
Something in the way

Athen_Grooms_3905 · Selebritas
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5 Chs

Forming the band (1991)

I was headlining for Nirvana. My first group, Faceless Mistress, a heavy metal band had failed horribly. My Drummer, Cliff was the only member who stayed with me. Being my brother, he wouldn't leave me behind.. So I figured I would take a break from the Heavy metal scene, and I would try and join the Grunge Scene. Even if my band was just me, and my brother, and his classmate, Aaron on Bass. I figured I would give the band a cool name. So I chose Smilodon. Due to the fact that I gave Cliff's newborn Daughter a plushie of a Saber toothed tiger as a gift.

I sighed, and I got up on stage, and I played a song that sounded more like the last song before Faceless Mistress fell apart. Aptly named, Faceless Mistress. I don't know what the lyrics were. But I know one lyric by heart. "Let me in,"

After the song was over, I got off stage with my band, and I saw that someone was standing by the stage, a young man with blonde hair, he had a young woman next to him, she had a guitar with her.

"Kurt, I didn't know that Courtney was preforming with your group tonight."

The guy laughed. "Mr. Cobain, that guy came to me for something, but Saki... She wanted to join you and your band, Name's Hayato Fitzsimmons." The guy said as he reached out his hand.

"Name's Athen Grace. I assume your girlfriend wants to join smilodon. Well, we need some more talent.. My last band.. god, if I had to say everything that happened.. with the escaped animals for our final concert, the fire that the Bassist set to my Metallica records.. The things Cliff had to suffer through... you would most likely think me and my current band are kookier than Nirvana. And those guys are famous for being goofy..."