
Something is becoming invincible and it's not even you Jack!

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3 Chs

Wakanda Forever Jack!

[A quiet African town. The protagonist, cyborg Raiden, rides in a limousine with two African politicians and two people from the organisation he represents, "Maverick".]

Prime Minister N'mani: Three years... We've come so far in just three short years...

N'mani's Advisor: The sign of a strong leader, sir.

Prime Minister N'mani: No -- the will of a strong people.

[Outside the limousine window on the street children play football.]

Prime Minister N'mani: And one very able advisor.

N'mani's Advisor: Thank you, sir.

Prime Minister N'mani: Your team deserves credit as well... Mr. Lightning Bolt.

[Raiden's taking off his sunglasses.]

Raiden: Just doing our job, Mr. Prime Minister.

Prime Minister N'mani: I must admit, I once thought of groups like yours as opportunists -- enablers of war. But you've trained our new army well -- order has returned sooner than expected.

[There are many armed soldiers and military equipment on the street.]

Prime Minister N'mani: Perhaps I was wrong about these "private military companies"...

Raiden: We prefer "private security provider," sir. Most of Maverick's contracts do focus on security.

Prime Minister N'mani: Yes, well, "security" can mean many things…

[The camera flies out of the limousine and shows us that there are several heavily armed APCs in front of it.]

Raiden: There's a saying I like: "One sword keeps another in the sheath." Sometimes, the threat of violence alone is a deterrent. Sometimes, by taking a life, others can be preserved. It's the code the samurai lived by…

Prime Minister N'mani: Mm… A soldier and a philosopher. You are full of surprises Mr. Lightning Bolt.

Raiden: I could say the same about you, Mr. Prime Minister.

[The limo suddenly stops.]

N'mani's Advisor: What is happening?

Courtney: Someone's blocking the lead vehicle… Hold on.

Soldier: Clear the road! This is official state business!

[A samurai with a long red katana walks onto a wide dusty road. He is wearing ultramodern military armor and cyborg enhancements. The samurai swiftly unsheaths his sword.]

Soldier: I said, clear the road! We're authorized to use force if you do n--

[The samurai runs quickly to the APC. The soldier starts shooting at him, but the samurai dodges each shot. He bounces up and cuts down the machine gun together with the soldier. The military begins to surround him.]

Courtney: Leopard One! U-turn! Turning back!

[The limo is leaving quickly. The samurai smiles radiantly at the soldiers who surround him.]

Soldier: Open fire!

N'mani's Advisor: Who was that?

Raiden: A cyborg…

Gemini: One of our competitors?

Radio (Boris): Courtney! What is happening?

Courtney: We got hit, sir. A cyborg.

Radio (Boris): Whose?

Courtney: XIFF comes up "unaffiliated."

Radio (Boris): I'll notify all checkpoints. Get N'mani out of there!

Courtney: Yes, sir.

N'mani's Advisor: We are going to die...

Prime Minister N'mani: Stay calm.

Courtney: He's got friends! On our twelve!

Radio (Boris): Raiden!

Raiden: I'm on it. Guard the prime minister.

[He gets out of the limo and in one swift movement takes off his jacket with his shirt, exposing the mechanical body. When he opens the suitcase, he pulls his electric sword out of there. With a few quick swings he destroys the containers above, blocking the way for the enemy soldiers to reach the limousine.]

Raiden: (to the enemies) Let's get this over with.

[The battle with the first three soldiers begins.]

Boris (via codec): Take out those hostiles!

[Raiden quickly kills the soldiers.]

Boris (via codec): Raiden, you'll need to choose between light and heavy strikes to match the situation! Where are you going? Stay on your targets! Raiden, the limo is in trouble! Get back there ASAP! I'll add the line to your soliton radar!

[Raiden cuts the gate and runs on. Meanwhile, Gemini also kills soldiers... split in two. Unexpectedly, an unmanned Metal Gear RAY jumps out of the water and fires its main weapon in the head. The limousine flips over. Gemini runs towards him, but then Sundowner appears. He chops off one Gemini's hands and, smiling, cuts off the other's head with scissors. He picks up the prime minister. At the same time, Raiden runs up to the limo.]

Raiden: Stop!

Sundowner: So you're Jack.

Raiden: What do you want with the prime minister?

Sundowner: I want him... dead. Nothing personal, 'course. Africa's just gettin' a bit too peaceful.

Raiden: What?

Sundowner: Business ain't been the same since they shut down SOP. "A clean break from the war economy." Well some of us liked that economy. How's an honest war monger supposed to make a living?

Raiden: This is your answer?

[Sundowner laughs and pulls a sword out of the sheath.]

Raiden: Don't do it!

Sundowner: Don't worry now, I won't. Not while he's still useful. So long...

[He jumps on the building. Raiden tries to run after him, but Sundowner signals Metal Gear RAY and it blocks his way. An unequal fight begins.]

Boris (via codec): What?! They have a Metal Gear? Here?! Raiden! Take out that UMG and get after him! Use Blade Mode to damage its armor! Use your Ninja Run to deflect those shots! Now, Raiden! Bring it down! Stop that blade! Yes! Yes! Split it wide open!

[Raiden evades the shots, fights off the bullets with his sword, blocks the strike of a huge sword, lifts and throws Metal Gear on the asphalt and cuts it in half.]

Boris (via codec): Horosho! (Good!) Very good! But do not rest easy just yet! He is on the other side of that collapsed building! Go!

[Raiden's going after Sundowner.]

Boris (via codec): There! Get him! Use your Ninja Run to move over obstacles automatically. Do not let him out of your sight! You must catch him!

[On the rooftop of a building the same Metal Gear suddenly comes back and attacks Raiden.]

Boris (via codec): That damn UG! It still works?! Raiden, use Blade Mode to take down those HEMP missiles! Finish that bastard off!

[Raiden chops up missiles with his sword, jumps on rockets like a staircase, runs vertically down a collapsing building and at the end chops an iron monster from nose to tail. Meanwhile, the African military is surrounding Sundowner. Not interested in fighting with them, he makes a huge jump and hops on a train.]

Soldier: The hell? Dammit.

[Raiden's already running after him. He's getting on the train, too.]

Boris (via codec): He is headed for the front of the train! After him! Raiden, an unidentified tiltrotor is headed your way. Keep an eye out for it.

[After reaching the front car, Raiden sees Sundowner and that samurai, Sam.]

Raiden: Prime minister!

Sundowner: Too little, too late, hero. I won't be needing my little shield here any longer.

Raiden: Stop!

[Sundowner makes a gentle cut on the neck of the African Prime Minister.]

Sundowner: What about all the good things war has done for us? Why don't we ever hear speeches about that? Jobs, technology, a common purpose...

Prime Minister N'mani: Raiden... Forget me. Stop him.

Sundowner: You ain't listenin'...

[Raiden's trying to stop the bullying, but he's got Sam in his way.]

Sam: Mind if I cut in?

Sundowner: All we're saying is... give war a chance!

[Sundowner is piercing the Prime Minister. His blood splashes on Raiden's face.]

Raiden: No!

[Sundowner dumps the Prime Minister's body off the train. Sam's shaking off his blood. The plane arrives and picks up the smiling Sundowner.]

Raiden: (to Sam) Out of my way!

Sundowner: He's all yours, Sam.

Sam: (to Raiden) Let's go.

[The fight is starting, but Raiden clearly lacks the experience to fight Sam.]

Sam: Now, now. Don't be shy. Walked right into it. Not good enough. Self-taught... and not half-bad. Still... Your technique lacks something... Now I see. You deny your weapon its purpose.

[Raiden is shocked. Sam smiles and takes the moment to cut out Raiden's eye.]

Sam: It yearns to bathe in the blood of your enemies... but you hold it back.

Raiden: No… My sword is a tool of justice.

[Sam makes a distraction and chops off Raiden's right arm.]

Raiden: Shit! Not again…

[He's doing his best to fight Sam, but it's a pretty pathetic sight.]

Boris (via codec): Raiden! Are you all right?! You are almost clear of the tunnel! Just hang on!

Sam: Oh, did you want to practice first? Gotta try harder than that.

[Eventually, Raiden gets off the train. He holds the edge with one hand.]

Sam: This is what happens when you bring a tool to a swordfight... It's over.

[He swings, but then the train leaves the tunnel. Sam notices something.]

Sam: Lucky devil...

[APC approaching the train on the left. Boris is sitting on the submachine gun seat. He fires at Sam. The samurai has to defend himself.]

Boris: Kept you waiting, eh?

[There's a plane coming for Sam. Boris takes out an RPG.]

Boris: Down you go.

[He shoots, but his rocket gets hit.]

Boris: Flares?!

[Raiden punches a container on which he lies and passes out.]


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