
Chapter: 11

Chapter: 11

I sighed as I realized that I did indeed overdo it because I just remembered that the members of this party can not eat the bear meat now because of the Rot Attribute which they have no form of resistance to and it would kill them the second they tried it.

"Oh boy, my fault guys no bear meat today," I said turning to the group while scratching my head.

"What what do you mean by that?"

"Well, the attack I used induces a very specific effect which if you don't have resistance to it will kill you," I explained

"I-I see."

"Yeah but." 

I said with a snap as a Gate of Babylon opened in front of every member of the party causing them to step back a bit.

"Oh don't be shy reach in." I urged them.

Being slightly weary they obliged reaching into the gate they each pulled out a plate of food the meals varied from chicken fried steak to fried rice which surprised them.

"Food and it's still warm!"

"Another spacial magic user!"

"Oi before I forget similar to Jin-woo I'm going to need all of you to keep quiet about this understood?"



Jin-woo simply nodded at my question.

"Wonderfull now eat."

I stated as I reached into a Gate of Babylon and pulled out a plate of chicken fried steak before realizing there was no fire I told them to move away from me as I activated Shadow Flare and controlled the temperature as I used it to start a fire. 

A good ten minutes passed and everyone was pretty much finished eating and sharing small talk Jin-woo got up saying.

"Now that I've eaten I have to work out."

"You're going to work out here in this gate?" the mage Park Heejin asked

"Yes, there'll be a penalty if I don't," Jin-woo said walking away.

"He's such a weirdo."

"Oh don't mind him it will be fine," I said in an amused tone.

A good ten minutes after Jin-woo left I got up.

"Where are you going?"

"Scouting of course."

"... if you say so."

I nodded while walking away from the camp. Getting a good distance away I jumped into the trees and then started following Jin-woo's energy signature. After following it for a few minutes I came up above Jin-woo standing in front of a cave that had a large number of Ice bears quite many of which were exiting the cave because of Jin-woo's presence.

"Looks like our numbers will be about the same." Jin-woo started.

Alright, brother let's see how strong you have gotten.

"Come out."

With that Jin-woo's shadow extended behind him as knights made of shadows rose out of it. 


With the command, the shadow soldiers rushed at the bears attacking them. Some of the shadow soldiers were destroyed but quickly reformed and attacked again. One of the shadow soldiers who looked like a mage charged up a fire spell firing it at the bears and destroying some of them.

That's definitely Ashborn's ability alright but as of now, it seems like brother is testing the ability.

"The strength of the shadow soldiers is beyond my expectation. This unbelievable regeneration is almost comparable to immortality. It does consume massive amounts of mana though."

To be fair if it didn't it would be too broken, hmm.

Then a massive Ice Bear appeared with visible scratch marks on its left eye a large X-shaped scar on its chest and a purple, leaf-shaped crest on its chest.

"The leader appears."

The alpha Ice Bear swiftly attacked the shadow soldiers destroying them just as quickly. The shadow soldiers who were destroyed didn't regenerate indicating that Jin-woo had run out of mana.


a large knight with a light blue glow, jet-black armor covering it from head to toe, a tattered black cape, and a long red hair-like ornament extending out of the back of his helmet. its left eye bares a scar.

It stood next to Jin-woo walked forward created a sword, and then rushed at the alpha Ice Bear. the bear tried to attack Igris but Igris was too fast and it jumped over the bear's paw and cut its arm causing the bear to roar in pain. Igris landed on a tree behind the bear. The bear swung its other paw at Igris who dodged the strike and stabbed into the bear's arm and started to cut along the arm hopping off the bear's arm it blitzed the bear appearing behind the bear cutting the back of the bear's ankle and appearing in front of the bear once more.

The bear tried one more desperate attack but its head was swiftly decapitated by Igris who caught its head and walked over to Jin-woo Igris threw the head of the bear's head at Jin-woo's feet. Igris kneeled before Jin-woo and then Jin-woo placed a hand on its shoulder.

"You've done well."

Jin-woo then turned his attention to the bodies of the bears then spoke.


Then shadow versions of the bears started to rise from their bodies and the biggest one was the alpha Ice Bear instead of a typical Ice Bear it now looked like a shadow bear about the size of an army tank and had a light purple glow, visible scratch marks on its left eye, a thin flaming strip of hair along its head and back, and a large X-shaped scar on its chest.


Impressive knight he has there it might be a decent warm-up for Uriel.

Judging that I've seen enough I turned and returned to the camp. Hopping down off a branch in front of the party startled them a bit but after realizing that it was me they calmed down.


"Don't do that you scared us," Heejin said.

"Yeah, I hear you- hmm."

My sensory ability picked up a familiar mana signature coming towards us turning to look in the general direction the signature came from I saw a very tired Kim Chul with ice covering portions of his body. He had a look of disbelief that shifted into manic anger seeing the party who had food, fire, and warm clothing supplied to them by myself and Jin-woo. The party of which had not noticed him yet.

Oh, this should be good.

"You fuckers!" Kim Chul shouted getting everyone's attention.

"Kim Chul?! When did you get here?!"

"My attack force was wiped out due to lack of food and equipment. But how do you all have all these supplies?"

"That's." one of the hunters started but stopped.

"Why can't you speak? Did your mouth get sewn shut?!" he asked angered

"I don't think you're all accomplices. Who hid all these supplies? I'll let this go if you reveal the culprit. I'm talking the one who hid equipment and left their comrades to die."

To be fair I and Jin-woo weren't comrades to die in the first place but ok.

"I'll count to three. If you don't reveal the culprit by then, I'll consider all of you as accomplices."


Do I kill him I wonder.


Kim Chul started to unsheath a sword.



Before Kim Chul could move Jin-woo appeared behind him and slapped him on the back of his head sending him to the ground and causing him to tumble a bit.

"Jin-woo oppa!"

"Raid captain!"

"Who was it that actually left their comrades to die?" Jin-woo asked

"Took you your damn time I was wondering how long would it take you to get here," I said walking over to Jin-woo.

Jin-woo looked at me before asking.

"You followed me?"

"What could you possibly mean?"

"Don't play dumb I sensed you."

"Of course you did I let you sense me but before we continue should we greet our guests."

Jin-woo turned to face the direction where Kim Chul came from and spoke.

"How about you guys undo your stealth? Due to your powerful energy, hiding is useless."

Then phasing into existence was a large group of Ice Elves which was led by an Ice Elve riding a horse and was wearing a purple leaf pattern on his forehead. He also wore a furry white and blue parka.

"Took you long enough to get here I was wondering if you got lost," I said amused.

Chapter 11: End

Authors Note: thank you to those who gave me a kinetic ability to choose from ObamaUchiha and a few others. The kinetic ability I will be using in the So I'm A Spider So What is going to be Biokinesis/ Biological Manipulation thank you for the suggestions.