
Something Magic

Bad choices, bad breakup, heartbreak. What will a woman do when she is dumped by the one genuine man in her life? Of course, she gets drunk and teleport into a magical portal where she has to save a millionaire. How will she do it? She does not know. She can succeed or fail. But what she has no idea of is that if the handsome millionaire dies, she will forever be stuck in his world.

Muskan_Kashyap_3010 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Chapter 7


Maybe I'm drunk, maybe I'm not, maybe it's just the effect of reading a book and drinking and harbouring more emotions that I could. I don't know, it's not just one thing. It's a mixture or at least five, maybe I've never been so overwhelmed to a point that I began to hallucinate, maybe I've never been drunk that I can know what it really feels like. For all I ever heard and seen, it should just be a bad headache. As harmless as a headache. So why is the floor that was a warm carpet became hard as concrete under me. why is that I was warm and suddenly I'm freezing cold. what the fuck is going on?

I got up from the floor, it was so hard to look at anything. everything feels dark and loud and strange. How can I be here? I was just in a library, this place smells like a mixture of burning wood and sea breeze somehow mixed together. Maybe I was drunk and I blacked out and that ginger girl kicked me out. Yeah! That sounds like something plausible. But I don't feel so out of control, so out of consciousness. Just a little buzzed that's all.

Before I could figure out what really was going on, a loud screech bursted through the air with a bright light and like a flash, went by. No, no. What the hell is going on? I suddenly fell on my knees, desperate to cover myself. I feel like I've travelled like a thousand miles in a few seconds. My knees feel almost unresponsive.

Again, the same sound, loud, loud, loud, so loud. I can almost feel my ears ripping into shreds. I fell back hard on the ground. Head hitting hard. Shaking, whimpering, trying to see something, anything. but it's like I've been blinded by the darkness. What the hell did I do to myself?

It was a car, I realised it almost too late, almost as I was feeling myself passing out cold. Right after I jerked awake with the realization that the car crashed into the electricity pole not even a meter away from me. That sound was so loud. I was sure a blast will soon follow and then the flames from it will light up the road. Maybe I'll know where I've come. I've never imagined an accident would sound like this. I've never imagined I would feel this empty when I might be the only one to go and check up on the person. But it's been hard to feel anything after that jerked sucked up every bit of emotion I was ever able to feel.

I can't waste time feeling sorry for me when I should be saving a life. an immortal strength raised up in my body when I got up on my feet and ran to the car bursting in insane beeps. The lights inside were on. It was when I was closer that I realised the car was decorated with flowers and ribbons. Almost like it's for a newly-wed. And there was someone inside, I don't quite see. But it was a man, in a suit. Maybe they were just married. I looked over to the passenger side, there was none. My heart even more, almost like I could feel what was going on. Almost like when I'm heart broke for Ed. The window glass crashed into bits without much force. So, I was able to unlock the door.

"Hello?" I try to slap him lightly, tried to wake him up. I can't see if he's even alive, I can't see whether he is bleeding. "Hello?" he's not responding. There is not enough time, the way the car is blaring and the heat and the smoke it's exhuming, in so much anger, I know it's not much time left before it will blast off in flames. I need to get him out I don't know how I will even do it but I have to do it.

It was hard for my hand to go around him to unbuckle the seatbelt, I had to go through the passenger seat, broke the glass which was almost shattered, work through the bouquets and unlock his belt. I ran again to the other side and tried freeing him from the steering wheel and air bag. It was easier said than done. I've lost so much of my strength. I tried scooping both the arms on both of his sides, fixing it in a way so I can get a proper hold around him. once I was sure I have hold him the best of my abilities, I pulled him back. Using the strength of my core and back and arms I took one step back. He moved, barely an inch, but he did. Again, I used the strength of my core, and back and pulled him back. He moved again, an inch. A few more times until he was at the edge of his seat and again and then he fell on the ground with me. I've lost all that was ever remained in me to keep going. I fell back panting. I can't do this anymore. I don't even know if he's alive.

He's alive. I felt him breathe. Yes, he's alive. I have to save him. I dragged myself with him, back and back and back. Until I can no longer feel the heat emitting from that car. I don't care what happened to me or how I got here, if I am able to save this man, maybe it will all be like this for a reason.

I took him back and back until I can no longer move a bit. I fell right there on the ground, panting. I need a few more minutes.

There were no more seconds. The car bursted into flames, I felt a hot wave of airy blow hitting me. dashing my back. But I saved him. the road lit up in a bright orange flame. Ah! at least I saved him.

There is enough light to look around. enough light to see the place I've never seen living for so many years in this town. This road I've never been on. I never even knew there could be mountains here. I don't think there were any mountains and a wide sheet of stars covering over the sky. I've been living in such a beautiful place and I never even knew.

I few more minutes and I pulled myself on the ground again. Where in the world am I? how did I got here? I wanted to the man, his face not illuminated. He's young, young enough to die and handsome. But there was something about his face that felt familiar. Like the high nose bridge and straight lips on his face lives somewhere in my thoughts.

I try to look through his pockets, maybe for a phone. I got one. I need to call for help. There is nothing around here.


It's been four hours, I'm here, drenched in blood I didn't realize was on y before I entered a decent setup of lights. By the amount of blood there is on my body, it's hard to imagine if he would've saved. There is no one here telling me.

"Are you the one?" a man came standing in front of me. I don't know if he's looking at me, I'm too tired to meet his eye. "I'm talking to you." I look up to meet a strange pair of eyes glaring at me with panic. "Did you bring him here?" I felt the couch sink when he sat beside me. I just nodded. "I need you to keep it confidential." He adds.

"Is he someone big?" I know it was a stupid question. But it was only what I could ask at that time.

"You don't know him?" he sounds genuinely surprised like I'm supposed to know him.

"I don't think I've seen that face." maybe I have, maybe that is why he looked kind of familiar.

"Are you sure you're not hurt?"

"I don't think I feel any physical pain." I reply.

"Can I know your name?"

"Mandy Knowles."

"Ms. Knowles, you've done us a huge favor. I don't want to imagine what would've happened if you weren't there."

"You don't have to thank me. I did what was necessary. I'll leave once I know he's fine."

"Still, give me your number. I would like to officially thank you."

"It's fine. You don't have to thank me. I should be thankful. I almost gave up hope, but once I know he's doing fine I will have a reason to think this night isn't so bad. Maybe I'll meet him someday and thank him for making me feel again." I fetched a hand in the pocket of my jacket and gave him my card.

I saw him sliding it down in his pocket just when the doctor suddenly arrived.

"How is he doing?"

"We were able to stop the bleeding. We still need to watch him overnight."

"He'll be fine, right doctor."

"He is out of danger, but I can't tell you how long it will take him to wake up. We are shifting Mr. Jordan to the ICU." The doctor left and that man turned to look at me.

"I'm Alex George. And the guy you just saved is Edward Jordan. Now I need to go." He left before I even had the time to think. He said Alex George and Edward Jordan. Why does that name sound so familiar? I closed my eyes. where the hell have I heard these names before. I opened my eyes and it was all gone. The hospital, Alex. All of it.

"Mandy! Mandy!" are you alright?

What the hell?