
So We Meet Again, Dear Ex-Husband

Natalia Lane had everything she ever wanted. A husband that loved her, a comfortable life. The only thing she was missing that she wanted was a family of her own. What happens when her world comes crashing down at the same time she receives the most shocking news of her life? Natalia faces trials that threaten her happiness as she also lives a secret life. The past comes back to add fuel to the fire as she tries to balance being a single mother and being the successor to her fathers multimillion dollar Record company. Will her protective brothers allow her to follow her heart?

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68 Chs

Chapter 31

I walk in the door and see Tucker sitting in the window seat that I used to sit at when I was younger. Something about the room and being surrounded by my moms paintings put me in a calm state. Apparently Tucker feels the same way since this is his go to spot now as well.

"Tucker, it's mommy and daddy. Can we come join you?" I ask him as Christopher steps beside me as we look at him. At the sound of my voice, he turns his head towards us and my heart breaks. There are tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes are red from crying. I quickly walk over to him and engulf him in my arms. "It will be okay, little prince."

I feel him shake his head in denial as he clings to me. "No it won't. Uncle Gray hurt daddy."

Christopher kneels down beside us as he places a hand on Tucker. His little head pulls back and he launches himself at Christopher without a second thought. Christopher holds him to him for a moment before pulling him away and having him sit on the window seat again.