

Long ago in the empty universe a Star born also known as God he created countless planet's then when this planet's starts creating new life from after a long years human are born in a single planet then after long time with the hate retoglf human disease power and immortality born the devil the demon race has born in the world to protect human god give his. Power to human in form of magic. Human with the power of God able to save humanity from demon but it not ended the demon king said as he died his last word are ( I WILL BE BRON AGAIN I WILL BE STRONGER I WILL KILL EVERY HUMAN ). His words did came true he came back to life countless times to kill humans . God seeing this give his last gift to huminity the SOLE STAR at the end sole star did defeated the demon king but still can't completely kill it from then. On every 100 years a sole star has born to defeat demon king those the beginning of the HOLY WAR OF STARS begins.