
So We're Co-Owners of a Magic Shop?!

In a world where the strong reign supreme, two orphan siblings with no magic affinity are doomed to be left behind by the times of change. An overly protective brother must push against those who oppress him in order to steel from those more powerful and feed his sister. One fateful encounter later, both siblings receive a deed to a magic store and an overpowered system. They must work in a store training pets, brewing potions, forging weapons, and more; all in an attempt to rise from the pits of society and rule above all.

Bret_Desanti · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 14

We stepped into the greenhouse and looked around, in total there were 8 crop plots. 1 was currently being used by the Fire Lily but, it still had room for other crops. The greatest limiting factor was, while multiple plants could be grown in one crop plot, they had to be of the same type. For example, the Fire Lily's crop plot was improved to be the best growing environment for it. So other plants of the fire type, would also likely grow stronger in this environment.

"What plants do you need for the potion? I'll be sure to prioritize those," I asked Phoebe.

"The healing potion requires, Turkey Tail Mushrooms, Blood Root, Fire Lily, and the Blessed White Willow Bark; to improve its quality. This upon correct concoction, will result in a Healing Potion of the Apprentice. For the Stamina Potion I need, Cordyceps Mushroom, Thyme, Rose Stems, and Ginkgo. Finally, for the magic potion, Ice Lily, Mana Drops, and Cordyceps Mushroom. We should have collected all of these in the forest," Phoebe briefly listed the materials for each potion she needed to complete her quest.

"Okay go ahead and hand them to me I'll plant them to the best of my ability. The cordyceps mushroom are relatively small, so I should be able to fit more in the plot. I'll plant 4 of them since their used in multiple potions," I said while reaching out to collect the plants.

Phoebe removed the crops from her inventory and handed them to me, as I received a notification.

{Quest Complete: Alaric: Gather 5 different plants of various uses to grow in the greenhouse}

{Reward for completing quest: Magic Tome, shop employee selection}

{Due to Host having an Affinity for all magic elements, Mana Manipulation Tome has been selected. Please select your employee from the given choices.}

As this notification appeared in my vision, I appeared in the same white space we had first arrived in. "What?! Affinity for all elements?! Is that even possible?! I had no affinity when they checked?! What's going on?!"

{The magic association uses a primitive means to check human affinity. While it is effective when someone has one affinity, if someone has an affinity for all elements it will appear grey}

"Wait so that means Phoebe had an affinity for all elements as well?!" I couldn't help thinking of Phoebe who had been looked down on by our own parents.

{No, Host Phoebe's elemental affinity is for water} The system responded with little emotion.

"Then why did the crystal appear grey for her?" I was getting more and more confused.

{Please select employee}


I finally payed attention to my surroundings at this moment. In front of me was a long line of different people and animals. "This is gonna take a while," I couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of people.

I walked to the first person in line. She was a tall girl, roughly 5'7 with long legs and black hair, she had bright purple eyes and small cat ears; but, the thing that really caught my attention was the maid costume she was wearing. There was no way I would choose her with Phoebe around.

I continued checking down the line of people. While not everyone was as drastic as the first it still felt slightly awkward "checking each person out" all so I could have an employee. The one upside was none of them moved. It was like they were statues showing no emotion or movement at all.

Some of the animals in line drew my attention as well. Mainly due to my curiosity, 'How could an animal be an employee?' I immediately pictured a dog grabbing a beer from a fridge. I moved past them, shaking my head. Finally, I came up to a person with pointed ears, they were roughly 6 inches tall. She was small with a delicate waist who, despite her extremely small size, looked to be in her early 20's, she had short blonde hair which stopped at her shoulders, and a green dress which seemed to be made of a leaf.

{Wood Elf: Due to their familiarity with nature, Wood Elfs are inept at controlling plants and helping them to grow. They spend most of their free time caring for plants and animals, which protect her due to the spiritual mana that is constantly released from her body. With this release, plants and animals are directly affected, promoting their growth and bringing out their primal bloodlines}

I facepalmed. 'How could I forget about the inspect… the only reason it triggered here was because I had been observing the elf so closely, given her small size. Sometimes I really feel like an idiot'.

With the description provided, it seemed to be an easy choice. I directly chose the Wood Elf.

{Please choose a name for your Employee}

"Doesn't she already have a name?" I couldn't help feeling this whole process was weird.

{Employee selection is based on creatures that appear throughout the universe but, are directly created by Jericho}

"Okay… I guess she can be named Bell," I couldn't help praising my name choosing skills, which were very original.

Upon making my decision I directly teleported back into the shop. "What happened? Why did you suddenly disappear?" Phoebe asked from the same position I had left her in.

"I finished my quest,"

"Oh… I guess it didn't count as I had been the one collecting them. Wait? Who's this?" Phoebe responded while gesturing to my side.

As I turned to look I heard a response. "I'm Bell, its a pleasure to work with you. I was selected by lord Alaric to work in the shop," a small girl the size of a soda can responded.

"Oh… I wasn't aware you had this sort of hobby, brother," Phoebe responded while glaring at me.

"What?! No you have it wrong, I chose her because she can help directly with the greenhouse!" I quickly explained myself.

"And you always have your employees call you lord?" she scoffed.