
Prolog: avallum

In a world of the mystical where humans lived with elves gnomes vampires and more. there Once lived a legend knows as avallum a place that has been rumored to be able to make your deepest wishes come true. Humans as humans are they seek it to wish for power money and other things of their agenda. Unfortunately most give uo as they had no clue of how to get to avallum. So many people yet one certain pirate dared not give up.

One pirate named Gale Gallion. He was a human who was determined to find avallum he wished for the world to get along for all species human elves and others alike could just have fun and smile each and every day an admirable goal with an admirable heart Gale was determined to reach his goal no matter the cost.

One day on his ship he received a note. A letter. He opened the letter to see a writing 'Dear sir Gallion I write to you with a purpose of telling you that I might just have some leads onto what you may need to reach avallum. Come to the forest of nazelia and I'll show you what you need to reach avallum. Bring the crystal that is shaped like a star that is seen on your Jacket on the posters I saw I do hope you will come I will wait for no longer than 5 days from when I sent this message should you come search for a white haired elf with yellow eyes near the the center of the villiage - ~~~~~~~ floros' the letter states yet it showed no name only the last name Gale ponders "hm...floros I feel like I heard that name before oh well! As long as I can get some new leads all right time to go to the forest of nazelia!" Gale says excited as he sets sail

It took 2 days since nazelia was quite far from where Gale's was but it was fine. As the boat finally hit shore he landed and started walking to the direction of the nearest billiage in the nazelia forest. Gale kept walking and found a old ruin he thought he could raid it quickly and so he reached out to open the door when a face suddenly appears in the door. The door eyes glowed yellow and looked at Gale "who are you" the door says, Gale who got scared and pulled out his big sword maybe more so a claymore in shock "what in the seven seas are you!" Gale says in a wary tone. The door then says "I'm simply the guardian of this ruin answer my question and you may pass, Gale calmed down and noded "sure shoot it" gale says, the door looks Gale up and down before telling the question "elasmobranch fish characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton, five to seven gill slits on the sides of the head, and pectoral fins that are not fused to the head. what is it" the door says, Gale smirks knowing the answer almost instantly "easy shark" Gale proudly and confidently says. The door then answers "correct you may go in" the door opens letting Gale loot the treasure.

After that detour Gale kept on walking until he finally reaches the villiage.

avallum but with more lore by the small bit of lore we gotten so far

Astrid_Ronicreators' thoughts