
The beginning

It was a day just like any other, the was fucking hot, I mean you can literally throw some BBQ on the the road and you would be enjoying a well-done steak with in 5mins. Like fucking hell, but I was not bothered as it was my my birthday and my child hood friend Lucy said she would take me out for some ice cream. By the way I know it's late for introductions but.... me am the great Damion and all though my name white as fuck, am black as it gets, minus the white half I got from my father I think. Anyways where was I?, Ohh yeh Ice cream, to be honest as much as I having a huge sugar addiction it was second to the fact that I decided to confess to Lucy on my birthday after getting the ice cream. I was sweating balls cause I didn't know how to start the conversation so I can, I know I know, am a fucking coward. The thought of telling her that I have been looking at her like she is my only light since I first moved in to the neighborhood and saw her across the wooden fence playing with her brat doll with a laughter that could even slay the gods. That every time I hear her voice is like my heartbeat is a drum piece that plays at perfect harmony with her voice making it feel like am in narvana. But just as I was able to muster up the courage to tell her, " Ring ring" " Ring ring" "cluck" hel..., I was called by my mother. She interrupted my greetings saying, " sweety please run don't come home they found us, please ..." SCREAMING". I was only able to utter mum before the call dropped. What could have happened I wondered, but I knew I had to go home immediately.

I told Lucy, " I have to go home immediately, I think something is wrong with my parents but I will be back for you." As I said that I felt like I just trigged a flag didn't I, anyways what's done is done, or something close to that. Grabbing my bike with a lighten fast reach I ride as fast as I could back to my house which was a few blocks away from the ice cream store. As the front pouch of my house came in to view, " Damn! What the F is this bullshit, mom where are you? Dad." The windows where broken, the door was "FBI open up" the fuck up, and what are these tiny holes all over the wall, it's as if an indecisive woodpecker was looking for the perfect home. As I walked in I saw bullet casings and I finally knew what had happened, then I heard some thing from the kitchen," *cough* *cough * is that you son, why *cough * did you co....."