
Solanuria : Humanity's Bastion

[After the Great Chaos and the Greater Crusade against chaos, Humanity now establishes itself again as the core of civilization in the south continent, as the Gods have helped them against chaos itself they felt confident and cocky believing the Gods are on their sides, This lead them into an era of civil wars, revolutions, re-unifications, divisions and genocides, This in turn created the current era of uncertainty. The continent once controlled by 15 or so nations and 4 of them at the core now is shared between 50 and non on the center of political intrigue, nations and their leaders seek more power and land destroying everything in their path. A small nation in the mountainous regions of Rajia became the only bastion of peace as the southern nations began mass militarizing for their move to the north, and on their way is the tiny mountainous nation.] Rahzi, a young bright kid now devastated by the lost of his mother seeks for revenge and power that led him into the capital of his beloved nation, Seeing as the situation is tense and armies marching in the streets he came to the camp to enlist to fight for his nation and a way to gain power. But his request was rejected for being young, But fortunately for him, He rescued a beautiful young lady stricken in a white long dress that accompanied her blonde golden honey hair, which was a noble of the nation, and as a sign of thanks he was given the position he wanted to join for the upcoming war and there he became the Knight.

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Prologue : A King, A Soldier, A Young Man, and A God

(The King's POV)

I stood there in the terrace of the Silver Castle, My eyes are filled with the bright reflections of soldiers clad in armor their swords pointing up in front of their faces.

Their gazes lay upon me, Their Great King.

I took a step forward, and looked down to see a thousand soldiers standing in columns inside the gates and walls of the Silver Castle. I then spoke for them.

"Soldiers, Magicians, Sorcerers, Knights and Warriors of this Kingdom. I am saddened to announce that the Kingdom of Askapiijia took Fort Heimsworth in a surprise attack 4 weeks ago."

I heard the voices of the people, Their tones are clear as day, Some are mad, some are sad, and some are just losing it to themselves.

But I didn't mind and continued.

"And is now preparing to take the surrounding towns, All of the soldiers on the fort was killed but 7 survived and told us what happened. The Askapiijian soldiers r*ped women, killed the innocent childrens and tortured the men of the town surrounding the fort. This act of aggression is deemed too dirty and cruel to be stated as a simple skirmish, This is why I called you here."

Tears ran down to my face, My head fell low and only the floor is within my sight, My heart ached and I was considering of stopping but then a single soldier shouted "For the King!!". I felt relieved that the people are still on my side, that single yell made the entire castle filled with voices of cheers for me. I wiped of my tears and looked at them with dignity once again, I took a deep breath and continued with a louder voice.

"I called you..no...the Kingdom called you... here to arms!! Join me and let us avenge our people! our brethren! our families! and make those rotten savages of the Askapians pay!!."

As I finished my last sentence the soldiers stomped their feet in perfect harmony, while the people at the side yelled "Hurrah, For the Kingdom, For the King!".

I was simply put into tears by their loyalty to their sovereign, I was so happy that I looked up to the sky and raised my hand upwards. An image of a ball of flame resonated into my mana and then a large magical ball of flame grew above my hand. I then released it with a force, It flew up and exploded which illuminated the now turning dark sky.

The people and soldiers alike looked up in awe as my magic slowly dissipates into tiny particles of light that was going down as if it was snow.

The magicians in the back was inspired that they released their own magical balls of flame, though not large enough to surpass mine, but it's number made it more so beautiful than mine, and as it dissipates it's snow flake like effect also rained down.

I looked into the soldiers and crowd once more as I close my eyes and turned to my back.

It was meant to be a mournful night and the declaration of war, But it turned into some sort of celebration.

I walked back inside and out of the terrace, and continued to go outside the room and to the large hallway of my Castle, Behind me are my butler and secretary. Both of them were silent for a minute until I arrived in my room where they opened the door for me. Though they didn't enter, they did bid me good night and both of them walked their separate ways as I close the door.

I walked through the large room and sat down in the large bed looking through the window and to the sun that is now almost beyond the horizon. I looked down my hand and clenched it, I thought to myself, "Was this really the right way?"

Then a large shadow formed near the window, the shadow is more darker because of the sun's remaining rays illuminating my room. The shadow, although not yet in a full form spoke.

"I~~ can read your thoughts~~ dear~~ King Narvei." My eyes widens as I was surprised that 'that' man is here.


(A Soldier's POV)

Although I'm far from the terrace, I can still see his majesty's face tearing in sadness, After years of war against the neighboring nations that wanted to take our lands, This is the first time I saw a majestic figure, a hero and a father cry in front of us, I am deeply moved by his Majesty's tears that I yelled, "For the King!!".

My words didn't met silence as my fellow soldiers yelled the same words after mine, And then the deafening cheers of the crowd pierces my thick and heavy armor. Their cheers are for King of Estajiack, His Majesty Narvei.

I was relieved when I saw his majesty wiped his tears and took a deep breath. He then continued with a louder voice, I can clearly see his eyes flickering as tears still lingers in there. After he finished his speech, all of us soldiers, In perfect synchrony stomped our steel covered feet. The crowd surrounding us cheered then his majesty conjured a large ball of flame that shot up to the sky and lighting up everything, Followed by the magician's smaller yet many ball of flames.

After a while the king backed off and we were left in the castle grounds, I looked around and noticed that the entire wall surrounding the castle are filled with Yellow banners of the kingdom. Banners that consist of 4 Blue colored Triangles and their tips holding eachother forming a cross and the king's crown in the middle. My eyes stopped flying around and then I noticed that silence reigned over the entire castle, and everyone stood there for a couple of minutes until the commander of the entire division ordered us to rally outside the castle for a feast that the king held for us and the people. All of the soldiers shouted "Hurrah!!" as feasts like this is rare and expensive.

After we arrived outside, The smoke and delicious aroma of the food blew our noses off, many can't hold it anymore and broke formation only to meet a strong kick from the captains. Many laughed at the unfortunate soldiers but I only stood there in the queue thinking 'What is it that the king is planning?'.

I have been serving the crown and the kingdom for 20 years now since I was 15, feasts like this only happened a couple of times and a week after that many died from the following battles, I am loyal to the crown and the kingdom, But if 'that' happens again, My loyalty might be challenged.

My thoughts came to pause when a beautiful lady, who seems to be a maid, Her face isn't that of your ordinary lady. She handed me the plate that's filled with roasted meat and bread, with a bowl of soup.

The smell is so good that I considered not looking for a place to eat and just eat it on the spot, But that'd be unbecoming of me a Royal Knight especially in front of a beautiful lady. As such I walked around to find a place to settle in and after a couple of minutes I found a grassy leveled area near the castle walls, so I decided to settle in there.

There I ate and enjoyed the rare meat in my mouth, I ate it slowly as to savor the Sweetness of the meat that has a little hint of spiciness and salt in it. The bread was bland but the texture was crispy, and it feels like it melts in the mouth. Dipping it in the Salty soup makes it flavorful which I find new.

"Damn, my little version would be happy with only this bread alone, and yet I am here eating it with soup and meat." I said to myself.

I was just a poor, hungry, homeless, orphaned child when I was saved by the crowned prince which is now the king. I was given a home in the form of the barracks, a family in the form of the soldiers, food and a wage similar to that of a trainee. I would've been dead if not for the king.

I trained hard, I became strong and loyal to the crown. The time came when the king died of an illness, the crown prince took over his position, and then I was chosen in the new Royal Knights Division. For years I've killed for the king my loyalty is as strong as ever until that accident happen.

I thought about it for a few minutes, and looked to the sun that is almost beyond the horizon, I looked down into my hand and clenched it.

"Hah!, so dumb of me doubting my savior."

After my remark to myself, a large explosion rattled the entire capital.


(A Young Man's POV)

"Hoh, It's been 6 years huh?" I asked to my friend beside me. He's a tall man, Same age as I am, 19.

We've trained and fought together for 6 years, we're practically veterans.

"This war is only going to get bloodier." He said, I looked up into the night sky. I really can't deny that, Askapiijia has been at war with various nations and kingdoms for 4 years now, To be called Humanity's Bastion seems far fetched though, But we are practically holding on for peace on this continent so I don't think it's a bad name.

"Well, That means we'll just have to be more careful not to die." I said to him, My glance focused on his blue eyes permeated with it's purple hue that's complimenting his messy long ginger hair.

"Haaahhh?! Say that to yourself!" His face filled with disagreement after what I stated. This man is pretty prideful, though after being with him for 6 years and having many various near death encounters with him on that entire time, I feel like this dude's emotions and reactions are faked.

"Hey! What's up with you? I'm just saying it as your friend y'know? It's better to be more careful and not die, It's not like you'll save me." Im sure he'll just reject my claim as being friends, But whatever.

"Hah! You got that wrong friend!! You won't die if you're with me!" Damn that took me off guard, He has clenched his fist that held it up to his chest and his first smile to me after months is actually more annoying that what I expected.

"You prideful piece of—"

"Clain, What are you doing talking to yourself?!"

I forgot we're on a formation and the captain is talking.

"Nothing sir!" I said loudly.

"I didn't hear ye!!" The tall bulky bald man shouted, His right eye is on eye-patch and there are many scars on his face. His face alone is scary not to mention his deadly aura.

"Nothing sir!!!!" I yelled as loudly as I possibly can, and then the captain continued to talk about something. I took a glance on the man beside me, he was holding off his laugh, while his eyes are locked on me.

'You piece of shit!! Just wait up later and I'll strangle you till you tear up!!' I thought while sliding my fingers to my neck.

After a few minutes of talking, The captain ended the meeting and let us all go back to our tents. I sat down taking my sword out of its sheath and started wiping it.

"You surely almost got the medicine of Scolding." My friend remarked, Slightly annoying me while I continued wiping my sword.

"Hah, It should've been you in the first place." I said, Not even taking a look at him, solely focusing on my sword.

"I see that your brain is as shiny as your sword." He said, lightly knocking my head with his bruiseful right hand.

"Hey, Watch your mouth, I know what that means!!" I raised my head and looked at him.

"Oh you do? Good for you then." He walked back outside, leaving me alone in the tent as if I'm one of his victims.

"Just because you're called The merciless maniac doesn't mean you can be like that to your friend." I mumbled to myself.

He's a very hard person to come by now, We only see eachother on meetings, and usually if lucky on tents. That guy is pretty prideful, Power hungry, and a heartless trash, But sometimes he's funny, kind and has a great sense of humor.

Sometimes I thought to myself what is his real identity, it even lead me deeper. I once foraged on the captain's log book to see who this guy I call "My Friend" really is but I totally found nothing.

As I pondered in thoughts, I remembered what he does every night whenever we arrive in a new area.

'He's gone out the tent, I'm sure he'll go to the forest and mercilessly and effortlessly eliminate all of the monsters.' I can only sigh,

"He's a total trash." I said.

But even with his personality, I caught him once in a forest when we were patrolling, He was down on his knees, Crying. Although there's no sound, I can hear him mention "Mother" again and again.

Who really are you? Even your name, I don't even know your name.

Just who are you? Really.


(A God's POV)

'Hm, This should be good enough, I think.' I thought to myself, I've been writting this for 3 hours now and yet I'm still not satisfied.

After a couple of minutes contemplating, I felt a strong presence coming, Though it's a presence strong enough to make people in multiple nations kneel at once, I didn't waver.

Then large gust of wind came through the window, hitting my back.

'Oh dear, what a cool nice air.' I rejoiced the cold night autumn air, but it was cut off.

"Master" A large chested woman, Dressed in blue, her eyes shimmering in the dark. I cannot fully see her face, only her bright eyes and the weak hue of her white hair. She kneeled on the window with her back against the bright moon. I know who she is.

I only viewed her with the glass of wine I had on my table.

"You're back?" I said, while I continued writting.

"Yes master." She said with her soft yet lady-like voice.

"Then, what about the task I gave you?" I turned my head towards her and left out mana flood.

She flinched immediately while trying to say something.

"I-I've F-f-fulfilled it, M-master." Her hands are still on the ground and she didn't use it to cover her nose and mouth.

"Good, Write all of your finds on a paper, and send it my way, I'm currently busy." My eyes that turned red returned to its normal black color. I once again looked back on my work and continued writting, She was already long gone before I had the time to look back on my work.

Even though it's midnight I still recieved the paper where she wrote all of her findings. It was delivered to me by my butler. A tall man with a white hair, If looks really defined age then we would be the same age, maybe 70 years old or so.

After taking it from the butler and I immediately made my way to sit down on the chair I've been sitting since the last 7 Hours. I opened the scroll immediately and read the context.

'hm, Interesting. An underdog figthing against a nation a dozen times it's size? How many years has it been since the last time this happened?'

I can see myself in the mirror of my room, I really am grinning and thought. 'I should get rid of this hobby.'

"Aianne." I said in a low whisper. Then a bright light lit up my bed chambers and the same woman a little while ago appeared.

I want you to check on this underdog's military might, soldiers and technology. Compare them to your findings about the rouge nation who still sought expansion."

"With pleasure master." The woman immediately disappeared. I released all my seals that has been keeping my aura to a bare minimum.

"HAHAHAHA!!!" My aura was released and I felt all presence around me shivering in fear, My happiness and excitement can't be more greater than this.

My aura became poisonous for everything around me if they became overdosed, I laughed there like a maniac, a red hue of mist circled me. My aura then became weaker.

"Oi Gramps, Chill out will ya? You're scaring the entire planet." A man with a crop top hairstyle and a military attire said to me while he entered my room like it was nothing.

"Oh, Young one. What brought you here?" My aura equalized by his, His red eyes didn't suit his brown hair at all.

"Just look at your self, You look like a maniac... Oh rather you're already a maniac, And young one? Im literally 1,400 years old!!" His face became filled with annoyance.

"HAHA! Whatever kiddo, you've got long ways to go." I waved him goodbye and opened up the portal that connected his realm to mine and transported him back to his.

"Mehh, what a kill joy." I mumbled to myself.

Im just 15 Years old... don't down me, I'm just learning Lol.

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