
Chapter 51 : You Don't Have a Choice


I blinked my eyes open and yawned, rolling onto my knees. Sand clung to my clothes and dusted my skin.


Rubbing my eyes, I looked around at the beach I was on. Waves lapped at my feet. My clothes were a little torn and I was a bit sore and achy, but it was nothing I couldn’t handle.

I stretched my arms and rolled my shoulders back.

My hair was still wet and matted to my face. It was sticky and clingy, coated with salt. My clothes were a bit damp and chafed uncomfortably.

The sun was still rising. How long had I been out? The last thing I remembered fighting with that dark mage and then was being tossed around in the ocean. And… was it a dream, or was it a vision of the Moon Goddess?

I tried to remember what she said about me being chosen, but it was fading fast from my memory.

Sighing, I bowed my head. I needed to get back to the ship and find Lucas.