
Chapter 21 : Divine Discomfort


I woke up alone in bed. I turned over and I looked at the floor. Lucas’s wolf was gone and the room was empty.

“Lucas?” I whispered uncertainly into the hazy morning light.

I sat up slowly, feeling a wave of uneasiness wash over me. Memories of the previous night flooded my mind, and my body tensed at the thought of Lucas leaving me here and not coming back.

I shook my head. He wouldn’t do that.

The door to our room opened and closed, and I yanked the blanket up to my chin.

But it was just Lucas, carrying a neatly-folded stack of my underthings. “We can burn them later,” he grunted. “But I wasn’t going to let that asshole keep them.”

I noted his knuckles were cracked and bruised, and I felt a bit of smug pride. Lucas had just beaten the crap out of that weird, awful stalker pervert innkeeper. There was something very satisfying about that.

I looked at him gratefully as I remembered the way things had ended between us last night. I opened my mouth to apologize.