
Chapter 2: Beauty in the Beast

I am a man of conviction atleast I try to be, I guess...no wait or probably dreamed of, no still dreaming.

I am confused because of him, man who gave me a chance to fulfil my blanks in life.

I was from a very poor family where theft was the only key to survive.

Not to mention, none of us were educated or enough educated for the society we were living in.

Higher educated people was our most prominent admiration and some of us were worshipped them like a God.

From those days of suffering to now, at present I was bound to live into my own conviction and beliefs until he stole me from me.

Trust in partners in our way of life was not necessary or crucial part if living but still I tried to be friendly and trustworthy to my arranged and organised family. It's that what it was.

My father left me and my mother during her pregnancy. He brutally attacked her when she told him about me. I heard it from my uncle who lived with us back then and taught me how to steal for living.

He had a daughter who was not his. He founded her in a garbage at midnight when he was looking for food in there. I introduced her as my own sister because I had none to claim.

Later, I had known that he was my mother's current lover. So many things in my life was happening that I didn't cared a less.

Then when I became a regular honest thief for my livings, I met him.

He was surprisingly very generous and gentle person. I couldn't have imagined that I can met someone like him in the near future of my theftship.

I stole a very expensive brooch from him, it was given to him by his late great grandfather after he died as a family realm...a heritage that's been handed over generation from generation.

That day, he was there in the shop to collect it, he gave them to clean it for him.

I was happened to be there for the opportunity to steal something for the day to eat.

I was very swift, I was known for that but somehow, he knew that it was me who stole it from him but he didn't do anything to get it back then.

Moreover, he followed me to my home and offered me a lifetime opportunity for experience. I was astonishingly surprised and impressed.

A man who can find a thief, followed him to his house but didn't captured and has a brave heart to be bold enough to make a mere thief as a companion, was not an every day story to see, heard or read about.

Perhaps, he had nothing to loose, as I thought.

When he was offering me this golden opportunity, he was checking out my house and family. My sister was in love with him at first sight but he didn't bulge or care.

He associated one of his man to take care my family for me and took me with him.

Not for once he asked me about his brooch during the whole conversation, moreover, at the same night we left the town for a new beginning of our life.

We took a train to reach our destination. He reserved a luxurious hotel rooms for us. He is not a sharing type of a man that's why, he reserved another room for me as well.

I didn't had slightest idea about him. Just like that took his hands to a new chapter of my life.

At prompt time, he met me in the hall where a small party of the hotel was being held. It was their daily hospitality arrangement for the guests to entertain.

It was my first too. I never saw such a party before. It was like, boredom had a new identity there as a man in disguise with rich coat and smirking smile in one corner of his mouth.

I couldn't understand what could I do to kill myself because time was walking turtle there.

Everyone seemed to love each other's intellectual opinions of others who I didn't know or had any interest back then.

My master on the other hand, came late after an hour, looking like a complete gentleman, ready to enjoy the party.

I understood one thing that day, enjoyment of a person depends on themselves.

I couldn't realised till I saw him. He came to me, asking if I was doing okay then get back to those folks who were babbling for so long with their one sided judgemental acquaintances.

He seemed very thoughtful between them. Very frank and didn't hesitate to smile in the middle of their accusations.

His eyes were sparkling with brilliance and timid with humour. Loving the fact that he knew everyone and very social.

In one word, he was enjoying the small gathering where as I was not.

During their conversation, they shared their interest on visiting him in his house. He took a minute to answer then said he would try to inform them when he stayed at home.

I was surprised at first, it was another shocking moment for me. He could not make time for his friends, it was completely ridiculous thing to think. A man like him, didn't had time for his affectionate adversaries.

Then where would he take me to, a continuous journey! Could it be possible?

That night we ended up dead as two corpses in each of our own bed. My master worked as a negotiator in that battleground of crusaders.

No one won the battle of sensitivity but knives that were thrown out couldn't be retrieved.

The clash between royalties, blue bloods, worshippers and followers of them and outcasts from them stayed continues to the next future.

Moreover, my master suggested that to enrich and rejoice the very idea of upcoming shores and waves of sensuality in sensitivity. The habits of bloods couldn't be controlled or stopped but we could act to enjoy them. So, we should try to escape those circumstances that every judgemental people creating for us but no one seemed to loving the idea of leaving their battlefields.

The next day, it was a new adventure for me. Last night they planned to go for a picnic with one of our aquentance. He has a house at the corner of the lake which was abandoned by his great grandfather and leave it to him.

No one of his family ever needed it but he took it graciously and use it as his vacational spot.

He spent time there before, nothing ever happened to him, now he wants us to take there.

It was a beautiful white house villa by the lakeside with little interior garden on the terrace and river bus of his own to take for a tour of the lake.

The house was made of white clay like ancient Greek towns to make it cool comfortable and refreshing in hot summer.

The white stone roof with solarium windows for the living room and interior terrace garden and solar powered glass with solar panels were seemed to be very well equipped little white villa in the middle of nowhere.

His aim was to make it as comfortable as possible for him. He could not barely think of having any kind of external pressure during his stay.

He kept a governess with a man and two children to keep the house well managed.

I was feeling great by the sight of his beautiful little villa with lake which has a little island in the middle.

It was quite a big lake in the middle of the forest, went very far behind those forest trees to leave the end unseen in limitations as if to hide the frustration of it's nature.

Five of them and me came in the villa to stay for a few days, no hurries though as long as we could take.

What I just didn't realise till then when I saw a pretty young governess in the middle of all men, that we were missing the advantage of romanticism in a place like this, particularly like this. Other than her no more beautiful girls were out there and moreover, we were all came here alone.

I was feeling disappointed, missing steamy romance but others were happy to be here to spend their times where as per minutes like an hour.

I was looking for a steamy romance when my fate decided to make my dreams come true in case of me.

My master had to keep me in the same room with him because there was no spare room but he didn't hesitate for a minute.

I was at first very nervous when the governess tried to make me smell her chest. She all of a sudden came very close to me.

I was waiting in the living room with others when she make a good reason of coming too close to me, a beautiful mahogany armoire was standing behind me working as a display of all their embedded crockeries, it's a rare collection indeed.

I was completely unaware of her smirk crush on me. It never happened before but my master rescue me before my sharp thin nose cross the twins. He suddenly called me by name, O' Mr. Bay, come here at once, and by that he rescued me from that coincidental dilemma.

With very embarrassment, the governess through back herself in the back where owner of the house Mr. Adam was. He was quite delighted by the accident.

But the governess, Miss Davies was not, moreover, she blushed like a pink rose and left us there alone.

After few minutes, she sent Mr. Rees the only man who stays with her to take care the house. He was not that much bad looking but a man of righteous faith. If he could have the chance, he could even look after us.

Loving the fact that my master get used to me. Nevertheless, he was enjoying my company.

There was nothing else to do without sightseeing, hunting or fishing. Thus they chose for hunting and some chose fishing the next day.

Mr. Rogers brought camera to make his own document, he was the one who couldn't understand the the royalties too much interest on the servants affairs.

Our governess on the other hand, arranged picnic and barbecue for our lunch though it was not a bad idea at all. She was looking lavishingly gorgeous at that sunny day.

Everyone of us checking her out without my master of course, he, for some reason didn't have that much of interest on any women or that kind. Even in the hotel, he ignored probably every woman, he came across.

Without further delays, we took a boat to look around the lake while fishing. He took the liberty to row the dinghy. I was on the other hand was watching his muscular physique.

Then I realised how handsome guy, he was and still he is. His pencil like thin imperial mustache for some reason suit him well. His tanned skin and roman complexion could be the fact that man and woman get interested to him other than that he never had a single interest on people but he had a kind heart or else I would not be with him.

The lake water was like a crystal clear, the fishes on the surface of water were calling us to catch them but still it took few hours to almost noon that we could finish our lake view journey.

During the whole time both of us were looking forward to see more, nothing to share with words, open sky, clean water, big dark huge stones but not that high like mountains in the middle of the lake looking gorgeous with beautiful colours of wild flowers all over those stones, pearl white pebbles and rocks, very slippery on the surface of those rocks. It was near to impossible to stand on those or to land our boat.

In the end of the lake we took rest for a while to look around more. The nature was very wild and deep. It was not possible to go through the forest by simple walk. The mountains separated very cleverly like it was protecting Mr. Adam's property from losing it's harmony.

No way to climb upwards the mountain, very rough, needs large amounts of investment to make the paths.

Richness of beauty could only be seen and enjoyed by us, nothing can be carried or taken from there.

It was around 12.50 pm when we finished with our catching luncheon. Thanks to God that our governess was already prepared our lunch or else we had to starve to death.

As soon as we arrived to the land, Mr. Rees started to undress our fishes to make us a nice meal then we realized after sitting together for lunch that we were missing Mr. Rogers, the camera explorer.

We hoped that he might be late for his lunch but not exactly that case. He was lost. We enjoyed our meals with Mr. Adam the owner and the generous man who invited all of us but actually rescued my master from being bullied, Mr. Smith the hunter who keeps his gun with him and hunted few rabbits, Mr. Duncan who was the owner of that hotel we stayed last night and the planner of this little gathering, the picnic party.

We waited for Mr. Rogers till evening but no signs of him. We ate, played volleyball and my master won, we took our evening tea and coffee with small little snacks then went back to our resting place without Mr. Rogers.

Me and my master went to bed early that night, whole days of activities made us tired enough to continue any further of conversations and mysterious disappearance of Mr. Rogers was very unexpected for everyone of us.

The next day, we all awakened at due time to have our breakfast when Mr. Rees came up with the bad news of Mr. Rogers that he founded dead in the corner of the other side at the lake.

We all were shocked and stunned by this horrifying news. No one expected it. What a bad luck, I was thinking at that moment. Who could have done that?

Then Mr. Rees broke my imagination by admitting that Mr. Rogers happened to have an heart stroke. He assumed that probably from the whole day's of excitement and heat.

In the rural jungle like that, where we were going to take him to examine the truth. No one knew anything about each other that much. We were all perfectly gentlemen who were enjoying each other privacy and secrecy when that happened.

Moreover, the dead body was already started to decompose and rescued from the fishes and insects of the forest. We had to do something about it.

We all decided to bury him with Mr. Adam's great grandparents in their family cemetery which was hidden behind the bungalow middle of the rocky mountains and forest.

Though it's a small forest of his private property but seemed spooky and mysterious enough to me. I couldn't imagined any graveyard behind the bungalow, that's where our room was with a great views of the forest with kitchen garden on the side of a small vineyard upfront.

For some reasons, I was feeling very awakened inside, feeling chilled with thrill in my life for the very first time.

My master understood my uneasiness and let me know that I could rest if I like, he is a very gentle presence that I ever encounter indeed.

We were sad about the sudden death of Mr.. Rogers.

I was trying to remember what was he like, it was a very short period of time that I had known him but still he was not that much of a bad guy to die that soon. Then I remembered, he had a little camera with him which was missing.

I whispered in his ears about that missing heritage of him and showed interest of looking for it, he slightly nodded to me in affirmation, to go by myself, he would be catch up with me later on.

I sneaked out from the kitchen diner where we all gathered to drink lemonade with chicken-tuna sandwiches.

Outside the kitchen, the beautiful lake sliding away with it's continuous slow pace flows towards those rocky mountains and so was I.

Walking by the lakeside in my small steps, looking if anything I could find suspicious or even the camera, to know what he was filming during his existence, what was his interest on to film, especially, right before his death, what was he filming.

I was sad, feeling very sad, not only because his death or he died with sudden unexpected surprise but because of acknowledging the true fact of death which is, death never like to see how much healthy or wealthy or beautiful any person inside or outside, just take the life away with it's selfish anguish and make everyone useless with sadness, probably because of my adolescent age and lack of experience that made me think like that back then but that what I was feeling then.

I was slowly walking by the side of the lake watching how the water flows by, then saw the fishing net bestowed upon in a distance for catching fishes from the lake and then something sparkled to my eyes that I had to close my eyes for a second.

I opened my eyes again to see what it was to see but I didn't understand what it was shining there in the end of the fishing net which was somehow looking very carried away by the flow of the lake water.

I could swim towards it, to check it out but I was afraiding to strangled to death on the net. I definitely needed a dinghy to go by that spot.

My master woke me up from my day dreaming, came from backside of me to see my progress of investigation.

I shared my curiosity with him and pointed out that vary spot.

Both of us then took the dinghy to that shining spot to check out our curious place, as we thought, it was the camera and for heaven sake it was waterproof not water resistant.

Then why it was there, both of us exchanged a quick glance with each other and realized what happened with Mr. Rogers. The fishing net was distorted for some reason and camera was caught in that distortion.

My master took the camera with him afterwards to see what inside and let me had the pleasure of keeping the dinghy safely and securely as it was. Never minding my curiosity, just went back to his room.

After two straight hours in a row, he came to me with his distinctly sheepish grin that I thought made him looking very unusually overcast and reddish pink face at the same time and tempted me that I did a great job but never cared to share or showed any empathy to my waited curiosity and hardwork to enlightened me with anything about the film, we had rescued.

I couldn't show my never ending interest on that film but carefully watching him the whole time and I noticed something that my master was not looking at all to our governess, avoiding her to see. She was looking gorgeous as usual but he couldn't make himself to see her for any reason.

It bothered me a lot and made me to leave him there alone. They all were discussing about Mr. Rogers belonging they found in his room where they had learnt that he had a woman sharing with another man and kids. She wasn't looking like his daughter but perhaps a sister or ex wife or something. That picture had an address where they were planning to inform about his death.

I on the other hand, backed to my room for that film, our room door was wide open. I hurriedly, went to look for my master to inform what just happened, as calmly as I could, because I didn't want to make others understand what we did that I didn't know myself what happened.

My master came with me and checked his wardrobe, it's gone he said to me. I asked him, what is gone? He sighed to say, the film.

My level of interest exceeded my expectations to incremental excitement. I couldn't hold myself with desperate enticement. I asked him what was in the film?

He turned to reddish pink face as I said that to him but said to me, nothing to be worried about. Mr. Rogers died because of excessive pressure of excitement. Then he cared to share what was actually happened to Mr. Rogers.

Mr. Rogers swam to the fishing net to see if there was any fish caught in the net without taking any fishing boat. As it was to be happened, he strangled himself in that net. He juggled to free himself from that net for few minutes and struggled a lot with the net then he freed himself but he was so terrifyingly horrified that his heart could not take the pressure of heat and the incident.

Before he even make himself return to the land, he was caught himself in a heart attack probably then his unconscious body swiped to the other side of the lake with the flows of the lake water.

I was seeking something to make my face reddish pink like my master but why then he was feeling so shameful to tell me that before the film got stolen or showed me. He must be hiding something in between. What was it?

Me and my master could not come up with any good reason why anyone going to steal the film but after the whole day spending together by lake then Mr. Duncan came to us to give another shocking news.

Mr. Smith founded dead at the cemetery. A deadly mushroom he ate with his ignorance. That mushroom was in his hands, he died while eating it. He didn't tell anyone about it, no one knew where did he find such poisonous mushrooms or from when he was actually started to eating it.

Wild forest like that growing deadliest mushrooms, no one could not even expect to comprehend. Who could have known from where he got those mushrooms? From somewhere underneath the mountains where no one could see or he brought with himself.

Whichever the reason, he was dead. Everyone was assuming probably he would have died after we all left the cemetery before during the funeral he was a very healthy man.

No one knew that much about that mushroom but Mr. Adam kept a sample of that mushroom to check out.

I was nearly shaking by the two healthy dead man in a row. It was quite unfortunate but still who was going to believe us if someone from their family accused us for murder.

Mr. Duncan was feeling very sick all of a sudden. Two of his friends died like that, it was unbearable for him. He hid his tears and went to sleep early that night, didn't ate anything even at night. Told us to carry on by ourselves without him.

We gave Mr. Smith's burial too that same day with Mr. Rogers. We didn't kept his body waiting for the next day.

We all were silently took our meals and went back to our bed early that night.

The next day, it was still very early to awake, probably 4.30 or 5. 00 a.m. when my eyes wide opened suddenly without any specific reason that I could make myself understand at that moment but I noticed that my master's bed was empty. I didn't think that much about it and went back to sleep.

It was Mr. Rees who woke me up by knocking at the door. I woken up with my sleepy head where my eyes was still half closed, I opened the door and Mr. Rees nearly jumped towards me to gave me another head spinning news that Mr. Duncan stroked in his sleep last night, he was no more for us.

I just sat back silently in my master's bed for a moment then Mr. Rees very gently added to his voice to say me to get ready for the funeral. My master was waiting to have a breakfast with me after that we all going to attend the funeral.

I was recalling those time when they were all enjoying their time, gossiping with each other, pulling each other's legs, bullying in a sneaky sarcastic way, laughing out loud for making each other admirable fool of the day and giggling like a school girl to keep it hidden so no one get offended by false thoughts because it was simply meant to be a good conversation and entertainment for the day to break the lazy boredom.

I couldn't keep my sadness secret, my eyes turned red when my master put his hand to my shoulder and said, take a deep breath and cry, cry to mourn if you must, no one going to judge you, no one going to tell you that you are a woman if you cry out loud, you don't have to be a woman to cry on dead people, sometimes gentleman can cry too, you know and then went straight back to the house and yelled at me from behind while walking away, come to the house when you are done.

I took half hour to get back to him. I never felt so confused and sad at the same time.

Mr. Adam couldn't believe what just happening to him. He sent Mr. Rees to the nearby town for sending a message to his office secretary to make an arrangement with relatives of his deceased friends.

My master was on the other hand, preparing my nightwear, it was made of silk and it was a sleeveless man's gown with robe, he didn't like it that much, Mr. Adam gave it him as a present of farewell because the vary next day we were returning to our home.

Immediately, I said no, I can't wear this. My master got grumpy all of sudden unexpectedly, to make him feel happy in that bad time, I changed my opinion and said yes, I will wear it.

We took our last dinner together and gave each farewell at dinner till the next morning.

I was getting ready early that night to sleep when my master told me to come with him outside. He wanted to show me something at our last time in bungalow.

He took me to the lake where dinghy was there waiting for us with a lantern.

I whispered as lower as I could, at this time, why, he smiled at me for the first time and said it's a surprise for you, nothing else.

He rowed himself to the behind the center rocky mountains, so no one could see us from the lake.

It was a beautiful night, actually gorgeous moment of my first adolescent age, I couldn't imagine what was going to happen to me.

He opened a bottle to toast for the memories we created here for last few days under the gay moon, sky full of stars with the mountains and lantern light.

After drinking the whole bottle, I was feeling little easier then he at my uttermost absolute delightful moment, he dragged me closer to him and hugged me very dearly and deeply, it was tighter enough that almost I was losing my breath and slowly after few minutes or more he down his face to my chest, began to embracing me with his face, every corner of my chest, I was aroused by his embrace and with my shivering body and shaken personality when my heart was bouncing like a horse race, I said, master, master what are you doing then he kissed me, started exploring my mouth like he explored the lake, touched me everywhere, I forgot to stop him, I forgot that I was supposed to be a little boy from that town from where he first picked me among others to himself.

After, I didn't realised how long, he gave me back my silk gown and said I knew that you are a woman from that moment when you stole my family heritage from me.

Let me properly introduce myself, I am William Atkins, the seventh generation of my family line, I have no one to claim to myself than you.

That's why, when you stole from me I fell in love with you that instant for your cleverness. I couldn't bare the thought of losing that face of yours who fooled me by her appearance thence I trailed you out from your place.

He again started to kissing me with my half revealed body, I forgot to feel ashamed off infront of him, he took longer than before this time then released me from his arms.

I couldn't understand where to hide my face but smile of his face made me more uneasy to put on my silk gown. He grabbed me from behind and whispered to my ears, you are still not fully satisfied, aren't you, then softly pressed my pointy, slightly embrace it's awareness and aroused small mountains of my own to their peaks and started to kiss me again and again.

I was selfishly wishing that to never end, only continues to the depth of my existence.

We were out for several hours perhaps because when we saw the lake, the bungalow was on fire.

It was very lucky of us that we packed our luggage. Luckily, the fire was caught in the living room, my master jumped out from the boat before we reached to the land and ran into the villa, it took him few minutes to back with our luggage in his dark grey shades. His whole body was covered with ashes.

When I asked him, where is Mr. Adam? He was breathing very heavily and then sat on the ground beside me. I was panicking with fear when he pulled me down and hugged me for few minutes.

I saw the car was there, it means Mr. Rees came back from the town then where is he? No signs of him or the governess or the children.

I was crying silently with the horror of life of mine, shivering like I had a hysteria then he said to me, children were sent to the town, staying with governess family for the moment.

Mr. Adam and Mr. Rees died in the fire, he saw their dead body on fire, burning and melting like candles on the floor.

Moreover, he didn't saw the governess but managed to save our luggage and then he showed something shining in his hand, it was that lost camera of Mr. Rogers.

He gave me the camera and went to look behind the villa for the governess.

It took him an hour or less when he came back with governess. She was so afraid of that incident that she couldn't think of anything else.

She was injured in one of her leg but not that severe, her whole body was covered with grey dirty ashes, burnt few spots of her body here and there, flesh could be seen in her face and hands as if someone intentionally hit her, her dress was torn slightly from upper side from the chest, it's been safety pinned carefully.

However, She didn't said anything about her appearance or explained to us but said the fire was caught up very fast. Both of them drank too much which could be the cause of catching fire on them at a blink of an eye as she thought.

Moreover to that, she didn't saw how the fire started so she assumed probably because of that.

She was cleaning everything as fast as she could when Mr. Rees came back from town and went to see Mr. Adam after that she smelled the smoke and saw smoke coming from the living room. When she ran to the living room, both of them laying on to the floor unconscious with their burning bodies.

She couldn't stand there to watch her loved ones burning bodies. Because of the living room carpet it was too cloudy with smoke and fire caught up too quickly to burn the whole place down.

Me, my master and governess just spent the night under the starry sky where fire was dancing out it's hatred of anguish.

Something was mysterious about the whole thing. We all came to spend few days, within those days, they all died except us and the governess and as for the memories, we had the camera of Mr. Rogers.

At the glimpse of the sunlight, we drove into our destination. We left Mr. Adam's governess at the town, reported to the police about the horrible incident. Police officer understood the whole situation, wrote our side of the statement then gave us the permission to leave the town.

There was nothing to do, the police officer seemed very reluctant about the whole situation.

Moreover, it was very common thing for them as he said to us . Fire into the darkness of the forest, every day atleast one dead person to be found or reported to them by their family. Who knew that how many had to die so far?

Me and my master didn't stayed even for a night at the town. We had to our home.

During the whole massacre, both of us forgot to check out the camera what's mystery could be hidden in that small mettalic box.

We were arrived very quickly to his house. It was in one word magnificent.

He showed me his room where should I stay. We took atleast a week to lower our lust of each other. Then one day, all of a sudden he got interested on that Mr. Rogers camera.

He plugged that in with his television and played. I was silently sneaking out behind him. I was cautious that he probably forbid me to see what's in that camera because he was too secretive about it from the first place.

At first, it was blank dark then Mr. Rogers turned on the camera, set it to get charged in his villa room where he was staying perhaps he didn't know that it was started to filming his room, it recorded everything he done in his room, nothing much, just took few minutes to make himself ready for the dinner then he left the room, it was the day before the picnic that he filmed.

After few minutes the governess was in his room, got undressed fully, grooming her belly as if she was pregnant caressing very smooth skin of her. She was unspeakably beautiful indeed, tanned skin, hazel eyes, chestnut hair, beautiful figure then Mr. Adam came in. She wasn't expecting him.

She was shocked at first and quickly grabbed her dress to herself but Mr. Adam was very pleased by the sight. He came close to her touched her shivering body then took her to Mr. Rogers bed for 5 to 7 minutes then he left her there.

Then she too left the room, Mr. Rogers came and turn off the camera. He didn't checked it.

The next it showed the picnic day. He recorded the every act of the governess then the forest, the lakeside, the fish net that made him curious to swim towards it to check out as William's said to me, then the camera shut off because of his struggling with net.

After that it was filming Mr. Rees, he was checking out if the camera was okay. Those little kids from earlier was with him, they stole it from William's room. They saw William with that shiny thing he brought it back from the lake, they didn't see such a shiny object before, so they get curious and stole it to play with it as they were confessing to Mr. Rees.

Again the camera started to film, it was that night before our departure from the villa, the night to remember, the fire night.

Mr. Adam was sitting in the living room, watching the stars above the sky and the moonlight that showering him with it's limelight. The living room was made of with big windows, even at the ceiling he used glasses to enjoy the views just like that.

After minutes or so, he called out his governess by Mr. Rees who was there at that moment probably sat the camera there for recording Mr. Adam and his personal endeavours without knowing what was going to happen next. Mr. Adam was looking very tired and sad, very depressed too. As handsome and beautiful man he was, depression in his face looking bad.

Mr. Rees was cleaning up the glasses and plates we left there after our dinner. The was out before the dinner we had to take our dinner with our candles.

He ordered Mr. Rees to send Miss Davies and not to disturb them till he call him again. He will notify him when to come by Miss Davies, his governess.

Whenever Miss Davies came to the room, he softly with his majestic voice said her to come closer to him. He slowly put his hand underneath her gown and embracing her. She wasn't wanting him to do that again then he pulled her to him, torn her blouse a little and started to love her.

Who knew that Mr. Rees was watching the whole thing or from when he was watching them but when Mr. Adam finished loving her, Mr Rees came from behind Mr. Adam and grabbed him to throw back into the floor.

Miss Davies came to rescue Mr. Adam from Mr. Rees with her almost half revealed body but he smacked her too on her face and she fell down on the floor outside the living room at the lobby.

During the fight between two men of Miss Davies, few candles fell down too which was the main cause of their death.

Both were tired, heavily drunk, depressed and fought with their last breath. The living room was carpeted curtains and cushions everywhere so the fire didn't hesitate to burn them all and didn't even wasted anytime to burn them too.

At first, Miss Davies was unconscious but the heat of the fire wake her up. It didn't take too long to burn out everything in the living room.

The camera was hidden underneath the table of the lobby which was by the side of the living room so when he slapped Miss Davies she fell out with the table. It was a small table anyway. That's why, William saw the camera and took it with him. It was still filming when he took it. Then William shut it off for good.

It was no one's fault in the end. Mr. Adam was a loner, beautiful man, divorced and Miss Davies was young timid woman in the forest looking after his house and another weathering beauty like him. Both of them wasting their youthful lives for no reason.

And on the other hand, Mr. Rees who loved her very dearly that almost he was like her godfather or an uncle that never tried to love her like that. So, when he saw Mr. Adam loving Miss Davies, he could not hold himself, he couldn't control his anger that for so long he was holding to himself for Mr. Adam's appearance, his charms, his abundant wealth and then Miss Davies, the woman he wanted to kept only for himself.

At the end of the recording, William noticed me sneaking from behind and explained those reasons to me as I couldn't came out with a better explanation with all those unfortunate incidents at once.

Few weeks later, a mail came from Mr. Duncan's hotel addressing to us by Miss Davies, sent us an appreciation letter for what we have done for her and gave us open invitation to visit her anytime we want.

She shouldn't have known our address only Mr. Duncan had that record because William was his regular customer. She approached to the hotel and requested them to send that letter of her to us.

And Miss Davies also didn't forget to mention that she was pregnant with Mr. Adam's child and he left his everything in the name of Miss Davies before his death. She even kept those two kids with her and her family.

She made it a resort for tourists. She opened her business there, so, it should not be left alone like before or anything happens like before. She kept more workers so all of them could be saved whenever they needed.

The police officer that we met, she married him later on. At present, she is well protected and safe.

William and me, Anya are married couple now.

When we got her mail he was feeling relaxed and sad at the same time and gave her return letter as an acceptance of her gratitude and send her few gifts for her and her baby boy. With affirmation that we will look forward of visiting her sooner in her villa, the place where all beautiful things are kept together but as beautiful as they are deadlier as well.

Even Mr. Adam who was a gorgeous man at a sight, and a man of principle but with a hunger of a beast inside that made him what he did to Miss Davies.

Although he made her rich afterwards by giving his everything to her as a gesture of affectionate love of his only that could be ended up in a beautiful happy family but what did happened fate could not tolerate the weight of truth.

Miss Davies was a beauty in the beast like Mr. Adam, the love that left momentous like us who some were died on his place and some lived to tell the story.