
So this is what's like to transmigrate?

After a hurricane there was a heatwave. Then there was the voice in her head telling her she only had a few minutes to pick 5 things before she was transmigrated to another world. So what does she pick? A purse A cellphone Her Cat A Tenticle Kitty IT plush toy Her diary When she wakes up she is a baby, and NOT a human one either. Wasn't she only supposed to be transmigrated? Why the reincarnation? Why this species? What's going on? [Welcome to Teragaian] ******* Hello everyone, this is my very first Webnovel on here. As you can probably tell I'm not a gamer so my system story telling will seem a bit off until I perfect it, so I hope you give me a pass until then. Disclaimers: 1. The cover will be added later I'm trying to get it commissioned or to just draw it out myself. 2. There will naturally be some errors within my story. I will do my best to proof read before updating my chapters but if I happen to miss something let me know so I can fix it. 3. Since I'm new to this I'm trying to push out at least 1~3 ch / day. Please though don't hate me if I don't reach those expectations, I'm only human. 4. As I'm still writing / developing this story my synopsis is what it is until I have more to reveal. The romantic content of the story is the same as well, I've not reached that point yet so I've not labeled it. When I do I'll make sure to update here accordingly. Again thank you for checking my story out. = ^. ^=

Atg036Succubus · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs

Spiked Devil Bear

"I'm fine little mate. We were just eating first before we brought back the rest for you two."

Shadows voice finally sounded in my head calming my nerves.

'Please next time can you not wait too long to answer? I was worried.' The familiar chuckle resounded through my head along with a soothing feeling.

It almost felt like a hug. 'Huh didn't know we could do that.' The warm feeling soon faded and was replaced with anxiety. Anxiety? My Detection suddenly went off causing the hair on the back of my neck to prickle.

"Raji we need to get into the air somethings coming, quick!" I whispered shouted as I unfurled my wings and took off.

Raji was right behind me, we both hovered there a good 7ft off the ground looking down trying to see what it was.

Soon something BIG came crashing through the trees. 'What in the world was that?!?' It looked like a bear on steroids. Red fur with black spines going down it's back, it even had an extra pair of arms! The bear had three eyes all of them gold and fixated at us hovering above it.

"Raji ~" I began but I hadn't needed too. We both flew a good 5ft higher.

Where our legs had just been the bear snapped it's jaws on air. I hadn't even seen it move from it's initial position! This monster was fast!

[Spiked Devil Bear]

[Level 55]

[Type: Magical Beast Bronz tier]

[Hp 15000 / 15000]

[Attack 800]

[Defense 700]

[Agility 300]


{Spike Launch (lvl 13)} {Stealth Gold tier (lvl 5)} {Camouflage Silver tier (lvl 5)} {Bite (lvl 20)} {Claw (lvl 20)} {Perelizing eyes (lvl 20)}

As Debs voice finished I had a bad premonition 'She said spike launch...'

"Raji look out it can launch its spikes! We need to get to cover." Grabbing his arm I pulled him towards the trees. "Even though we will be on the ground our agility isn't good enough to dodge mid flight."

Not soon after we dove I felt Detection go off and then a bunch of whistling projectiles were flying where we had just been. The Spiked Devil Bear roared in anger.

'Shadow ~' my thought was cut short by the herd howling and launching themselves at the Spiked Devil Bear.

Altia and Shadow were attacking it with their powers head on while the others were hassling it from the sides. The damn bear was not having it. It let lose its spike launch which ended up impaling some of the herd, a few even had fatal injuries.

'I wanted to help, I needed to help... wait I could try blasting it with some fire magic. I also had Call of Nature too.'

"Raji I'm going to go help do you have any magic that can also be used against that thing?" I asked while releasing his hand and turning back towards the battle.

"Well I have some water magic, and some fire as well ~" He paused then added, "let's go help our friends."

As we both sped back towards the Spiked Devil Bear I felt my agility increasing.

[Agility has leveled up!]

[Agility has leveled up!]

[Agility has leveled up!]

[Agility has leveled up!]

[Agility 94 -> 98]

Reaching out my hands I cast Flame advanced tier 1 at the Spike Devil Bears eyes causing it to roar in pain.

[Hp 900 / 15000]

I pushed more flames this time I aimed specifically towards it's mouth.

[Hp 600 / 15000]

'Man I was only doing so much damage.' Besides me Rajis own flames started to rain down on it.

[Hp 500 / 15000]

' Well that answered one question I had on my mind. His flames weren't as strong but they still did a good amount of damage. '

The Spike Devil Bear was outraged and blind now. It started swiping out with all it's paws trying to hit one of us. Shadow and Altia dodged them easily and latched onto two of it's arms. Two more Fox Deer grabbed it's other arms, while another pair grabbed its legs.

"Now finish it! " Shadows voice commanded through our link.

"Raji hit it with as much fire as you can!" I yelled as I poured more mana into the next burst of flames I called forth.

[Hp 300 / 15000]

[Hp 100 / 15000]

[Hp 80 / 15000]

Raji was panting, sweat was trickling down his forehead. "I'm out of mana, I can't anymore." Lowering his arms his wings falterd mid air.

"Go land, I got this."

[Hp 60 / 15000]

[Hp 40 /15000]

[Hp 20 / 15000]

[Hp 0 / 15000]

The Spiked Devil Bear let out one final roar before it collapsed. It was dead, finally.

[Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!]

[Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!][Flame advanced tier 1 has leveled up!]

[Flame advanced tier 1 (lvl 5 -> 20 Max)

[Flame advanced tier 2 (lvl 5)


[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[Level 16 -> 26]

[Status Points +300]

[Skill Points +300]

'Well then I guess we are having bear for lunch.'

Shadow laughed out loud, his tired laughter soon was echoed by the rest of the herd as everyone just slumped down and relaxed after a battle well fought.