
Chapter 70 : The Ancient City


“Jared! What’s happening, talk to me!” I shook him trying to get him to open his eyes again.

My ears rang with his screams of pain.

What was happening to him? Was it because of this cave?

“What’s going on?” Abe asked, running back to us.

“I don’t….”

The air around Jared’s body quivered and bursts of dark energy flowed out of him, his power erupting around us. This was not good….


“Eliza, we’ve gotta get out of here,” Abe said, grabbing my wrist.

I yanked out of his grasp. “No, I’m not leaving him.” I dropped to my knees and put my arms around Jared’s neck, hugging him tightly.


“He’s trying to fight it,” I said.

I could see it in his face. His eyes were closed, but every muscle in his body was tense beyond belief. The struggle might have been internal, but he was fighting.


I snapped my head up. That voice… some soft whisper in the darkness called to me. Had I actually heard a voice or was I imagining things?