
Son Of Destruction

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Uriel_et_teneberis · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs

Stripped to mere human

My name is Asura. I am 200 years . You may think that's a lot but not in the slightest. I am the youngest of the gods and the person I can consider somehow near me is Luna, the daughter of creation.

I was born through by destruction so there was no way we were getting along since we were to different things. My work was simple , that was to cause destruction. I caused natural catastrophe, sometimes destroyed planets and that was all. I also helped the god of war a lot.

Other gods hated me with passion apart from the god of war. The reason behind , I don't know. Maybe they were envious since they got power through being worshipped while I got power through fear and any form of destruction. I was basically the villain of the story but one of my rules was never kill someone pure . Those kind of people were the lucky few who usually survived wars and natural catastrophe, you can call it karma.

" Asura, we see no use for you . You have caused so much trouble for us therefore we would have decided to kill you. " Zeus once said and almost all the gods backed him apart from Eres who was nowhere to be seen. I smirked . " You can try. " I constructed a dagger out of nowhere . Swords and daggers were my favorite weapons especially the light ones. Zeus shot a lightning bolt but I dodged it however it directed back at me and electrocuted me. They chained me and started torturing me.

Days past and I didn't show any signs of dying but I was covered in blood. What made them hate me to this extent? I was considered the weakest god so they had their reason. In this days , hatred grew in my heart. I lost my will to fight and when they started beating me up , I lost consciousness.


" Look at this child, he doesn't even possess any aptitude for cultivation. I can't have a son like this considering I am a noble " The woman said as she lifted me up , ready to throw me on a cliff. " Stop it , or I will be forced to kill you" I said but all that came out was a baby crying.

It was then I noticed that I had been reincarnated to a human . The woman threw me down the cliff. " I shall kill all the humans in this world and then the gods shall follow my wrath ! " I thought as I watched as I fell down.