling each bolt to exactly where I wanted it to go. I rapid killed the demon ladies, my body was like a surget for each bolt. Once the bolts stopped coming I let the empusa get in close, hoping to finish them all off in one final blow.

"NOW!" One screamed. With that cue they each began to sync their movements, I could feel them summoning something deadly. In a manner of seconds a dark force slammed into me from all sides, in unison they spoke.

"We leave you the curse of the empusa, die of poisoning from loss of love." Then they vanished and I passed out.