
Solo Leveling : Reborn with Six Eyes

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2 Chs

01 | Double Dungeon Incident & OP MC

[Flame Guild, Korea]

"Hmm, looks like your guess is right, another Double Dungeon inside a D-rank Dungeon. Already the 4th one this year," Jiyeon said, glaring at me. My girlfriend and secretary seemed irritated as I overworked her after guild hours.

"Haha, Jiyeon, don't be like that. Don't I pay you for my troubles?" I nonchalantly shrugged at her overreaction, attempting to diffuse the building tension.

"No, Park Yujin, this is not over. Do you think by keeping me as your secretary, you can overwork me to death? First, you approached me to be your fake girlfriend to shoo those bitches away. Now, for your curiosity and satisfaction, you're using three-tenths of the guild's power to gather intel on those unreliable rumors," she exclaimed. Seeing things getting out of hand, I quickly put my computer aside, hugged her, and gave a few kisses before she could storm out of the guild master's room.

'Sigh, my love life is already this messy before the second year.'

"Jiyeon, my sweetheart, don't you find this odd? Although Double Dungeons are rare, don't you see their frequency has increased so much in recent years?"

"We could hardly find a Double Dungeon case once in 3-4 years a decade ago, and now there are four in this year."

"So, what did you find about this Double Dungeon?" After consoling her for 10 minutes, I probed her about the Double Dungeon.

It's been 22 years since I was reborn into this world. I died in an accident or, to say, lost consciousness after an unfortunate incident. But now that I think about it, it wasn't bad enough for me to die from it. Maybe hospitalized for a few months, but not death. So either I was murdered after that, or supernatural elements were at play.

I was also born with mutated eyes known as Six Eyes, similar to JJK series. 

I could control them freely from birth, but I wasn't happy about my reincarnation. In fact, I was frustrated and annoyed. 

I had diligently studied my way into a good college, improved my grades, made connections, honed my skills, and finally got a nice job. And just when I was about to enjoy the fruits of my hard work, life played a cruel joke on me, I was reborn. F*** Are you kidding me?

Being the second-born in a well-off Korean family brought me great relief. I could dump all responsibilities on my elder brother without any hesitation. So when I was 6, I started throwing tantrums so much that they had to fulfill all my needs. 

I also dropped out of school; no way in hell I'm sacrificing my mental health for formalities.

After accumulating enough pocket money, I made my first pot of gold from stock investments and moved out at the age of 9. No way I am going to let my family restrict me after being born in a real fantasy world.

To be on the safe side, I hired two retired D-rank reputed hunters as my bodyguards. They were good at their job, but their greed exceeded their reputation after seeing my exponentially increasing wealth. But before they could take action, I shot them dead along with their family members. Can't have any loose ends, can we? Also, the first humans I took the life of at age 12.

It's also the case that I hired only up to D-rank because firearms can easily kill them like any other civilian.

I then opened up a startup selling microchips and electronics working on Essence Stone. Six Eyes were not just for show; I abused the hell out of them. Safe to say, I now have AI with processing power comparable to Ultron but not 1% free-willed.

I awakened at the age of 19, with peak B-rank Mana capacity. I was pretty disappointed about my vessel's strength, but this mana boosted my Six Eyes by a huge margin—very huge margin.

Previously, while I was able to observe objects up to 8-9 km, now I can observe up to 120-140 km. My brain processing speed also increased by at least 10 times. For the current me, the world is just that slow.

But, as they say, every good thing has a bad side.

This newfound power comes with severe backlashes on my emotions. I was already egotistic, and with this new rush, my character is becoming more and more extreme with each passing year.

"Hey Yujin, Yujin, are you listening? Why are you spacing out when I am explaining?" Jiyeon flicked her hand, bringing my thoughts back.

"Nah, just thinking about some old stuff, so how did the report go?"

"Hmm, now that you say this, the Double Dungeon was different. Unlike other double dungeons where hunters got rune stones after conquering or surviving, this one vanished after leaving six of seventeen hunters."

"I also made a phone call to the team lead, C-rank Hunter Song Chi-Yul. According to him, the Boss was comparable to an A-rank monster," Jiyeon hesitated a little and added, "Maybe S-rank, but this is all from his personal experience. He lost his arm and will retire soon. To make his life easier, I bribed him with $20,000." Jiyeon looked at me with that 'ask me more, praise me!' expression on her face.

'Sigh! I would have, but I already read the novel and manga. Let's get it over with.'

"OK, so what about the other survivors? Any odd findings?" I added, 'Ah! I just enjoy her lovely face when she is about to burst out from anger but can't because I said nothing wrong.'

"You!! Hmmph! He said that E-rank hunter Sung Jinwoo was supposed not to have legs and was abandoned alone before the dungeon gate closed." Jiyeon continued with an emotionless face.

"There's also B-rank Healer Lee Joohee, pretty badly traumatized from this expedition. I doubt she will be able to recover."

"As for the other survivors, I got no additional info," Jiyeon finished before burning the entire document and destroying the flash drive after ejecting it from the mini projector.

"Hmm, I will observe this Jinwoo personally. You try to get Hunter Lee Joohee a contract; B-rank Healers are good for us. Also, see if Hunter Song Chi-Yul can be picked as an instructor; his life experience will be good for newbies in our Guild." I sorted the entire meeting quickly before clicking my tongue.

"Pick info on American Hunter Norma Selner. Also, try to be as discreet as possible. I want to know her entire history, what she ate yesterday to what she did 10 years back. You can divert 45% of Guild resources into this. I want results by next week." I could see smoke coming from Jiyeon's nose, so nice to see her like this.

"So, wanna go for dinner? I already booked a private room in the nearby 7-star hotel." My words just diffused the C4 that was about to blow up.

"Sure," Jiyeon said, or that was all she could say.

(A/n : Pics here)