
Soft lady boss

"you little slut don't ever call my boyfriend's line again...........I just used you when I had issues with my girlfriend,I do not love you and I advise you not to call my line again........",John warned . "since you entered the university, you have been behaving strangely and depriving me of sex ...we can't be together let's break up....."Conner told Jesy. "I am pregnant for you..",Jesy said to Felix. "please don't disturb my sleep, you deal with your problem yourself and don't ever call my line again.."Felix replied and hung up the call................. "choose between me and your best friend....",Jesy told Emerald. "am sorry but we can't continue together, I feel pressured and I am not ready to be committed to anyone....let's be friends", Emerald suggested.. "it's me time, have had enough of pain in my life ,it's time to pave way for joy to enter my life ........",Jesy finally decided. This book is more of fiction and little bit of a true life story about Jesy a young girl, who fell in love very early in life, she was betrayed by her first love and several other guys in her early youth, determined to make it in life ,she shuts the gate of love ,will this gate be opened later on, and will she fulfill her dream of becoming a lady boss.....

Ladyboss15 · perkotaan
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6 Chs

3. GCE lesson

Good morning sir Martin,Jesy greeted as she entered into the school she usually attends lesson.

Good morning Jesy, how was your night? sir Martin replied as he opened the door to his office to collect his teaching aids.

What's up guys, good morning,Jesy greeted her classmates, am fine Donald replied, while the rest just hummed their responses whilst returning to their group chats,Jesy ,once again felt alone in the world, feeling depressed,she laid her head on the desk and dosed off awaiting her teacher.

Good morning students,the teacher greeted, good morning sir the students replied in a chorused manner. Today our topic is on .....

Mummy good morning,Jesy greeted her mum as she entered her room to take off her clothing and drop her school bag.

morning my daughter,her mum replied back ,there's food in the kitchen o,warm the rice and share the last meat in the pot into two, leave one part for your younger brother, am going to church, we have women general meeting, her mum instructed as she stood in the mirror tying her women meeting head tie.

Ok mum,Jesy replied.


Daddy , school is resuming next week Monday, this is the list of books for this term,Jesy said to her dad as she stretched out the piece of paper to him and stood beside him like a statue barely breathing due to fear.

Ok, give it to me ,I will look at it later, let me go and have my bath first please, besides I don't have the money to buy the all the books at once o, it's little by little I will be buying them,you know it's you and your younger brother that's in that school, Jesy's dad told her. Did you people put water in the kettle for me?I want to bathe o ,today's work was so stressful,my waist is aching me,he added.

Yes ,there's water,I wanted to use it to bathe before ,but you can use it to bathe,Jesy's younger brother, favourite replied.

After, remind me favourite,to give you money to buy me acetaminophen, Jesy's dad said.

Yes sir, favourite replied and entered into the kitchen to turn the water for the father of the house to bathe.

Where's my mum? Jesy's dad asked them.

Mum went to church , women have general meeting today,your food is in your white flask , should I dish it out for you?Jesy asked.

Ok ,don't worry, I will eat it from the flask, hope you people have eaten o?her dad asked them

Yes we have eaten, Jesy replied.

And you are satisfied?,her dad asked again.

Yes daddy,Jesy and favourite choruses.


Good evening ma, Jesy's mum greeted their neighbour that was fetching water from the well in their compound. So this children did not sweep this verandah, see how dirty it is, this children eh..... Jesy!!!!!!!!!her mum called out angrily.

Ma!!!!!!!!!!!!!,Jesy answered shouting on top of her lungs to outshine the rain drops that were falling heavily.

Can't you see that this place is flooded, must I tell you first before you do the right thing,you don't know you are a girl o, Jesy's mum complained.

Sorry mum, Jesy pleaded not in the mood to argue or defend her wrong doings like she normally do. Jesy picked the room and went outside to sweep the water out of the verandah.

Is favourite in this house?Jesy's mum called out.

Am inside o mummy, favourite replied her.

And you could not come out to greet me or say welcome to me,her mum complained. As a good child you have to greet your parents when they come back from somewhere and help them carry their things, it's not only when they bring something for you ,you act coquettishly and very good ,be welcoming at all times ,their mum counselled them .

Mercy!!! Mercy!!! Jesy's dad called out .

Sir !!!! Her mum replied ,

Take this 1000naira use it to do small stew that will last us even if it's only two days it's something.



Jesy has shown me the list of books for this session, Jesy's dad told her mum as he washed his hands in the bowl of water that was served to him by his wife. We will just buy their notebooks first then mathematics and English textbook for each of them,it's the school fees am more concerned with, he added.

Let's do it that way then,as for the school fees of favourite ,I will pay it. I will meet the bursar of the school to deduct it from my salary,her mother said.


Jesy come and collect your books, where's your brother,her mum asked her as she arranged their books on the brown table.

He went to buy groundnut for dad from mama gift, Jesy replied her.

Mummy, you bought GCE past questions for me Jesy asked as she flipped the book pages over and over excitedly.

Yes ,you know it's next term you will write GCE ,I want to register you in another lesson but ,this time it's going to be a private teacher for chemistry and physics,her mum replied her.

Thanks mum,I really appreciate all you do for us despite your not having enough for yourself,Jesy said .


You are shining o,you have added flesh ,this holiday is good for you o ,Sharon told Jesy, hugging her like if she didn't she would die.

It's God o, it's not like I ate too much, Jesy replied her,so what class are you joining ,art or science?, she asked Sharon.

Am joining science class for sure, I heard you writing GCE ,is it true? Sharon asked her.

Yes, just want to try myself if ,am ready for waec,Jesy replied her and went to her seat quietly.

Guess who's going to be our form teacher?......


Good morning students, sir Tony greeted his new students wondering in his mind who would be his best student in their set.

Good morning sir,the students chorused as they brought out their books and textbooks.

Today's topic is on geometry.....

Jesy , Peter called out.

Yes ,Jesy replied as she kept walking to the canteen to get herself snacks.

Why are you walking fast ?Peter asked her.

Am not walking fast, please leave my hand am hungry, just want to get little snacks to eat,Jesy replied him as she struggled to free herself from his grip.

Let's go together ,will buy you some snacks, Peter said.

It's seems Peter has a crush on me o,Jesy thought in her mind as she blushed but ,she quickly got hold of her emotions as she remembered what John did to her and her goal that must be accomplished.

Ok you can buy me snacks if you wish to, Jesy replied.

My pleasure,Peter answered back smiling sheepishly.


I saw you and your guy o,sir Peter teased Jesy.

Which guy?Jesy asked.

You are denying him now o, but I saw you both with my eyes playing cat and rat,sir Peter told her.

Oooooooooooo,are you talking about Peter? We don't have anything o,he's just my classmate,I don't care if he has a crush on me or not ,I just have one goal and that's to build myself to become a lady boss, Jesy replied back as she stood up to go back to her class from sir Peter's office.

Sir Peter did not reply her, he just smiled as if knowing she was just bluffing.

Stop that face,am really serious and I will appreciate it ,if, you people stop calling him my guy,you of all people know what happened to me when, I gave my heart to that idiot John,Jesy replied with a sad face.

Sir Peter picked up his lesson note ,I understand my dear, and I trust you will fulfill your goals, because you are one hell of a determined girl,any thing you want you always work and strive until you get it.

From Jesy lesson, I learnt that most people are purely haters, see when she greeted her classmates some answered ,others just snubbed , people won't always like you that's life.

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