
Chapter 33 The Chariot Race

Slowly the days passed as I followed a new schedual. Silena wanted to spend some time with me and took me to ride the Pegasi, and since I didn't know how to ride one, she had to teach me. She had explained to me that the pagasi are all the children of the first ever pegasus, but they decided to just name them all pegasus. She said that the real pegasus is probably out there somewhere wondering free in the skys and plains.

After learning the jist of riding a pegasus, I hoped on and tried it for the first time. The pegasus was actually really comfortable with letting me ride on her, and Selina even exclaimed that I was a natural.

Other than spending time with Selina, I also obliged Percy to a sword spar. He said that he was getting really good on his swordsmanship and wanted to see if he could beat me. Not even a few minutes later, Percy was on his ass. I gave him a few tips in improving his flaws, and he would spend the rest of his time implementing what I told him.

When I was bored I would climb the climbing wall on its hardest mode, although it has started to get really easy. I also...spend some time with Thalia. She is starting to look a lot worse, on top of that I have to worry about beast attacks, since Tantalus isn't much help. The only good thing is that the dryads and satyrs sing to Thalia, which visibly seems to work as the tree looks less sick, but once they stop playing music the tree gets grey again.

I decided to make a border patrol, keeping the camp safe from monster attacks. I did it whenever I had free time, and some other campers seeing me on guard decided to help.

Currently it was the morning of the Chariot race, and everyone in our cabin were excited once they saw our chariot, even Drew! They all were feeling excited at the chance of actually winning.

"Okay everyone! Let's all thank our brother Lucian for designing this beautiful chariot." Selina said to everyone. Everyone said their thanks and some patted my shoulders. I just gave a smile and waved it off. After Selina gave a small speech about trying their best, she led us to the track.

The morning was very foggy, like the type of spooky fog that rises from the ground. Their were also fat white birds that gave off a nasty metallic screech instead of normal bird sounds.

The track everyone will be racing on was located between the archery range and the woods. It was built by the hephaestus cabin, and was just a dirt oval. Everyone not participating in the race were to sit in the row of stone steps, where they can spectate the entire race.

Every cabin participating had lined up their chariots in a row. Everyone's chariots were different, varying from design to shape. Percy's chariot was white and blue with a wave pattern, there was also a trident plastered on the front.

I looked toward what I assumed was was the Athena Chariot, but I didn't see Annabeth. I looked for her but I still couldn't find her, that is untill I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Annabeth holding out a universal peace sign. "Hey." She said.

"Hey, why aren't you with your chariot?" I asked. "That's what I'm here for. I need your help. My brother who was going to be riding second with me backed out, and no one else wants to fill his spot. Can you please do it?" Annabeth asked, with a pleading look in her eyes. "Is there really no one else who can do it? After all, your asking me to go against my sisters." Annabeth nodded. "There really is no one else."

I looked around to see if there could be anyone to fill the spot, but no one came to mind. No one wanted to participate in the race, after all it does have a high rate of injury. "*sigh* Fine." Annabeth smiled happily and led me to her chariot. It had all the perfect angles needed to strategically go faster. There were also many defense plantings on it. It was big enough to fit two people, and one side had a bow and arrows.

"You shoot while I drive!" Annabeth said, getting a hold of the reins. I nodded as I picked up the wooden bow and pulled back the string. It had good resistance, so I should be able to make accurate and powerful shots.

"Right! You all know the rules. Quarter mile track, two laps to win, two horses per chariot. There will be one rider and one fighter. Weapons are allowed, and dirty tricks are expected. But try not to kill anybody! Any killing will result in harsh punishment! No smores at the campfire for a week. Now ready your chariots!" Tantalus spoke out from his seating arrangement, overseeing the whole track. Mr. D was not participating as he never wakes up before 10:00 AM.

Annabeth held the reins tighter as I gripped my bow tighter.  "Charioteers! Attend your mark!" Tantalus shouted as the starting flagged waved. Annabeth slapped the reins making the horses sprint. The chariots all started to speed though one another as the horses breathed hard.

Almost as soon as we started, the Hermes chariot rammed into the Apollo chariot, causing the Apollo chariot to flip through the air and crash. The riders were safe, but the spooked horses continued to drag the flipped chariot across the dirt. The Hermes riders Travis and Connor Stoll laughed, but soon stopped as the Apollo horses rammed into theirs, causing them to also flip over.

I was able to witness this all happen from behind us as we were way ahead the other racers. I was able to see Percy and Tyson in second place, but still a few ways behind us.

As this was all going on, I couldn't help to notice the weird birds I saw from this morning. There were a lot of them in the woods, and they all seemed to be flying up right now. There were so many of them that they started to make a huge tornado of birds! "Umm, Annabeth?!" I shouted out. Annabeth was focused on the track ahead and screamed out without turning her head. "What!" I pointed to the woods. "The birds, there is a lot of them!" Annabeth looked at what I was pointing at and gasped. "Stymphallian birds!" She yelled out.

Annabeth slowed down and pulled up next to Percy. "They are going to pick everyone to bones if we dont do something!" She said. "Tyson, we are turning around!" Percy said. "Going wrong way?" Tyson question, to which Percy grumbled. We followed Percy toward the stands where everyone was getting attacked. I aimed my bow and pulled back three arrows at a time. I released and watched as my three arrows all had at least three birds shish kabobed on them.

I continued to release three arrows at a time at a fast pace, with them all meeting their mark. But soon I reached for more arrows, only to grab air. "I'm out of arrows! There are to many!" I shouted out.

"Hercules used noise! Brass bells! He scared them away with the most horrible noise he could-...oh my god! You guys, Chirons collection of music!" Annabeth shouted in realization.

"Will it work?" I asked. "We can only try! Percy, follow me to the big house!" She led the chariot toward the big house, with Percy following after us. In the distance I was able to hear Clarisse. "Your running? The fight is here you cowards!"