
Chapter 33 : Doing the Research


It was hours before Amanda had the bright idea to have Chelsea dress like me, and then give me a chance to get out of the boutique. The two of them walked out of the boutique, chatting merrily as though they were completely oblivious to the danger outside.

As hoped, the threat followed them.

I knew I had mere minutes before they figured out Chelsea was not me. I slipped out of the boutique, gave a quick look around, then booked it for the closest safe space I could think of–the Great Egoren Library.

From there, if necessary, I’d be able to walk just a few blocks to the castle, though Lucas’s worries about the royal court made me hesitate on that idea. I trusted Queen Lena implicitly, but as Lucas had said, the orb was a powerful artifact, and there were those who might use the knowledge of it against not only us but the king and queen as well.