
Chapter 200: Who’s Lying Now?

**Ethan’s POV

I saw Behar was at the front of the incoming wolves and Madalynn ran straight toward him. She must have told them that we’d got reinforcements, so they’d sent theirs in, too.

A group of Behar’s wolves started to move in our direction, and we were outnumbered again.

Rosalie was after Madalynn, and I knew I needed to stop her right away.

“Rosalie, come back!” I shouted again, and tried to persuade her not to run into the enemies’ ambush. “Madalynn was lucky this time, but they’d be back! We’ll get them next time!”

That time, she seemed to finally hear my words and she turned around to look at me.

Her eyes fell on me, and I could tell she was staring at my ugly wounds all over my upper body. Her gaze was gentle, and I could tell she was worried.

Was she worried about me, or worried about her son’s father?

I covered myself with some clothes so that she wouldn't need to see those wounds. I hated how it felt. I hated that I was weak.