
Chapter 83 : Dangerous Encounters



He was there, just twenty feet in front of me.

Automatically, I smiled at him and started toward him. Relief swept through me, seeing him alive and well. He didn’t look wild, crazy, or dangerous like I’d expected him to.

The bond between us was still strong. I knew he felt it too. The look on his face told me he felt exactly what I felt.

Each step felt like I was floating toward him, my entire body aching to be in his arms.

Just as I got close enough, he scoffed and shook his head.

Waving at me dismissively, Lucas turned and walked down the path.

My smile faded and my wolf whined.

“Hey, wait.” I tried to run after him and catch him.

Lucas ignored me completely. He didn’t even look in my direction.

“Wait. I’m trying to talk to you. Look, I know this is awkward but we have something to talk about.”

He still ignored me, turning down a side street. I wasn’t familiar with this city, but I wasn’t going to let him get away.