
Chapter 91 : You're a Murderer


“Payne!” I called him.

Payne’s wolf head snapped in my direction. He had Chandler pinned down and looked ready to make the killing blow.

“Go after Eros. Thomas and I can handle things here.”

Payne huffed and nodded. He slammed a final blow into Chandler, thrusting him into the floor. I winced as Chandler groaned and rolled over. He might have been unconscious… again.

Payne nudged a few of the closest warriors and they all took off after Eros.

I wasn't sure they’d be able to find him. Eros was too quick and cunning for that. But if they could figure out the direction he was going, at least we’d have a starting point.

Growling, Dylan tried to follow but Thomas caught his leg in his teeth and dragged him across the floor away from the entrance.

Most of Chandler's warriors had been taken down. It was just Chandler and Dylan we had to worry about now. With Thomas down here, I was positive that the two of us could finish them off.