
Azalea’s story part 4

It was a cloudy Sunday. Aunt and uncle were out so me and Lia decided to spend some time in the front garden.

She managed the water hose for the flowers while I sat on the sidewalk staring at the cars pass by.

"Lia." I looked back at her and she looked at me, "I don't think we need to water the plants today." I pointed to the sky.

She looked up the dark clouds and dropped the hose on the spot. It looked like it would rain any moment.

I turned and sat looking at the road again. Lia decided to bring the popsicles for us both. I guess she was more excited than I was for it.

I giggled as she happily came running towards me with popsicles in both her hands.

She handed me one, "Thank you." And placed the other one in her mouth as sat down next to me.