
The start of battle

Chapter 3

As the dust cloud settled, There lay the body of Jin woo, unharmed. Realising what had just happened Jin woo got up on his feet again as he saw the Statue try to grab him. Moving out of the way and beginning his sprint, Jin woo ran for his life trying not to get killed.

Seeing that Jin woo started to run away, Dae Kang charged ahead in a straight line toward the statue's leg. Moving at an overwhelming speed 10 times that of the peak of humanity's limits, Dae Kang jumped into a position of 90 degrees with his legs pointing towards the statue's right leg. With a loud "BOOM" the statue's leg cracked a little bit. Noticing this, Dae Kang decided to nonstop pound at the Statue's leg, dodging and pounding and dodging, until there appeared several cracks and with the last punch to the leg it crumbled and the Statue fell on it's side. waving its arms in fury the statue tried to fight back but was ultimately defeated as the head was cracked with a single slam of Dae Kangs fist against its temple.

As all of this had transpired, the rest of the survivors were busy dealing with the 11 remaining statues. And by dealing with them I meant that they were all running for their lives.

Having a little time on my hands after defeating my enemy I realised something crucial…. How the fuck did I just destroy a 20 feet high statue with my bare fists. Something was changing inside of me, I could feel it, It had just begun changing, but I had already doubled my previous powers. But the funny thing is that this had began the moment I entered The dungeon. It wasn't something I earned for killing the statue, no, it just suddenly appeared and empowered me.

'I can see that you have been granted immense power, Dae Kang' An unfamiliar voice communicated with Dae Kang via telepathy.

"who the fuck said that!"

'I want to know how far that power of yours can take you, so I will give you an amazing opportunity. If you stay behind and fight the rest of these 11 statues… I'll let the rest of the survivors go with their life intact, how about it?'

"If you're telling the truth then yes I accept it, just please spare the rest of the group"

'Very well'

"CREAK" "CREAK" As Dae Kang looked towards the source of the sound, he could see double doors opening and a few people sprinting out with their all. When he looked closer he saw that Jin woo was staying behind, watching. Signaling for the team leader to take Jin woo with him, I gave Jin woo a reassuring smile, a smile that said I wouldn't die no matter what.

Seeing that everybody had left the doors started closing, slowly.

"did you also convey the message to everybody present in this dungeon?"

'Yes, Yes I did, I figured it would make things easier'

"I see…"

"well then… how the fuck am I gonna get out of this predicament"

As I said that the statues started grinning madely, like they were possessed, giving me the chills in the process. And with a slight vibration to the ground the statues started moving towards me with obvious killing intent.