
Solivagant Vessel

Wanting to be free from everything, a boy, Yooj Sae, has been living on his own, not having any aspirations. But lately, he suddenly gets visions and dreams time after time. One day he unexpectedly gets stuck inside an invasion—unique monsters invading his school, massacring everything in their path. Escaping his first encounter, he finds out that he's been chosen by a Cryptid. Using his newly founded abilities, he decides to want to live, even if his goal is banal, if he's going to die, he'll die with a purpose. Discovering new worlds and creatures, he accepts his visions to guide his survival. However, he didn't expect to see his fate in a vision. A single sentence. |You will result in bringing balance to the world but will also end worlds.|

Yumilou · perkotaan
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1 Chs


| This chapter explains the info and terms used in this story |

| These will be short summaries and more will be filled in |

[•] Main

[○] Secondary

Yooj (Yoong or Y-own) - The protagonist.

Aloville - The city Yooj resides in.

Zutren - The city that Vessels live in. Located in a dimensional rift.

Einkai - Top right province in Zutren that includes stores, companies, luxury hotels, and entertainment. At night all of the buildings are lit up, hence the nickname, Flaming City.

Zutren Station - Bottom province is the station and school that Vessels live in. The entire land is part of the station, provided to plan special events.

Skaevrn - The top left province is where schools, houses, and apartments are. It's full of greenery and parks, and lots of roads.

Vessel Stations - Vessel Stations are headquarters where Vessels stay at.

- The Three Ancient Empires

Shaiya Empire - Shalians are a forgotten race. Two millennia ago, they once were the biggest dynasty. After some time, the other two empires banished them. Shalians look a lot more human than the others. The empire stood on plains and walls. It stretched out and was full of towns.

Prisronia Empire - Prisronians were one of the two empires that persecuted the Shalians. They're known to look angelic, having weird hair colors, and wings, and elf folk. The kingdom is located in the Infinite Forest.

Kasankai Empire - Kasans were humans who learned how to tap into their animal instincts. Eventually, some evolved and learned a skill to morph into a creature and gain the strengths and characteristics of the chosen creature. Now the ability is passed down in genetics. The empire is located in the Colossal Mountains.

Phantom - Demonic-looking creature that comes in many forms, always seeking destruction. 

Mimic - It copies other people's voices. Often heard crying.

Specter - Can phase through solid matter. Always alone.

Hound - Animal-looking Phantoms that could be in packs.

Fraudulent - Doppelgänger of someone, and seeks to capture the real person.

Wraith - Capable of intellect.

 • Vessel - People who have supernatural powers. The defenders of humanity.

 • Rank - Tier to show what power level the Vessel is in.


Ordinary (D)

Irregular (C-B)

Sacred (A-S)

Unique (SS)

Holy (SSS)

Celestial (SSS+)

Class - Types of Vessels.

Fighters - Vessels that fight on the frontlines with weapons and armory.

Mages - Vessels who control magic.

Rogues - Vessels that are masters at stealth and swiftness.

Rangers - Vessels that are excellent at fighting at a range.

Cryptid - A being that gives their ability to a designated human.

Arcane - Awakened Transformation.

True Name - The Cryptid's real name given to them when they were "alive". For example, Cryptid: Sol, True Name: Helios. When the Vessel figures out their Cryptid's True Name, their bond will be stronger, allowing them to reach their full potential.

Skill - A power granted by a Cryptid. There can be more than one and rarely more than four.

Dividend - Small bonus skill derived from the primary skill.

Innate - Power that only belongs to a person, and not everybody has one.

• Guardian - Gigantic monsters who defend a Gate.

• Gate - A Gate is a portal that leads to a train station that can be used to commute to the other worlds.