
Sommerfield Summer

Sommerfield Summer delves into the heartfelt journey of Becky Jones, torn between the tranquil embrace of her rural hometown in Minnesota and the whirlwind of experiences she encountered while pursuing her vet degree in California. Returning home for a pivotal summer break, Becky finds herself grappling with the bittersweet complexities of reconnecting with the idyllic charm of Sommerfield. The once-familiar town and its inhabitants have evolved, presenting her with a tapestry of intertwined lives, simmering jealousies, and the ache of friendship with Dan Fenton, her best friend since childhood who she had left behind. As she navigates the closely-knit neighborhoods and encounters the colorful characters who define small-town life, Becky faces profound questions about her future and where her heart truly belongs. Sommerfield Summer is an intimate exploration of nostalgia, the tug-of-war between past and present, and the timeless allure of a place that whispers of home.

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45 Chs

Chapter 18: A Journey to the Bookstore

Earlier that morning, Becky awoke to the gentle melodies of birds outside her window, their chirping filling the room with a symphony of nature. With a tired yawn, she glanced at the clock on her bedside table, only to realize that she had overslept. The morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Becky made her way to the kitchen, where a handwritten note from her mother awaited her. The note advised her to take a good rest and to enjoy her day, as she deserved it after assisting her parents at the grocery store the day before. 

In the kitchen, perched on the dining table, a complete breakfast awaited her—a hearty portion of scrambled eggs, crispy bacon strips, and two fluffy, thick slices of pancake awaited her. Becky grinned at the thought of her mom preparing her famous pancake batter while her dad manned the frypan, skillfully cooking the ladlefuls of batter her mom dolloped onto the sizzling, buttered pan.

Whilst waiting for the plate to heat up in the microwave, she reflected on her plans for the day. Through the crystal clear glass of the kitchen back window, she could see that it was yet another flawless summer day. A cloudless sky and a gentle breeze, beckoning her to embark on a journey. Today, she would visit a specialty bookstore located half an hour away, a place that held the promise of finding books on her beloved topic; local folklore and mythical creatures.

Becky's fascination with books took root early on. Her parents, enthusiasts of romance novels and wartime adventures, fostered her passion for literature. Fond memories were woven from rainy afternoons cocooned in stories, enveloped by a snug blanket. Yet, it was the narratives of folklore and local myths that captivated her most. Coupled with her childhood explorations of the nearby woods and lakes, the natural world seemed imbued with mystique, seamlessly intertwining with the enchantment concealed within the pages she devoured.

Returning to her room after breakfast and cleanup, Becky changed into comfortable clothes, her mind buzzing with anticipation. She hopped into her father's pickup, the engine purring to life as she began the drive to a neighboring town, where the charming little bookstore awaited her.

Entering the charming shop, the aroma of aged books and ink enveloped her senses. Angela, the proprietor, welcomed her with warmth, a flicker of recognition gleaming in her eyes.

Approaching Angela, Becky introduced herself, referencing her earlier inquiry about the folklore books.

Angela beamed, "I had a feeling it was you. I can see that same spark in your eyes." She chuckled softly. "Though I had pictured someone a tad older."

Becky laughed, a hint of blush gracing her cheeks. "Do I really give off an old-lady vibe?"

Angela waved her hand dismissively, keen to explain herself.

"Oh no my dear, not at all! It's just that most young folks these days aren't interested in local authors or fictional works centered around folklore and mythical creatures."

Becky put down her bag on a nearby desk before continuing to spea.

"I hope I didn't come across as being too enthusiastic or overbearing. I was really looking forward to picking up a few books specific to that genre. "

Curiosity sparkled in Angela's eyes, and she leaned forward, eager to hear more. 

"I must admit it is a little unusual, but it's the specificity of the request that made me all the more intrigued. Tell me, what made you so fond of these stories?"

Becky's gaze turned distant, her voice soft with nostalgia.

"The whole journey kicked off when I was twelve, rummaging through our local library. I was trying to reach for a book on a shelf way above my height. Being shorter back then, I accidentally toppled a stack of books. As I scrambled to pick them up, I noticed a hidden gem tucked behind the shelf—'The Reefmaker.' It was like a bolt of lightning, an inexplicable urge that pulled me to borrow and dive into that book."

Angela leaned closer, captivated by Becky's tale. 

"What happened next?"

Becky continued, the memories reigniting the magic and slightly unnerving feel of that moment.

"When I tried to borrow the book, the librarian couldn't find any records of it. It was as if the book had slipped through time, waiting for me to discover it."

Angela's face mirrored Becky's mix of fascination and intrigue. 

"Amazing…." Angela whispered, shaking her head..

Angela leaned over the counter, retrieving a bundle of books held together by a wide rubber band—a collection carefully chosen to align with Becky's interests.

"These are the books that match your request over the phone," Angela said, a hint of excitement lacing her words. "Take your time and see if any of them catch your eye the same way that 'The Reefmaker' had done so many years ago."

Becky's eyes flitted across the titles and covers, her fingers delicately tracing the spines. She skimmed through the summaries on the book covers, delving into the initial pages to soak in their essence. Angela observed with bated breath, eager for Becky's reaction.

After a brief span, Becky concluded her perusal, a pensive look gracing her features. Unable to contain her anticipation any longer, Angela inquired. 

"Well, what do you think?"

"The books you've chose are undoubtedly good so I'll take them all. But there's still something missing. I'm actually searching for something written by the same author who wrote 'The Reefmaker.'" Becky's response was tinged with disappointment, but her determination remained unyielding.

Angela's brows furrowed in thought, trying to recall any information about the mysterious book. Unfortunately, nothing surfaced in her memory. She shook her head apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Becky. I don't know the book let alone the author's name. 'The Reefmaker' seems to be a hidden gem, known only to a select few."

Becky's heart sank momentarily, but a glimmer of hope flickered within her. She had come this far in her quest for more tales, and she wouldn't give up just yet.

"Do you by chance know the author's name?" Angela asked.

Becky shook her head, a tinge of regret evident in her expression.

"No, I don't know the author." Becky replied deflatedly, "The book I borrowed all those years ago didn't have an author written anywhere. It was a self-printed, self-bound creation. Just a handwritten title on the cover. I don't remember much else except that the cover was green."

Angela pondered this, her mind spinning with possibilities. 

"Self published you say? It may have been a local writer then." Angela mused. "There could be various reasons why the author didn't put their name on the book. Perhaps they were not seeking recognition, or maybe there was a scandalous tale behind it—a stolen story, even!"

Becky chuckled, shaking her head.

"I suppose it's a stretch to expect to find the author or any sequels after all these years. Besides, I no longer have the book, so there's nothing to work off of."

Angela's eyes brightened, and she gestured toward the shelves surrounding them, brimming with books of all kinds. 

"Look, I'll ask around some of my contacts in the business, see if they have any ideas about the book you are after. But if there's anywhere in the area that might hold your holy grail, it would be my shop," she said with a proud smile, "Feel free to explore and browse through the older shelves and boxes. Who knows? Perhaps you'll stumble upon another hidden treasure among the forgotten literature. You seem to have a supernatural gift for finding meaningful things."

Becky returned Angela's smile, her heart fluttering with anticipation. She was eager to immerse herself in the cozy sanctuary of the bookshop, hoping to uncover some hidden gems and maybe even catch a glimpse of the magic that had sparked her love for stories in the first place.

Just as she was about to embark on her exploration, her phone chimed, interrupting her thoughts. Becky excused herself and stepped toward the front window, her gaze fixed on the bustling main street outside. It was Dan calling.

"Dan!" Becky cheerfully answered, she was thrilled to hear his familiar voice again.

"Hi, Becky. How's it going?"

Becky's enthusiasm spilled over as she replied, "I'm really good, Dan. I'm actually in this adorable little bookshop about half an hour away from Sommerfield. I just splurged on five books!"

Dan chuckled, his heart brimming with happiness for Becky. Finally, she was enjoying a well-deserved break.

"That sounds amazing," Dan remarked. "It must be nice to have some 'me time' exploring the area."

"Oh, it is. I'm thoroughly enjoying myself. And you know what? I might treat myself to some afternoon tea later. I can't decide between donuts or cupcakes. It's a delicious dilemma!"

Dan's laughter echoed in her ears, his voice filled with fondness. 

"Definitely go for the donuts. You can never go wrong with those," he advised. "By the way, I'm near Sommerfield right now my afternoon just freed up. I was wondering if you're free to hang out for a chat. We could even pick up those donuts together."

Becky's face lit up with delight. She felt a rush of gratitude for Dan's thoughtfulness. 

"I would love that, I just need another hour here to finish my browsing." she replied, her voice brimming with excitement. "Where should we meet?"

"Let's meet at the gas station at Stephenson's Corner. There's a good donut shop there, believe it or not."

Becky couldn't help but express her surprise. 

"A gas station? Good donuts?" She found it hard to fathom.

Dan chuckled, his voice laced with amusement.

"Trust me on this one. The donuts are incredibly fresh and delicious there. Plus, they serve good coffee to accompany them. It's the perfect combination."

With a smile etched on her face, Becky agreed to the unexpected rendezvous. They exchanged goodbyes and hung up, their anticipation intertwining.

Becky took a final glance around the bookshop, grateful for Angela's guidance and the potential treasures that awaited her. She spent the next hour looking for her hidden gem and generally enjoying perusing the collection of unique and offbeat books that Angela had curated for her store. Though not finding her Reefmaker sequel, she settled on another book that had caught her imagination.

Giving her thanks to Angela, she set off on her next adventure, her heart light with the promise of meaningful conversations and delightful donuts shared with a cherished friend.