
Expanding Universe

We all known that the universe is constantly expanding, getting bigger every second, getting bigger even as you are reading this.

Our today discussion start at the end of this expansion.

Long long time ago, before anything we known existed, the space was completely empty with only one single entity existing in it which we also call singualrity. At one point of time, a big explosion occured in this singularity also known as Big Bang. Due to Big Bang, the singularity shattered into countless matters, moving outward due to the force of explosion without anything to stop it. Long time went by, the matter gathered to form bigger mass, some becoming planets, some becoming star [Planets are celistial bodies which orbit stars, while moons are celestial bodies which orbit a planets. So in theory, a moon could also have been a planet if it was caught by a star to make it orbit around it imstead of planet. It probably because a moon is only qualified to be the goon of planet due to it small size, while the star disdain to even allow it in its orbit with other planet.] But the matter still continued to move outward, toward the unknown. That was the power of the explosion, the power of Big Bang.

That for the history, now the question is what happens in the end. Do the universe keep explanding outward without any end, does it eventually reach sone sort of space boundary halting it expansion like a big wave metting the cape. Or maybe it eventually stop at a point, no longer expanding. What we are going to see is this particular on or maybe a branch of it.

When the universe first started expanding during big bang, tere was only outward force from the explosion pushing it outward without anything able to stop it. But there is still one force acting from big bang trying its best to stop the expansion of Universe, the force of gravity or the Gravitational Force. It is a force that is always acting on everything, always attacting everything. But this gravitational force is very weak, especially compared to the mightest force to ever exist, the big bang.

So how does such weak force come into pitcure? The answer lies in it tenacity and perseverance. Even through it very weak compared to big bang, even weaker than an ant to elephant; it never stop applying its attraction toward the uinverse, attempting with all it might to stop the universe exansion. And for those who think it useless must know that it is one of those who follow the path of unity in strength. Even if it starts weak, it uses it tenacity and preservance to keep attracting other matter toward itself, finally making the matter part of it force, stengthening itself.

Also, while the expansion is the result of big bang, a mighty force; it has already come to end. Now the expansion is only the result of the force left behind by big bang. If there was nothing else to stop it, it may have continued to expand endlessly or to the unknown boundary. But with the gravitational force constantly attacking it and chiping its force slowly, the day is not far ahead that the gravitational force eventually succed in overpowering it and completely stoping the Universe's expansion. [Actually it far ahead, very far ahead from human prespective. It will probably not happen even at the time till the end of humanity].

And when that happens the gravitational force will start using its own force to pull everthing towards itself. That will be the begining of new era, from the era of expansion to era of contraction. Some might think that the expansion will still continue to expand in form of light, but they should not forget the biggest show of might by the gravitational force "THE BLACK HOLE", not even letting light escape from its clutches.

The universe which was eraly constantly expanding will now be constantly srinking. Planets will colide into planets, starts into starts. Eventually even the galaxy shall not ne spared the fate of destruction due to collasion. This mass which is scattered by this collisions will again be attracteded toward each other under the force of gravitation. Combining to form bigger and bigger masses, till a time will come that it will collapse under its own gravitational force, becoming a black hole.

But the distruction will not end there, this countless black hole with compete with each other to swallow other and become bigger and bigger. Until only one will survive to become the biggest black hole the universe have ever seen. Encompassing evrything which ever existed in the universes in itself. But he Gravitational Force will still not let let it go, making it smalller and smaller, denser and denser eventually becoming a singularity. Till a point will come that the gravitational force will no longer be powerful enough to control it, leading to the most explosive force to occur in the universe to show itself, birthing from the oppression of gravitational force, "THE BIG BANG".

Maybe this is the the truth of universe, for countless times the big bang has occured and for counless time the singularity has formed. Maybe i have written this same passage countless times in past and you have read it countless time in the past and will still continues in the future. Who knows, at least i don't.

I have realised that i cannot find the topic for this book on the go. So if any of you reaader who have read upto this point have any topic in mind please leave it in the comment.

Please leave the topic in the comment (if you have a interesting one), even if you don't like this book and not going to read in the future.


Ravin_Arccreators' thoughts