
Chapter 45 : Stay


“Your hair is so beautiful,” Trina gushed as she brushed through my long, blond locks. Another new friend was doing my nails, as I had done for her.

“I wish I had those tight curls you have,” I responded.

Phoebe sipped her mimosa and then raised her glass to us. “Pedicures next!”

“I like the way you think,” Trina said.

It was a lovely afternoon, in a series of lovely afternoons. The women of New Dianny had welcomed me with open arms. I’d never been so pampered, nor felt so much like I… belonged. There were more dream dancers in New Dianny that I could exchange experiences with. None of them had my kind of power, but it was still nice to talk to people who “get” it.

“You know,” Trina mused, sharing a wink with another girl, “you should stay here, like, permanently. Make New Dianny your home.”

I blinked at her, startled. “You… you’d really like me to stay?”

“Of course, silly!” Trina said. “You’re the coolest person we’ve ever met!”