
Sold to a Prince!

In the land of magic and beasts, Sylvia was betrayed by her family and sold off as a slave. She was expecting the worst, but fortunately, it was a handsome prince who had ‘bought’ her! Who doesn’t love a charming, benevolent, and kind prince, not to mention ridiculously handsome? But, little did Sylvia know that the charming handsome prince was no angel but rather a devil in disguise! The calm, kind and good-hearted Sylvia found herself slowly changing under the devil's influence but worst of all, she found herself becoming more and more addicted to the two-faced devil who harbored dark and dangerous secrets. But could she ever fully trust the shameless devil? Or was he just one of the many who desired her hidden powers? Let the games begin! ....................... Excerpt: "Are you getting ready for your engagement, my sweet kitten?" The devil's familiar voice drawled, making Sylvia's entire body tingle with an unfathomable need. She gazed into his dark coal black eyes, lost within them, as he rubbed her lips with his thumb. This man... This man in front of her alone had the power to make her knees weak and her heart crumble. "Heh. Being silent, are we?" The devil chuckled, his hand moving away from her lips to the back of her head. He clutched a handful of her soft silver hair and pulled her closer to him, capturing her lips with his. Sylvia snapped out of her trance and commanded her body to push the devil away but her traitorous body only yearned for him more and she wrapped her hands around his neck instead. The devil's lips curved upwards, his grin widening in satisfaction. His hand then moved down to her gorgeous engagement gown laced with diamonds and rubies which came undone as soon as he touched. The laces, the veil, the flowers, the jewelry, everything was ripped to shreds, leaving behind only herself. An entire morning spent on getting ready and dressing up gone to waste just like that! "You!" Sylvia glared at the shameless devil angrily. She had given him an inch but he went for the mile! She pushed him away with all the force that she could muster, pinning him against the wall, imprisoning his rude mannerless hands. "Heh? Why are you angry, my darling? Aren't I helping you? Why waste your time attending the meaningless engagement, when you already know that you belong to me and me alone?" "Go to hell! Who said I belong to you! I belong to no one." "Is that so?" The devil leaned forward, gently knocking his forehead with hers. "Shall I leave then...?" He whispered, his warm breath caressing her cheeks. Sylvia's face instantly reddened as she couldn't resist the devil's sweet temptations anymore... She gave into the man's wicked allure and pressed her lips over his, stopping his mouth from taunting her and teasing her any further. ....................... Instagram: yolohy_webnovel Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/yolohy Discord: https://discord.gg/5CvPuX6M88

Yolohy · Fantasi
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229 Chs

A frightened kitten

"Uncle! Uncle! Pwease! Pwease! Can we take this pretty big sister with us?"

The boy blinked his eyes innocently and asked with an extremely adorable expression, one that could even melt a stone.

Sylvia nervously gulped. Uncle? This devil had such a cute nephew?

The boy shared Mikel's delicate features and that coupled with his slightly chubby appearance, he looked absolutely charming.

Mikel turned his head away from the puppy dog eyes begging him. He sighed and rubbed his temples.

He had never been able to say no to this nephew of his.

The boy had lost both his parents at a very young age and now lived with a distant relative, only occasionally visiting Mikel.

So even though it was risky, the man couldn't deny the child's simple wish and reluctantly agreed with a faint nod and a warm smile.

Sylvia's ocean blue eyeballs almost popped out seeing such a tender and caring expression on his face.

Well, he had indeed revealed a similar expression to her the other night but this time she could tell that it was real and not fake.

Hearing Mikel's response, the small kid was instantly overjoyed and grinned ear to ear.

"Who is dis, uncle Mike?"

The boy ran over to the devil and swung back and forth playfully holding the man's arm.

"She is my slave." Mikel curtly replied, ruffling the child's neatly groomed auburn hair.

The two continued to walk out of the kitchen and Sylvia had no idea what she was supposed to do now.

"Follow them, dearie. Quick. Quick. Follow them." Jane nudged her as if she could read her mind.

Sylvia looked at her and swallowed nervously before heading out.

But Jane pulled her back before she could take another step and quietly whispered in her ear with an urgency.

"About the thing that you asked me. Never speak of it again. His highness does not like it."

"His magic talent is very mediocre and no one talks about it or gossips about it."

"Do you understand, girl?" Jane warned her.

She didn't want the pitiful woman to get into any more trouble than she already had.

Sylvia absentmindedly nodded, several thoughts swirling in her mind as soon as she heard Jane's warning.

If the devil was weak… then maybe…

The small flame of hope that flickered in her heart suddenly sizzled and crackled, surging brightly.

Her eyes twinkled with hidden mirth and the woman hurried along to catch up with the two devils walking out of the kitchen quarters.

She quietly followed them, trying her best to remain invisible.

She was still afraid that the devil would remember what had happened last night and didn't want to risk jogging his memories.

However, the man had noticed her small expressions from the corner of his eyes, though he continued walking casually.

After a while, the small kid, Cassius chirped happily. "Uncle, Wat for me. I need to visit the potty."

Sylvia blushed instantly at the kid's straightforwardness, while Mikel ruffled his hair again, nodding his head.

He watched the kid hop and run, adjusting his trousers in an embarrassing but adorable way.

Sylvia as well smiled at his goofiness, forgetting for a moment that she was now alone with the devil.

"Having fun, are we?" A chilling voice sounded, bringing her back to reality.

The man who was warm and gentle as the bright sun suddenly turned cold and frosty, eying her with an unfathomable gaze.

He took a step forward, making Sylvia stumble as she took a corresponding step back.

She would have fallen too if not for the wall behind her and when her back did bang against the long corridor wall, the man stood in front of her, his eyes as cold as ever.

He placed his palm on the wall next to Sylvia's head and leaned forward till her eyes widened in panic.

"There seems to be something different about you today?" he asked her.

Sylvia instantly stiffened, trying her best to keep her face passive and not give away anything.

She held down her internal turmoil and innocently answered. "I am not sure, your highness."

"Really?" Mikel's lips curved upwards in amusement. He edged closer, while simultaneously blocking her exit with his other palm.

"But you look like a frightened kitten."

The man's lips almost touched hers as he mouthed his words, his eyes peering into the depth of her soul.

"And a frightened kitten is always hiding something."

Sylvia closed her eyes, unable to bear his scrutiny any longer.

The knot in her throat traveled up and down as she tried to calm her nerves.

She wanted to lift her hand and land a tight slap on the bastard.

How does he know what a frightened kitten looks like? Does he rear cats in his free time like an old lady?

She rolled her closed eyes and sighed, hoping that the devil would let her go soon.

She could feel the man's warm breath beating down on her and it made her crazy.

And while she was concerned with this tingling warmth, the man's hand suddenly shifted, landing right on top of her chest.

Sylvia's eyes flashed open in shock.

The damned bastard was once again groping her!

This guy definitely had weird fetishes, one with cats and one with her breasts!!!