
Chapter 71 : Wedding Crasher


The day of the wedding, I put on a nice suit and checked my reflection in the mirror. I smirked at myself. There was no way Sasha could resist me with these smooth lines.

I hadn’t heard from her since the bachelorette party. It was upsetting. I thought she’d try to reach out to me afterward. The Sasha I knew would. The more I thought about it, the more I had to consider that she really wasn’t my Sasha.

Still, I wasn’t giving up on her any time soon. I put a flower in my breast pocket and grabbed the “save the date” invite her mother gave me.

There was one stop I needed to make before going to the wedding venue to get Sasha. I needed backup.

I went back to the place where I first encountered Morianne in this timeline, just outside the wedding venue. I had a feeling she was keeping close tabs on me since she seemed to think I needed her.