
Chapter 111: I Won

Ciana gasped and her knees buckled.

I couldn’t even bring myself to look at the two and only important women in front of me.

It was as if the world was laughing at my arrogance. I thought I could win this, but look, what I had done?

Why did the Goddess punish me like this?

Roaring, I ripped my hands away from Ciana and Nita.

Wait, was I already disconnected from them? What the—

“Theo, she’s still alive. What are you waiting for? Fight!” Ciana’s urgent voice echoed loudly in the air. I must have gone full-on insane to have this hallucination!

“Theo! Focus!” Ciana’s voice shouted again.

As soon as I was dragged back to reality, I felt nudged by a group of… heads.

It was Samson, Linus, and Perceval coming to my aid, and when I looked up, there was Ciana. A lively, energetic Ciana.

She didn’t faint nor was she hurt. She was still intact.

She collapsed on the ground only because she went to check on my mother, who lay still beside her.