
Chapter 110 : Enough was Enough


Enough was enough.

Tasia was tiring; I knew that much.

I was watching how she used the powers that we shared, trying to make sense of what exactly she was doing. She was moving in and out of consciousness, dipping into the dream realm, the spirit realm, to harness the powers she had there to bring them into our reality, creating massive, earth-trembling gusts of wind that knocked me down several times.

She was not as powerful as she thought. It was likely, as I watched her begin to struggle, that she was in pain. And not just physically, but emotionally. Every time she took hold of her powers, she shed tears; her face twisted in agony. She had used these powers to kill her family. Her parents, her brothers and sisters. Her pack, families and children.

All out of greed. All for power. Power that was slipping through her fingers.