
Main Chapter: Shelter.

When morning came an early Spring rain was giving Qing Ruo a sleepy feel. Making one long to spend a few more minutes in bed. And so, throughout Qing Ruo complaints were ringing out as parents dragged their kids out of bed.

The Xuan siblings themselves were enjoying the Spring rain from within their carriage. Xuan Yu, pushing out the curtain, gazing out into the rain. Remembering the day he was forced to step onto the corpse-filled path. Though the very presence of rain felt like a grater running across his bones. His expression was the same as always.

Xuan Yi was looking at his brother visibly upset. He had tried to confront his older brother, but every time he did he would be either outright ignored, flicked on the forehead or called "foolish." So, he was just pouting. He was only 10 after all.

And so, in silence. The Xuans arrived at the Qing Ruo Academy. Driving up to the gate, a privilege for only the Major Families.

After bowing to the silent statue that Xuan Yi, was still unsure whether it was alive or not, they entered Class 1-A and took their seats.

The only one who was there already was Fan Hua and Seung Do, who Xuan Yi greeted.

In the next 30 minutes the class filled out and the last to arrive was Mou Lin. In his hand was a common drawstring bag. In the other his favored book.

"Ming Xie, Hou Dun, Hou Xiang, Seung Do, Dai Tian, Xuan Yu, Tan Cui, Lou Jian, Fan Hua, Xuan Yi."

Calling out their names slowly from oldest to youngest, Mou Lin leaned against his desk as he held the bag out with a teasing smile.

"Come on, Teach, don't be a tease."

"Yeah, we're all here."

Mou Lin laughed gently at Ming Xie and Lou Jian's complaints. Then opened the sack and took out eleven different pouches. Then from the bottom of the bag, he took out a cream pill. Lightly he threw it up and caught it over and over.

"You all did pretty well. I am proud of you. These are known as Chosen Morning pills. As you can guess from its on-the-nose name. They are pills to help you stay awake."

"Then aren't those vital for Xuan Yu and Tan Cui?"

From the tone in Lou Jian's voice, he was seriously asking.

"If the person does not want to stay awake. The result will be a bit different."

Though Lou Jian wanted to ask more he felt like Mou Lin would explain soon so he was quiet.

Taking up the eleven bags Mou Lin made his way to Dai Tian and handed him one. Then placed a bag on the sleeping Tan Cui and then two on the sleeping Xuan Yu's desk.

"Sir Lin, that's Xuan Yu, not Xuan Yi."

Fan Hua who was behind Xuan Yu in the same row as Xuan Yi spoke up.

"I know, Xuan Yu was the first. When I was using the scroll in class that day. I was personally verifying it."

"Hey, Teach, does drinking help with cultivation?"

"No, but it is often said that those with high intelligence will be able to understand and absorb Qi better."

As he spoke Mou Lin did not stop moving and handed the last bag to Seung Do, who gave a soft thank you.

"The Chosen Morning pill helps you keep your alertness for 6 extra hours. Revitalizing you for peak activity without influencing your mindset. So, if you want to just stay awake a few more hours to read. Or if you are on a mission and there is nowhere nearby to rest. The pill will make the next 6 hours easier.

It may not be the coolest pill the Medicine Hall is capable of, but it is one you guys will easily find a use for.

Also, the different result I mentioned is that it doubles as a sleep aid. Taking it and then going to sleep will help you to rest more comfortably and easily. Granting you a more refreshed and revitalized feeling when you wake."

Tan Cui who heard this immediately reached into the pouch beside her and ate one. Seeing this, Mou Lin laughed and patted her head before returning to his seat.

"The pill should not be taken more than once in the 6 hours. Doubling up is a sure way to drowsiness and passing out. If you need to last longer than 6 hours take another once the effect is about to end."

"… Side effects?"

"Increased hunger and thirst but those can be fixed with a quick snack."

Fan Hua answered the soft question from the back out of instinct. She was the "little princess" of the Medicine Hall after all.

"It is as Fan Hua said. Now then, today is the day we will be starting practicals. So, I will be showing you the hand seals and the ancient language we use for chanting."

Mou Lin began to draw rapidly on the board as he spoke and quickly 36 hand gestures were neatly drawn next to each other.

"There are a few things that we need to do when we are going for a spell. First is to direct Qi into a particular array. An ideal form to accomplish what we want.

The second thing is to infuse Qi with our intent. Qi is considered by some to be alive. Though that is just a theory what everyone agrees on is that it is complex and highly reactive. Not just to our physical intervention but also to our mental intervention.

As such a clear and focused picture of the spell; what you want it to do, what effects you want it to have and how long you want it to last for. Are all things you need to carefully infuse into the spell.

It may sound a little difficult now but remember Qi is a part of you. And just like how you can send commands to your hands in time and with practice you will be able to do the same with Qi.

Well enough talk, how about some examples."

Facing his students Mou Lin hands moved in a slow show of gestures and then a beautiful ball of Amethyst fire appeared in front of him. It flickered and bobbed and then circled around Mou Lin. Before bobbing its way over to the students to the delight of a few and then soared to the top of the class and popped like a firework.

Doing the same hand gestures again a ball formed but it was just a glob of concentrated Qi, that quickly dispersed as if it was never there.

Next Mou Lin did no hand signs instead he focused on the same spot and the air there seemed to vibrate. Giving a feeling blurriness to those who were looking at it.

Finally, he did both and a painful crackling (static) noise filled the classroom.

"The sound you just heard is the sound of a backfire. Keeping your concentration when casting is important to prevent that. Because it is not just noisy it can be pretty painful."

Though Mou Lin stated the pain of it he seemed fine and the noise had been only a mild irritant to them. Realizing that they were underestimating it he continued.

"How painful a backfire hurts depends on the spell used. An elementary level spell would hurt as much as a paper cut. While others can hurt as much as breaking a bone.

Next, let us talk about what you just saw. The first is a completed spell. The union of an array and a well-formed intent. The second is the result of just a proper array. The Qi gathers into the form I required but without intent, without direction. It disappeared and with your Qi Sense, you should have been able to see that the array by itself was only able to hold it as well as a mortal would water in their palm.

The third is the Qi in the air reacting to mental stimulus. It absorbs the intent but as it is too scattered it cannot fulfill the directions it had been infused with. Then the last as I said before was the backfire. A phenomenon that has not been fully understood by cultivators. Maybe one day, one of you guys will teach me about it.

Anyways, as you can guess these 36 hand signs are used for forming the arrays I mentioned. Each corresponds to a different direction and are the common choice for beginner spells. If you haven't yet you should probably write these downs."

Lou Jian eyes went wide and then he rushed to start writing. But with a quick look around he was the only one who was copying the signs down. With a sigh, Hou Xiang pushed her notebook over to Lou Jian. Letting him view the set of expertly done pre-drawn signs in the back of her book.

Seeing that Mou Lin turned back to the board and with a movement of his hand like turning a page. The hand signs gave way to a clean board. Then he began writing down the Ancient Language, that was similar to mathematics.

"This long series of symbols is known as Arch Im the Ancient Language. It has been around since people began cultivation and was supposedly introduced by the True Emperor. While that is considered mythology. The things that are undeniable about it is that it is useful for the most complicated and versatile arrays. Capable of creating arrays that cannot be done with hand signs and capable of creating all the arrays that can be done with hand signs.

The process of using Arch Im for spells is called chanting and can be used in conjunction or interchangeably with hand signs. And for some people will be easier more useable option.

Now, I will run you guys through these 133 symbols and how they work."


"How can Xuan Yu be first?"

"Even if the Academy has ulterior motives, they can't be this blatant!"

"He's Subpar, there's no way he should be passing anyone!"

"What kinda stupid joke is this?"

"I did not think the Qing Ruo Academy would stoop to making deals with students. To skimp out on resources."

"My father will hear of this and we will take this matter straight to Lord Ruo himself!"

"I had hoped the Academy was an impartial place, but this…"

"What are you even trying to prove with such a blatant lie?"

By lunchtime the whole Academy knew that Xuan Yu was the first to enter the 0 Stage. And many students were outraged or filled with disbelief. Outright expressing their displeasure to teachers or staff.

Mou Lin, however, dispersed this by saying two things, first;

"Xuan Yu was known as having a Sage's mouth in his youth because of his intelligence. It is common knowledge that how long it takes to sense and interact with Qi is not just based on talent but can be influenced by intelligence. The very first part is often likened to finding a needle in a haystack."


"Xuan Yu's achievement was personally assessed and confirmed by me. Challenging his placement is the same as challenging me."

Mou Lin wasn't just a peak fourth stage master, who rejected the position of Seated Elder. But a beloved teacher of experts not just from Qing Ruo but across the Greater Lands. It was not odd to see people journeying from all over the world to come and pay their respects to him. So, even the most arrogant young master wasn't in any position to challenge him.

But even that wasn't enough for some.

"How can someone who sleeps all day and gets drunk at nights and gives his own family a stroke, do better than us who give our all every day?"

That was the gist of the retort on several of those adamant youths' lip.

"You tell me, how did you let a drunk whose talent is not much better than your own surpass you?"

And that was the gist of the retort Mou Lin gave.