
Sommerfield Summer

Sommerfield Summer delves into the heartfelt journey of Becky Jones, torn between the tranquil embrace of her rural hometown in Minnesota and the whirlwind of experiences she encountered while pursuing her vet degree in California. Returning home for a pivotal summer break, Becky finds herself grappling with the bittersweet complexities of reconnecting with the idyllic charm of Sommerfield. The once-familiar town and its inhabitants have evolved, presenting her with a tapestry of intertwined lives, simmering jealousies, and the ache of friendship with Dan Fenton, her best friend since childhood who she had left behind. As she navigates the closely-knit neighborhoods and encounters the colorful characters who define small-town life, Becky faces profound questions about her future and where her heart truly belongs. Sommerfield Summer is an intimate exploration of nostalgia, the tug-of-war between past and present, and the timeless allure of a place that whispers of home.

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Chapter 16: Mike’s man cave

The following day, Dan arrived at Mike's house, a familiar place he had spent countless hours in during their years together in high school. 

Mike's dad, Harry Sullivan answered the door, a smile spreading across his face at the sight of Dan. It had been a while since they had seen each other, but the bond between them remained strong. Harry had appreciated Dan's positive influence in Mike's life. Dan was like a brother that Mike sorely needed, a brother that kept him on the straight and narrow.

As Dan stepped inside, Harry greeted him with a pat on the back. 

"Great to see you again, Dan," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth. "We've all missed having you around, Mike especially. He's down in the basement getting the man cave ready to receive you. You know the way."

Dan smiled broadly, shaking hands with Harry before making his way down the stairs.

The basement man cave, their sacred sanctuary of video games and endless hours of laughter and conversation awaited him. Mike was already there, setting up the video game console on the large screen television, his eyes lighting up as he saw Dan.

"Hey, man!" Mike exclaimed, extending his hand for a handshake. Dan reciprocated with a firm grip, their friendship rekindling instantly.

Dan glanced around the basement, taking in the video game posters adorning the walls and the large swimsuit centerfold posters that added a touch of glamor to the space. 

"Wow, Mike, you've outdone yourself with the changes you've made to the man cave." he commented, impressed by the array of gaming paraphernalia that was on display.

Mike grinned, appreciating the compliment. "Thanks, man. Wait until you hear the new sound system my dad helped me to pick. It's pretty epic."

With a flick of a switch, Mike booted up a fighting game on the video game console. The game title flashed on the large TV screen, accompanied by a booming musical theme playing on the sound system that reverberated through the basement, eliciting an impressed whistle from Dan.

"Damn, Mike! You weren't kidding about this sound system," Dan remarked, his eyes wide with admiration. "I wish I could have something like this in my apartment."

Mike chuckled, he could tell that this was his moment.

"Well, guess what? I can hook you up with a sweet deal on a similar sound system," he offered. "My dad is old friends with the owner of a hifi shop in Elkridge. I can help you score a good deal and even install it for you. I've got all the tools from my job at the hardware store."

Dan's gratitude was evident as he replied, "Thanks Mike. As much as I love a bit of audiovisual drama, it might be a bit much for my current place. I don't want to scare the neighborhood."

Mike laughed, understanding Dan's concern. They settled in front of the screen, the familiar sounds of the video game console filling the air as memories of their gaming adventures flooded their minds. 

They delved into the latest fighting game, a fresh release that Dan hadn't yet mastered. Wrestling with the controls at first, Dan found himself grappling with the game's mechanics. However, Mike's insightful hints and suggestions proved invaluable, transforming the challenge into a more pleasurable experience.

After an intense boss battle that ended with Dan dying in a particularly humorous way, they shared a hearty laugh, reveling in the camaraderie that had always defined their friendship.

With the game paused, Mike headed to the beer fridge and retrieved two cold bottles. He handed one to Dan, skillfully popping the top using his belt buckle, a party trick that he'd used to impress friends and dates alike. Dan chuckled at Mike's showmanship before taking a sip, savoring the taste. He glanced at the beer label, noticing that it was a local craft brew that displayed a level of sophistication.

"When did you learn to pick such a good beer?" Dan remarked, genuinely intrigued. "Where'd you get this amazing brewski?"

Mike opened his own bottle and took a long swig before replying.

"Just from the grocery store here in Sommerfield. They have some surprisingly good selections."

They resumed their video gaming session, Dan particularly focused on avoiding another defeat at the hands of the same boss.

"Oh, by the way, guess who I ran into at the store." Mike asked with an air of mystery.


"Becky Jones, she's back in town for a month or so. So said she'd even met up with you already." Mike revealed.

Dan maintained a nonchalant demeanor.

"Yeah we did, about a week ago." he replied casually.

"And you didn't think to tell me so I had to find out for myself?" Mike playfully reprimanded Dan, "I've missed Becky you know. She's such a sweet girl and it's been years since I've seen her."

"I'm sorry Mike, it didn't cross my mind. We should all catch up together. You know, my mom invited Becky and her family over for lunch. Maybe you and your dad could come, too."

Mike raised an eyebrow, contemplating the invitation. "A family gathering? Not exactly my vibe, but I guess it's better than zilch. You think your old man would be cool with that, though?"

Dan nodded confidently.

"I'll ask my mom. She wouldn't mind one little bit." he assured Mike, "I'll help my mom with the food so she'll be less stressed. I'm coming out of cooking retirement to smoke my signature barbecue brisket."

A grin spread across Mike's face as he reminisced about the mouthwatering flavors of Dan's brisket. 

"Holy shit that sounds amazing, I'll ask my dad if he's up for it." he enthused, "I just wish I had a girl I could take to lunch."

"Well, if you brought one of your female companions, that's yet another mouth to feed."

"Oh, come on, Dan. You know I'll feel left out if I don't bring a companion along," he teased, "I mean, you'd be too busy entertaining Becky, lavishing her with all your attention."

Dan laughed, shaking his head. "Not likely. I'll be too busy minding the meat. Becky can handle herself just fine."

"I'm sure Becky would love to handle your meat, certainly would look good doing it." Mike laughed crudely.

Dan's expression turned serious, his gaze fixed on Mike. 

"That's not cool, Mike," he said firmly, his voice devoid of humor.

Mike shrugged casually, a hint of insincerity in his apology.

 "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. Just messing around, you know?"

But the tension remained, lingering between them like an unwelcome guest.

"Forget about Becky," Mike said, trying to divert the conversation, "Dan, talk to me! What went down with you and Lisa? Now that it's just us, give me the lowdown. Was the bedroom action that bad?"

Dan's annoyance grew, compounded by Mike's rude comments about both Becky and Lisa. He didn't feel like discussing his recent breakup with Lisa, not with the way things were going. 

"Drop it, Mike," he said firmly, "Focus on the game. You're getting your ass kicked."

Silence descended upon the room as they resumed their gaming session, the clicking of their controllers and the sound effects from the game the only sounds breaking the awkward silence. 

Mike found himself unable to resist delving into Dan's personal matters. Over the years, they had always confided in each other, sharing both their triumphs and trials. Despite Dan's reluctance, Mike persisted with his relentless questioning.

"Seriously, Dan. I thought things were heating up between you and Lisa. I mean, she even moved out to be with you. She was totally throwing herself at you, you lucky son of a bitch."

Dan's annoyance turned to anger, his words became terse. 

"It didn't work out, alright? Just drop it," he implored, his frustration evident.

"What's up with you man? I tell you everything, Dan. There are no secrets between us. I trust you completely, and we've always had each other's backs."

"Okay!" Mike shouted with irritation, "What's up with you man? I lay it all out for you, Dan, there are no secrets between us. I trust you completely, and we've always had each other's backs."

A storm brewed within Dan, disrupting his typically serene composure. Setting down his controller, he halted the game and fixed Mike with a resolute yet troubled frown. Although anger surged within him, he maintained a composed tone, masking the intensity of his emotions.

"I don't believe you've told me everything, Mike," he stated calmly.

Mike's mounting frustration became palpable, his irritation now impossible to miss. With a swift gesture, he flung his controller aside, arms raised in a gesture of exasperation.

"What's your deal Dan?" he huffed, "I invited you here, got the top-notch brewskis, just to chill like brothers, and you're treating me like we are strangers."

Dan took a deep breath, attempting to calm himself. 

"Mike, it's not about that," he explained, his voice tinged with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. "But don't claim that you've shared absolutely everything with me. There are things that you've kept to yourself, and that's fine. We all have our boundaries."

Dan's piercing gaze remained fixed on Mike, devoid of emotion, leaving Mike feeling uneasy. Mike's eyes darted back and forth, desperately searching for any hint of what Dan might be thinking.

Finally, Dan spoke in a low voice, breaking the heavy silence. 

"School festival, final year of junior high," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and pain.

Mike's heart sank, his realization hitting him like a ton of bricks. He sat back down, dropping his head, understanding what Dan was about to bring up.

"It was nothing," Mike quickly interjected, his words rushed. "We just had a great time together, hanging out as friends. There's nothing between Becky and I."

Dan's voice remained calm as he replied. 

"I know there's nothing between the two of you." He paused, his gaze unwavering. "But you didn't tell me everything that happened that night."

A pause settled between them, the room filled only with the distant sound of the video game music and the muffled footsteps of Mike's father walking around upstairs.

Mike's defense instincts surged. "Sure, we shared a moment, but it was just a hug. It felt real, but it was nothing. Just a hug," he hurriedly explained, urgency lacing his words. "It was friendly, a celebratory thing. We got carried away; it didn't mean a thing."

Dan nodded, understanding Mike's perspective. "Yeah, I get it," he responded softly. "It was just a regular hug between pals." There was a touch of sorrow in his tone. "But the thing is, I found out from Becky. She felt she had to share it with me, to keep it real and open. That's what friends do when there's trust."

Silence hung in the air, the weight of Mike's omission palpable. He understood the hurt Dan must have felt, learning about the hug from Becky and not from him.

Mike attempted to rationalize his actions, frustration evident in his voice. "I didn't want any confusion," he clarified. "Becky means a lot to you, and I didn't want you thinking there was something when there wasn't. I was just looking out for our friendship."

"So you thought it better to keep it a secret instead?" Dan retorted.

Mike's frustration boiled over, his anger fueled by years of perceived suspicion. 

"You never trusted me to begin with," he exclaimed, his voice tinged with bitterness, "You've always thought of me as some kind of womanizer, a scoundrel. Someone you couldn't trust to be around your precious little Becky."

Dan's voice remained calm as he spoke but the hurt on Mike's face was evident. 

"That's ridiculous, Mike. I do trust you. It was my idea for you to accompany Becky that night so she wouldn't miss out on the festival, knowing I couldn't be there because I was sick, coughing my brains out."

"Quit kidding yourself, Dan. You never really trusted me from day one." In a surge of raw honesty, Mike persisted in his tirade, "You don't get to decide who Becky hangs out with. She's a grown woman, capable of making her own decisions. And if you're not ready to commit, then it's time to set her free."

Mike rose from his seat, signaling his departure from the basement. Despite Dan's attempts to soothe him, Mike's agitation lingered.

Dan found himself torn, caught between empathizing with Mike's frustration and recognizing his own role in driving his friend to such an emotional state.

As Mike geared up to storm upstairs and cool off, they caught the sound of his dad's footsteps heading down the stairs. To avoid worrying his father, Mike settled back beside Dan, clutching the game controller tightly, putting on a facade as if everything was perfectly normal.

"Hey boys! Wondering if any of you are hungry. I was going to pick up some pizzas or something from main street." Harry suggested with a broad smile.

"Thanks Harry but I've got to go. I forgot I had to do something urgent for Mary." Dan replied hurriedly.

"Oh. So soon. Well, come back again next time and maybe we can pick up a slice together then." Harry replied back with a friendly smile.

Dan bid a curt farewell to Mike's father before giving Mike a halfhearted goodbye before disappearing up the stairs.

Mike's dad stood silent as he heard the front door open and slam with Dan's departure. He walked over to Mike and sat down next to his son who was engrossed with continuing his gaming without his second player.

"Everything ok?" Harry asked.

There was no reply.

"You want that pizza?"

"Sure, Dad. Whatever." Mike responded, devoid of any emotion or energy. He continued playing, his controller movements forceful, as if he was trying to snap it in two.

Amidst the lingering heaviness of the unresolved conflict between friends, a dense silence enveloped Mike and his father. Each was caught up in their own private contemplations, the absence left by Dan's departure looming large and seemingly insurmountable.