
Chapter 12 : The Eyes


Days later, it still felt like eyes were on me. I hadn’t been back out to the library site. I hadn’t even been back to the town. The eyes had followed me onto the train, right into the capital.

I’d thought of connecting with Lucas until, hours after arriving at my dorm, Jay called from Doc’s phone and angrily told me that Lucas had accused us both of stirring up trouble.

Lucas didn’t believe them–didn’t believe me.

It made a ball of resentment settle in my stomach.

“If I never see Lucas Black again, it’ll be too soon,” I grumbled, coming out of Professor Augustine’s office. I still didn’t have a new work-study, and I was officially off the library project. Lucas might as well have put up a billboard telling me never to return.

Of course, as soon as I stepped onto the quad, the eyes were back, staring a hole in the back of my head, disappearing as soon as I turned around.